Clasificación TI-RADS de los nódulos tiroideos en base
a una escala de puntuación modificada con respecto a
los criterios ecográficos de malignidad
Autor: J. Fernández Sánchez
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Objetivo: El sistema de catalogación de los nódulos tiroideos (NT) TI-RADS (Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System), propuesto por Horvath et al. en 2009, se utiliza poco. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar una modificación en la escala de puntos con respecto a los criterios ecográficos de malignidad para conseguir una mejor aplicación de esta clasificación en la práctica diaria.
Materiales y métodos: Se han clasificado 3650 NT con base en una escala de puntuación de posible malignidad. Se definieron los criterios ecográficos sospechosos de malignidad, de acuerdo con los estudios publicados y las directrices de diversas sociedades médicas internacionales. A cada criterio se le asignó un punto para la escala final de probabilidad de malignidad del NT, a˜nadiendo otro cuando se detectaba un ganglio linfático cervical sospechoso.
Resultados: La puntuación de todos los nódulos tiroideos benignos (TI-RADS 2) o probablemente benignos (TI-RADS 3) fue cero. En el grupo TI-RADS 3 sólo un 2,2% de los NT fueron malignos. La escala de puntos de TI-RADS 4a, 4b y 4c fue, respectivamente, de uno, dos y tres-cuatro puntos, con una incidencia de malignidad del 9,5%, 48% y 85%. Los nódulos tiroideos TI-RADS 5 tuvieron cinco o más puntos, con un 100% de malignidad en este estudio.
Conclusión: Una clasificación TI-RADS basada en una escala de puntuación acorde al número de criterios ecográficos sospechosos de malignidad definidos es útil y puede aplicarse en la práctica diaria.
Palabras clave: Nódulo tiroideo; TI-RADS; Ecografía; Gammagrafía tiroidea.
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Objective: The classification system of the thyroid nodules (TN) TI-RADS (Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System)
proposed by Horvath et al. in 2009 is rarely used. The aim of this study was to evaluate a score modified according to ultrasound (US) criteria for malignancy in order to obtain a better application of this classification in daily practice.
Materials and methods: 3650 TNs were classified according to a score of potential malignancy. US criteria for suspected malignancy were defined according to published studies and guidelines from various medical international societies.
Each criterion was assigned a point for the final score of malignant probability of the TN. If suspected cervical lymph
nodes were detected, a point was added.
Results: The score in all benign (TI-RADS 2) or probably benign (TI-RADS 3) thyroid nodules was zero. In the TI-RADS
3 group only 2.2% of the TNs were malignant. The scores of TI-RADS 4a, 4b and 4c were one, two and three to four points, respectively. The malignancy rates were 9.5%, 48% and 85%, respectively. TI-RADS 5 TN had a score of five or more points with a malignancy of 100% in this study.
Conclusion: A TI-RADS classification based on a score according to the number of suspicious US criteria defined for
malignancy can be applied in daily practice.
Keywords: Thyroid nodule; TI-RADS; Ultrasound; Thyroid scintigraphy.
La ecografía Doppler en la detección de invasión
vesical en la placenta percreta: nuestra experiencia
Autores: P. García Saraví, N.K. Patiño, M.L. Juana, J. Mariano, E. Reyna y R. Tizzano
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Demostrar la utilidad de la ecografía Doppler en la detección de la invasión vesical en el percretismo placentario.
Materiales y métodos:
Se evaluó por ecografía, desde noviembre de 2011 hasta mayo de 2013,a 21 pacientes de entre 20 y 44 años que tenían diagnóstico quirúrgico e histopatológico de acretismo placentario (AP).
Se consideró invasión vesical a la presencia de estructuras vasculares parietales en la evaluación Doppler color, mientras que se estableció como probable invasión a la presencia de otros hallazgos ecográficos sin señal Doppler.
De las 21 pacientes con acretismo placentario, 7 presentaron afectación vesical en el examen histopatológico: 5 tuvieron diagnóstico e informe ecográfico de invasión vesical (por la detección de estructuras vasculares en la evaluación Doppler color) y en las 2 restantes se planteó una probable afectación. De las 14 pacientes sin afectación vesical en el resultado histopatológico, hubo 7 con informes normales en la ecografía y 7 con resultados probables.
La ecografía Doppler es un método muy útil para la detección de la invasión vesical en el percretismo placentario. Esta se observa con una vascularización parietal positiva en el Doppler color.
Palabras clave: Placenta acreta; Placenta percreta; Ecografía.
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Abstract Purpose:
To demonstrate the usefulness of Doppler ultrasound in the detection of bladder invasion in cases of placenta percreta.
Materials and methods:
Twenty-one patients, aged 20-44 years old, with surgical and histopathological diagnosis of placenta accreta were evaluated by ultrasound between November 2011 and May 2013. The presence of increased vascularity on the bladder wall on Doppler ultrasound was classified as bladder invasion,
while the presence of other sonographic findings on grayscale imaging with negative Doppler signal was classified as probable invasion.
Of the 21 patients included in the study with placenta accreta, 7 had bladder invasion on histopathological examination. Out of these 7, 5 had a diagnosis and ultrasound report of bladder invasion (due to the identification of vascular structures on color Doppler examination) and the remaining two were considered to have probable invasion. Of the 14 patients with no bladder invasion detected on histopathological examination, 7 had normal ultrasound reports and 7 were reported as probable invasion.
Doppler ultrasound is a very reliable method for the detection of bladder invasion in placenta percreta, seen as increased vascularity of the uterine-bladder interface on color Doppler examination.
Key Words: Placenta accret; placenta percreta; ultrasound.
Hidroenema TC: Utilidad e indicaciones en la práctica cotidiana
Autores: Dra. V. Braggio, Dra. C. Marenco, Dra. M. Miranda, Dr. A. Mourglia
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El hidroenema TC es una técnica hibrida que que combina un agente de contraste negativo administrado por vía endorectal e imágenes de abdomen y pelvis de alta resolución adquiridas preferentemente con un tomógrafo multidetector y tras la administración de contraste endovenoso. El doble contraste que forman las interfases que se producen por la hipodensidad del agua en la luz, la pared del colon con tinción tras la administración de contraste endovenoso y la hipodensidad de la grasa pericolonica permiten la detección de pequeños engrosamientos tumorales. Las indicaciones actuales de dicha técnica son la búsqueda de un cáncer colónico en el caso de simatología digestiva después de una colonoscopía incompleta o en casos de contraindicaciones a la colonoscopía, el hallazgo inicial en tomografía de metástasis hepáticas, pacientes añosos o frágiles con sintomatología colónica y en evaluación pre-quirúrgica de un cáncer para realizar una estadificación clínica TNM. El rendimiento diagnóstico de este examen para el diagnóstico de una neoplasia se estima con una sensibilidad del 98,6% y un valor predictivo negativo de 99,1%. La estadificación pre-quirúrgica clínica TNM tiene una excelente sensibilidad.
Palabras clave: Hidroenema TC, cáncer colon, estadificación.
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Hydroenema CT is a hybrid that combines the administration of endorectal negative contrast agent and high resolution images of the abdomen and pelvis, acquired preferably with a multidetector CT scanner after intravenous contrast injection. The two interfaces produced by the low density of water into the lumne, the colon wall staining after intravenous contrast injection, and the low density of pericolonic fat form a double contrast that enables the detection of slight thickening of tumors. This technique is currently indicated to find colonic cancer after an incomplete colonoscopy; when there are contraindications to colonoscopy, in cases of TC initial findings of hepatic metastases; when elder patients present colonic symptoms; or in pre-surgical TNM clinical staging. The performance of this test for neoplasm diagnosis is estimated to have a sensitivy of 98,6% and a negative predictive value of 99,1%. Pre surgical TNM clinical staging also has an excellent sensitivy.
Key Words: Hydroenema CT, colonic cancer, staging.
Variantes anatómicas del Polígono de Willis por Angio-resonancia magnética
Autores: Irina Tolabín, Carlos Alberto Bertona, Juan José Bertona, Noelia Gribaudo
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Las Variantes Anatómicas (VA) del Polígono de Willis (PW) deben ser identificadas ya que su presencia es relevante en procedimientos quirúrgicos y por su asociación con aneurismas. La Angio-Resonancia Magnética (ARM) es un método no invasivo que permite identificarlas y determinar la forma con la que se presentan las Variantes Anatómicas del PW y subtipos, destacándose su utilidad en el estudio de las VA.
De un total de 190 pacientes, se observaron sin VA: 122(64%); con VA:68(36%). VA encontradas: Fenestración de ACoA:2 (3%). Duplicación de ACoA: 2(3%). ACA Ácigos: 3 (4%). Triple ACA: 1: (2%). Ausencia de A1:4 (6%). Bifurcación precoz de ACM: 3(4%).
Duplicación de ACoP: 1 (2%).Fenestración de ACP: 1(%). Origen fetal de ACP: 17(25%). Ausencia/hipoplasia de ACoP: 11(16%). Hipoplasia AICA/PICA: 15 (22%). Duplicación de ACS: 2(3%). Nacimiento conjunto de ACS+ACP: 2(3%). Trigeminal persistente: 4(6%).
La ARM cerebral es un excelente método para la detección de VAPW.
La variante mas frecuente fue el origen fetal de ACP.
Key Words: Polígono de Willis, arterias intracraneales, variantes anatómicas, angiografía, resonancia magnética, aneurismas.
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Abstract The Anatomical Variations (AV) of the Circle of Willis (CW) must be identified since their presence is relevant in surgical procedures and their association to aneurysms. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a noninvasive method that permits the identification and determination of the way in which the Anatomical Variations of the CW appear and their subtypes. There is emphasis in its usefulness for the study of AV.
From a total of 190 patients, 122 (64%) did not have AV; 68 (36%) had AV. AV found: Fenestration of ACoA: 2 (3%). Duplicaction of ACoA: 2 (3%). Azygos ACA: 3(4%). Trifurcated ACA: 1 (2%). Absence of A1: 4 (6%). Early bifurcation of MCA: 3 (4%). Duplication of PCoA: 1 (2%). Fenestration of PCA: 1 (1%). Fetal origin of PCA: 17 (25%).
Absense/Hypoplasia of PCoA: 11 (16%). AICA/PICA hypoplasia: 15 (22%). Duplication of SCA: 2(3%). Joint origin of SCA and PCA: 2(3%).Persistent primitive trigeminal artery: 4 (6%).
The Cerebral MRA is and excellent method for the detection of AV of the CW. The most frequent variation was the fetal origin of PCA.
Key Words: Circle of Willis, intracraneal arteries, anatomical variations, angiography, magnetic resonance, aneurysms.
Intervalos de referência para o volume da cisterna magna fetal
por meio do método bidimensional usando o modo multiplanar
da ultrassonografia tridimensional
Autores: Luciano Marcondes Machado Nardozza, Ana Paula Passos, Edward Araujo Júnior, Rafael Frederico Bruns,
Antonio Fernandes Moron
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Objetivo: Determinar intervalos de referência para o volume da cisterna magna fetal por meio do método bidimensional (2D) usando o
modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional.
Materiais e Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal com 224 gestantes normais entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas. O volume foi obtido automaticamente pela multiplicação dos três maiores eixos nos planos axial e sagital pela constante 0,52. Regressão polinomial foi
realizada para obter correlação entre o volume 2D da cisterna magna e a idade gestacional, sendo os ajustes realizados pelo coeficiente de deter-
minação (R2). Confiabilidade e concordância foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e limites de concordância.
Resultados: A média do volume da cisterna magna 2D variou de 0,71 ± 0,19 cm 3 para 4,18 ± 0,75 cm 3 entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas, respectivamente. Observou-se boa correlação do volume da cisterna magna fetal 2D e a idade gestacional (R2= 0,67). Observou-se excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador com CCI = 0,89 e limites de concordância 95% (–52,0; 51,8), respectivamente. Observou-se baixa confiabilidade e concordância interobservador com CCI = 0,64 e limites de concordância 95% (–110,1;84,6), respectivamente.
Conclusão: Intervalos de referência para o volume 2D da cisterna magna fetal usando o modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional foram determinados e apresentaram excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador.
Feto; Cisterna magna; Intervalos de referência; Ultrassonografia bidimensional; Ultrassonografia tridimensional.
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To establish reference intervals for the fetal cisterna magna volume by means of two-dimensional (2D) method using the multiplanar mode of three-dimensional ultrasonography.
Materials and Methods:
Cross-sectional study with 224 healthy pregnant women between the 17th and 29th gestational weeks. The volume was automatically obtained by multiplying the three major axes in axial and sagittal planes by the constant 0.52. Polynomial regression was utilized to establish the correlation between fetal cisterna magna volume and gestational age, with adjustments by coefficient of determination (R2). Reliability and agreement were obtained by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and limits of agreement, respectively.
Mean fetal cisterna volume with the 2D method ranged from 0.71 ± 0.19 cm 3 to 4.18 ± 0.75 cm 3 at the 17th and 29th weeks, respectively. The authors observed a good correlation between fetal cisterna magna volume and gestational age (R2= 0.67),excellent intraobserver reliability and agreement with ICC = 0.89 and limits of agreement 95% (–52.0; 51.8), respectively, and low interobserver reliability and agreement with ICC = 0.64 and limits of agreement 95% (–110.1; 84.6), respectively.
Reference intervals for fetal cisterna magna volume by means of 2D method using the multiplanar mode of three-dimensional ultrasonography were established and presented excellent intraobserver reliability and agreement.
Keywords: Fetus; Cisterna magna; Reference intervals; Two-dimensional ultrasonography; Three-dimensional ultrasonography.
Ressonância magnética multiparamétrica da próstata:
conceitos atuais
Autores: Leonardo Kayat Bittencourt, Daniel Hausmann, Natalia Sabaneeff, Emerson Leandro Gasparetto,
Jelle O. Barentsz
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O estudo por ressonância magnética multiparamétrica, ou funcional, vem evoluindo para se tornar o pilar fundamental no manejo diagnóstico de pacientes com câncer de próstata. Geralmente, o exame consiste em imagens pesadas em T2, difusão, realce dinâmico pelo contraste (permeabilidade), e cada vez menos frequentemente espectroscopia de prótons. Tais técnicas funcionais relacionam-se c ompropriedades biológicas do tumor, de modo que a difusão se relaciona com a celularidade e os escores de Gleason, a permeabilida
de se relaciona com a angiogênese, e a espectroscopia de prótons se relaciona com o metabolismo da membrana celular. O uso destas
técnicas em combinação aumenta a confiança diagnóstica e permite uma melhor caracterização do câncer de próstata. Este artigo t
emo objetivo de revisar e ilustrar os aspectos técnicos e as aplicações clínicas de cada componente do estudo de ressonância magn
ética multiparamétrica da próstata, mediante uma abordagem prática.
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Multiparametric MR (mpMR) imaging is rapidly evolving into the mainstay in prostate cancer (PCa) imaging. Generally, the examination consists of T2-weighted sequences, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) evaluation, and less often proton MR spectroscopy imaging (MRSI). Those functional techniques are related to biological properties of the tumor, so that DWI correlates to cellularity and Gleason scores, DCE correlates to angiogenesis, and MRSI correlates to cell membrane turnover. Th
e combined use of those techniques enhances the diagnostic confidence and allows for better characterization of PCa. The present article reviews and illustrates the technical aspects and clinical applications of each component of mpMR imaging, in a practical approach from the urological standpoint.
Lesiones gastrointestinales en trauma abdominal contuso en niños
Autores: Dres. Javiera Aguirre F
, Lizbet Pérez M
, Andrés Retamal C
, Cristian Medina S
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Resumen: El trauma es la principal causa de muerte en los pacientes pediátricos mayores de 1 año, siendo el trauma abdominal responsable del 10% de las causas de muerte. La lesión de víscera hueca es inferior al 1%, sin embargo, su mortalidad es del 20% en el caso de perforación intestinal. La tomografía computada es el método de elección en la identificación y cuantificación de las lesiones en trauma abdominal, dado su excelente rendimiento para lesiones de vísceras sólidas, con menor sensibilidad en lesiones de vísceras hue cas, por lo que en estas últimas es importante una alta sospecha clínica y análisis minucioso de las imágenes por parte de los radiólogos. Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de los hallazgos en pacientes pediátricos referidos a tomografía computarizada, con historia de trauma abdominal contuso. Los principales hallazgos en tomografía computada sugerentes de lesión de víscera hueca fueron: aire extraluminal, extravasación de medio de contraste, presencia de líquido libre intraperitoneal, coágulo centinela adyacente al asa comprometida y engrosamiento de la pared intestinal.
Palabras Clave:
Abdomen, Contusión, Intestino, Pediatría, Tomografía computarizada, Trauma, Víscera hueca.
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Abstract: Trauma is the leading cause of death in pediatric patients older than 1 year, with abdominal trauma accounting for 10% of causes of death. Hollow viscera injuries are less than 1%, however its mortality is 20% in the case of intestinal perforation. Computed tomography is the method of choice for the identification and quantification of abdominal trauma injuries, given its excellent performance for solid viscera injuries, with less sensitivity in hollow visceral injuries, so that in the latter a high clinical suspicion and thorough analysis of the images by radiologists is important. A retrospective review was conducted of the findings in pediatric patients, with a history of blunt abdominal trauma, referred to computed tomography. The main findings on computed tomography suggestive of hollow visceral injury were: extraluminal air, extravasation of contrast medium, the presence of free intraperitoneal fluid, sentinel clot adjacent to the affected loop and thickening of the bowel wall.
Key Words: Abdomen, Bruising, Computed tomography, Hollow viscera, Intestine, Pediatrics, Trauma.
Signos Radiológicos: El Signo de la Galaxia
Autores: Dres. Rodrigo Araya R
, Gonzalo Pérez O
, Devis Castro C
, Felipe Sánchez T
, Juan Carlos Díaz P
, Vivianne Agar F.
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Resumen: El signo de la galaxia representa una lesión tipo masa, compuesta por innumerables nódulos granulomatosos coalescentes, más concentrados en el centro que en la periferia. Inicialmente se describió en paciente con sarcoidosis, y se denominó el signo de la galaxia sarcoidea. Actualmente se sabe que puede estar presente en otras entidades como la tuberculosis, el cáncer pulmonar y la fibrosis pulmonar masiva de las neumoconiosis. Es importante su identificación y adecuada interpretación, dado que en asociación con otros signos tomográficos permite una orientación al diagnóstico de sarcoidosis.
Palabras Clave:
Granulomas, Sarcoidosis, Tuberculosis.
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The galaxy sign represents a mass-like lesion, composed of innumerable coalescing granulomatous nodules, more concentrated in the center than at the periphery. It was initially described in patients with sarcoidosis, and was referred to as the “sarcoid galaxy” sign. It is now known to be present in other entities such as tuberculosis, lung cancer and the pulmonary fibrosis mass of pneumoconiosis. Its identification and adequate interpretation is important, given that in association with other tomographic signs it allows an orientation toward the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
Key Words: Granuloma, Sarcoidosis, Tuberculosis.
Apendicitis Aguda: Hallazgos radiológicos y enfoque actual de las imágenes diagnósticas
Autores: Octavio de Jesús Arévalo Espejo, Mauricio Enrique Moreno Mejía, Luis Heber Ulloa Guerrero.
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La apendicitis aguda es la causa más frecuente de dolor abdominal agudo que requiere cirugía. Antes de la aparición de las modernas técnicas en imágenes diagnósticas, el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda era exclusivamente clínico; sin embargo, después de la introducción de imágenes seccionales como la tomografía computarizada, la resonancia magnética y la ultrasonografía, las tasas de apendicectomías negativas se redujeron de forma significativa, y con ellas disminuyeron la morbilidad y mortalidad asociadas a esta enfermedad. En el presente artículo se revisa la anatomía del apéndice cecal, las manifestaciones clínicas de la apendicitis aguda y los hallazgos de esta entidad en las diferentes modalidades de
imágenes diagnósticas, a la luz de la evidencia disponible.
Palabras clave: Apendicitis Apendicectomía Ultrasonografía; Imagen por resonancia; Tomografía computarizada por rayos X.
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Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain which requires surgery. Before the advent of modern diagnostic imaging techniques, the diagnosis of
acute appendicitis was exclusively performed by clinical findings; however, the negative appendectomy rates decreased significantly after the introduction of sectional images such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography (US), as well as the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease. In this paper, we review the anatomy of the appendix, the clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis and the findings of this entity in different diagnostic imaging modalities based on available evidence.
Key words: Appendicitis, Appendectomy, Ultrasonography, Magnetic resonance, Imaging Tomography, X-ray computed.
Caracterización de lesiones dermatológicas por ecografía
Autor: Claudia Patricia González Día
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Introducción: En la actualidad, el uso de transductores de alta resolución ha permitido avances muy importantes en la caracterización de lesiones dermatológicas, brindando información anatómica como tamaño, profundidad, patrón de vascularización, depósitos de calcio, contenido sólido o quístico e, incluso, elementos como cabello.
Objetivo: Revisar las características ecográficas de lesiones cutáneas de diferentes etiologías, como infecciosas, tumorales y traumáticas.
Metodología: Se utilizaron las imágenes ecográficas correspondientes a pacientes de consulta externa vistos en nuestra institución.
Conclusión: Se concluye que la ecografía es una herramienta muy útil que aporta información adicional al clínico para el manejo de múltiples lesiones dermatológicas.
Palabras clave: Ultrasonografía, Quiste epidérmico, Carcinomabasocelular, Lipoma, Biopolímeros, Seno pilonidal, Geles de silicona.
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Introduction:At the present day the use of high resolution transducers have allowed significant progress in characterizing skin lesions, providing anatomical information such as size, depth, vascularization, calcium deposits, cyst or solid contents and even hair.
Objective: the objective of this article is to review the ultrasound characteristics of skin lesions, like: infections, tumors, and traumas.
Methodology: for its methodology, we use ultrasound images of outpatients seen at our institution.
Conclusion: we conclude that ultrasound is a useful tool that provides additional clinical information for the management of
multiple skin lesions.
Key words: Ultrasonography, Epidermal cyst, Carcinoma, basal cell, Lipoma, Biopolymers, Pilonidal sinus, Silicone gels.
Imágenes puntiformes hiperintensas en la sustancia blanca: una
aproximación diagnóstica
Autores: S. Medrano Martorell, M. Cuadrado Blázquez, D. García Figueredo,
S. González Ortiz y J. Capellades Font.
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La presencia de múltiples imágenes puntiformes hiperintensas en la sustancia blanca (IPHSB) en las secuencias de resonancia magnética (RM) ponderadas en T2 es un hallazgo muy frecuente y,en ocasiones, un reto diagnóstico para el radiólogo. Este artículo pretende, a través de una aproximación a la anatomía de la microcirculación cerebral, así como a estudios de correlación anatomopatológica, simplificar la tarea de interpretación de estas imágenes a partir de la descripción de tres principales patrones de presentación de IPHSB: patrón vascular (PV), que corresponde a lesiones microvasculares, patrón perivascular (PpV), que representa a la enfermedad inflamatoria cuyo paradigma es la esclerosis múltiple (EM), y patrón inespecífico (PI), que suele deberse a enfermedad microvascular. A partir de varios elementos semiológicos en las imágenes de RM se puede determinar un patrón predominante en cada caso y, de este modo, acotar el diagnóstico diferencial.
Palabras Claves: Sustancia blanca; Resonancia magnética; Leucoaraiosis; Esclerosis múltiple; CADASIL; Vasculitis.
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Abstract: The presence of hyperintense punctiform images in the white matter in T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) sequences is a very common finding and is occasionally a diagnostic challenge for the radiologist. The present article attempts, using an anatomical approach to the brain circulation, as well as from histopathology correlation studies,to simplify the task of interpreting these images from the description of the three main patterns of hyperintense punctiform images in the white matter: vascular pattern, which corresponds to microvascular lesions; perivascular pattern, which represents inflammatory disease of which the paradigm is multiple sclerosis; and a non-specific pattern, which has to be a microvascular disease. From the various semiological elements in the MR images, a predominant pattern can be determined in each case and, in this way, helps in the differential diagnosis.
Keywords: White matter; Magnetic resonance; Leukoaraiosis; Multiple sclerosis; CADASIL; Vasculitis. |
Papel de las técnicas de imagen en la nueva clasificación TNM
del carcinoma broncogénico no microcítico
Autores: R. Cano Alonso, L. Herráiz Hidalgo, E. Álvarez Moreno, C. Paniagua Correab
y V. Martínez de Vega
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La séptima edición de la clasificación TNM para los carcinomas broncogénicos no microcíticos incluye una serie de cambios en los descriptores T y M,particularmente una reclasificación de los derrames malignos pleurales y pericárdicos y de los nódulos tumorales separados,nuevos valores de corte de tamaño tumoral y subdivisiones de las categorías T1-T2 y M1. Revisamos estas correcciones, que generan cambios en el sistema de estadificación que afectan a los estadios II-III. Además,describimos e ilustramos el papel de las diferentes técnicas de imagen en la estadificación tumoral (TC, PET, PET-TC y RM), resaltando sus respectivas indicaciones, ventajas y desventajas,así como su función complementaria.
Palabras Claves: Carcinoma broncogénico no microcítico; Diagnóstico por la imagen; Tomografía computarizada; Tomografía por emisión de positrones; Resonancia magnética.
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The Seventh Edition of the TNM classification for non-small cell bronchogenic carcinomas includes a series of changes in the T and M descriptor, in particular a re-classification of malignant pleural and pericardial effusions and of separated tumor nodes,new tumour size cutoff values and sub-divisions of the T1-T2 and M1 categories. We review these corrections that led to the changes in the staging system that affects stages II-III.Furthermore,we describe and illustrate the role of the different imaging techniques in tumour staging (CT, PET, PET-CT and MRI), highlighting their respective indications, advantages and disadvantages, as well their complementary function.
Key Words: Non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma; Diagnostic imaging; Computed tomography; Positron-emission tomography; Magnetic resonance.
Rendimiento de la colangio resonancia en el Hospital de Clínicas
Autores: Dra. V. Braggio, Dra. C. Marenco, Dra. M. Miranda, Dr. A. Mourglia
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Objetivos: Definir el rendimiento de la Colangiorresonancia (CRM) en el Hospital de Clínicas y compararlo con los datos referidos en la literatura internacional.
Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron 126 estudios CRM de 126 pacientes, realizados en el período de Diciembre del 2010 hasta Julio del 2013. Dichos hallazgos se correlacionaron con la Colangiopancreatografía endoscópica retrograda (ERCP), hallazgos quirúrgicos y evolución clínica.
Resultados: Calcularon valores de sensibilidad (S),especificiadad (E), valor predictivo positivo (VPP) y valores predictivos negativos (VPN) de la CRM. Para la patología de la vía biliar en general se obtuvo una S de 97%, E del 83%, VPP 73% y VPN 98%; para los pacientes con sospecha clínica de litiasis se encontró una S 94%, E de 81%, VPP 65% y VPN 97%. La incidencia de variantes anatómicas de la vía biliar
encontrada fue del 17,5%.
Conclusión:se demuestra el buen rendimiento de la CRM para el diagnóstico de patología de la vía biliar principal (VBP) y coledocolitiasis en nuestro centro. Con valores de S y VPN que coincide con los valores reportados.
Palabras Claves: Colangiorresonancia, Vía biliar, Colecocolitiasis.
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Abstract: Objectives: To define diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) at the Clinic Center (Hospital de Clínicas) and to compare it with data reported in international bibliography.
Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken; 1 26 MRC examinations were done to 126 patients within the period December 2010 July 2013.The results were correlated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), surgical findings and clinical outcome.
Results:These MRC examinations were evaluated for sensitivity (S),specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). Regarding general biliary tract pathology, S amounted to 97%, Sp to 83%, PPV to 73% and NPV, to 98%; in patients with clinical suspicion for lithiasis the values found were 94% for S, 81% for Sp, 65% for PPV, and 97% for NPV. The incidence of anatomical variants was found to be 17.5%.
Conclusion: MRC was shown to perform well as a diagnostic procedure for common bile duct(CBD) pathology and choledocholithiasis
in our center. S values, as well as NPV ones,agreed with values reported elsewhere.
Keywords: magnetic resonance cholangiography, biliary tract, choledocholithiasis. |
Angiotomografía cerebral: Variantes anatómicas más frecuentes del polígono de Willis ensayo iconográfico
Autores: Dra. Ximena González; Dr. Fernando Landó
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Objetivos: Describiremos las variantes de la circulación cerebral arterial vinculadas al polígono de Willis, excluyendo aquellas relacionadas a la persistencia de anastomosis carotido-basilar y a la base del cráneo. Valoraremos su relevancia clínica, características e incidencia a partir de datos aportados por la literatura.
Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo observacional retrospectivo de todas las angiotomografias del Poligono de Willis, realizadas en el servicio de Tomografía del Hospital Tacuarembó, en el período de 1 diciembre 2009 al 31 agosto 2013. En los casos en los cuales se identificaron variantes normales relevantes, se realizaron reconstrucciones 3D y MIP que permitieran una correcta descripción anatómica
de las mismas. Los datos en relación con la prevalencia y asociación con otras anomalías y aneurismas fueron tomados de la literatura.
Resultados:Las variantes más frecuentes encontradas en nuestra serie están vinculadas a las ACP y al segmento A1 de las ACA, lo cual coincide con la literatura.
El polígono de Willis presenta variantes en su anatomía habitual hasta en un 60% de los casos. Algunas de ellas presentan relevancia clínica, en relación a aumento en la incidencia aneurismas y malformaciones, ante eventos oclusivos y en planificaciones quirúrgicas, por lo cual es fundamental reconocerlas.
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Objetives: To describe the variations of cerebral arterial blood flow related to the circle of Willis, excluding those related to the persistence of basilar carotid and to the skull base anastomosis. Clinical relevance, characteristics and incidence from the data provided by the literature will be evaluated.
Methods: A retrospective observavational descriptive analysis of all circle of Willis angiotomographys performed in the hospital of Tacuarembó, during a period from december 1st 2009 until august 31 st 2013 was made. In cases in wich relevant normal variationes were identified, 3D and MIP reconstruccions were performed, allowing a correct anatomical description of them. The data relating to the prevalence and association with other anomalies and aneurysms were taken from the literature.
Results: The most common variants found in our study are linked to the PCA and to the A1 segment of ACA, wich is consistent with the literature.
Conclusions: The circle of Willis presents variations in its anatomy in 60% of the cases. Some of them have clinical relevance in relation to an increase in the incidence of aneurysms and malformations, in relation to oclusive events and surgical planing, so it is essencial to recognize them.
CT Screening for Lung Cancer: Alternative Definitions of Positive Test Result Based on the National Lung Screening Trial and International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Databases
Autors: Rowena Yip, MPH,
Claudia I. Henschke, PhD, MD,
David F. Yankelevitz, MD,
James P. Smith, MD
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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To determine the usefulness of alternative nodule size thresholds in a population undergoing computed tomo graphic (CT) screening for lung cancer and to compare the reported International Early Lung Cancer Action Pro gram (I-ELCAP) results with the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) results.
Materials and Methods:
The institutional review board approved this retrospective analysis. Informed consent was obtained according to HIPAA compliance. Findings in the CT cohort in the NLST of 25 813 participants who underwent baseline CT in 2002–2004 were reviewed. The frequency of solid and part-solid pulmonary nodules and the lung cancer diagnoses using an alternative nodule threshold of 5.0, 6.0,7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 mm were determined. Proportional reduction in the frequency of positive results and their 95% confidence intervals using each of the alternative thresh olds were calculated.
The frequency of positive results in the baseline round in the CT arm of the NLST using the definition of a positive result of any parenchymal, solid or part-solid, noncalcified nodule of 5.0 mm or larger was 15.8% (4080 of 25 813). Using alternative thresholds of 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 mm, the frequencies of positive results were 10.5% (2700 of 25 813, 7.2% (1847 of 25 813), 5.3% (1362 of 25 813), and 4.1% (1007 of 25 813), respectively, and the corresponding proportional reduction in additional CT scans would have been 33.8% (1380 of 1480), 54.7% (2233 of 4080), 66.6% (2718 of 4080), and 73.8% (3013 of 4080), respectively. Concomitantly, the proportion of lung cancer diagnoses determined within the first 12 months would be delayed up to 9 months for 0.9% (two of 232), 2.6% (six of 232), 6.0% (14 of 232), and 9.9% (23 of 232) of the patients, respectively.
The NLST results are similar to those previously reported for the I-ELCAP and suggest that, even for high-risk participants in the NLST, higher thresholds of nodule size should be considered and prospectively evaluated.
Paradoxical Embolism: Role of Imaging in Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Autors: Farhood Saremi, MD,
Neelmini Emmanuel, MD,
Philip F. Wu, BS,
Lauren Ihde, MD,
David Shavelle, MD,
John L. Go, MD,
Damián Sánchez-Quintana, MD, PhD
Recent improvements in Web and mobile technology, along with the widespread use of handheld devices in radiology education, provide unique opportunities for creating scalable, universally accessible, portable image-rich radiology case files. A cloud database and a Web-based application for radiologic images were developed to create a mobile case file with reasonable usability, download performance, and image quality for teaching purposes. A total of 75 radiology cases related to breast, thoracic, gastrointestinal,
musculoskeletal, and neuroimaging subspecialties were included in the database. Breast imaging cases are the focus of this article, as they best demonstrate handheld display capabilities across a wide variety of modalities. This case subset also illustrates methods for adapting radiologic content to cloud platforms and mobile devices. Readers will gain practical knowledge about storage and retrieval of cloud-based imaging data, an awareness of techniques used to adapt scrollable and high-resolution imaging content for the Web, and an appreciation for optimizing images for handheld devices. The evaluation of this software demonstrates the feasibility of adapting images from most imaging modalities to mobile
devices, even in cases of full-field digital mammograms, where high resolution is required to represent subtle pathologic features.
The cloud platform allows cases to be added and modified in real time by using only a standard Web browser with no application specific software. Challenges remain in developing efficient ways to generate, modify, and upload radiologic and supplementary teaching content to this cloud-based platform.
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Paradoxical embolism (PDE) is an uncommon cause of acute arterial occlusion that may have catastrophic sequelae. The possibility of its presence should be considered in all patients with an arterial embolus in the absence of a cardiac or proximal arterial source. Despite advancements in radiologic imaging technology,the use of various complementary modalities is usually necessary to exclude other possibilities from the differential diagnosis and achieve an accurate imaging-based diagnosis of PDE. In current practice, the imaging workup of a patient with symptoms of PDE usually starts with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to identify the cause of the symptoms and any thromboembolic complications in target organs (eg,stroke, peripheral arterial occlusion, or visceral organ ischemia).
Additional imaging studies with modalities such as peripheral venous Doppler ultrasonography (US), transcranial Doppler US, echocardiography, and CT or MR imaging are required to detect peripheral and central sources of embolism, identify cardiac and/ or extracardiac shunts, and determine whether arterial disease is present. To guide radiologists in selecting the optimal modalities for use in various diagnostic settings, the article provides detailed information about the imaging of PDE, with numerous radiologic and pathologic images illustrating the wide variety of features that may accompany and contribute to the pathologic process. The roles of CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis and exclusion of PDE are described, and the use of imaging for planning surgical treatment and interventional procedures is discussed.