Astrocitoma pilocítico. Formas de presentación
Autores: J. Docampo, N. González, A. Muñoz, C. Bruno y C. Morales
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Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue mostrar y describir casos de astrocitomas pilocíticos (AP)
supra e infratentoriales en sus formas típicas y atípicas de presentación en resonancia
magnética y tomografía computada. Para ello, fueron seleccionados de nuestra casuística
32 pacientes: 24 tuvieron diagnóstico confirmado de AP por anatomía patológica y los 8
restantes mostraban gliomas de la vía óptica, por lo que el AP era el diagnóstico presuntivo
más relevante. Veinte pacientes eran de sexo masculino y 12 de sexo femenino, con un rango
etario entre los 10 meses y los 65 años. A todos se les pidió una resonancia magnética de
cerebro con gadolinio, solo a 6 se les realizó difusión y espectroscopia, y en 6 también se llevó
a cabo una tomografía computada. Las localizaciones de los AP seleccionados (n=32) Las localizaciones de los AP seleccionados (n=17), cerebelo (n=7), tálamo (n=6) y parénquima (n=2) TEn la resonancia magnética, la mayoría de los AP se presentaron como lesiones sólido-quísticas,
iso-hipointensas en ponderación T1 e hiperintensas en ponderación T2 y mesencéfalo talámico,
con realce poscontraste. En la resonancia magnética, la mayoría de los AP se presentaron como lesiones sólido-quísticas,
iso-hipointensas en ponderación T1 e hiperintensas en ponderación T2 y mesencéfalo talámico,
con realce poscontraste. Los AP son gliomas de grado I, según la clasifi cación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.
Sus localizaciones más frecuentes son la vía óptica, la región hipotálamo-quiasmática y la fosa
posterior. Son tumores circunscriptos, sólido-quísticos, de baja celularidad y, en general, de
lento crecimiento.
Palabras clave: Astrocitoma; pilocítico; Glioma; Resonancia magnética.
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Purpose: Our purpose is to illustrate and describe typical and atypical imaging findings of supra- and infratentorial pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thirty-two patients with PA were
selected from our case series. Twenty-four patients had confirmed PA from histologic analysis. The remaining 8 patients
presented optic pathway gliomas and PA was the most relevant presumptive diagnosis. All patients, 20 male and 12
female (age range 10 months-65 years), underwent unenhanced and enhanced MRI. Diffusion-weighted imaging and
MR spectroscopy (MRS) were performed in 6 patients, and 6 patients underwent CT scan. The locations of the PA selected (n=32) were: optic pathway and hypothalamic-chiasmatic region (n=17) cerebellum (n=7), thalamus (n=6) and cerebral hemisphere (n=2). On MRI, most PA appeared as solid-cystic masses, iso- to hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images and FLAIR, with post-contrast enhancement. Four patients presented atypical characteristics: 1 solid cerebellum PA with calcifications, 1 hypothalamus PA in a child
without neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1) with no contrast enhancement and 1 cerebral hemisphere PA in a 65 year-old
woman. PAs are regarded as grade I tumors by the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. The optic pathway and the
hypothalamic-chiasmatic region, as well as the posterior fossa are the most frequent locations. PAs are typically wellcircumscribed and solid-cystic lesions with low cellularity and slow growth.
Keywords. Pilocytic astrocytoma; glioma; magnetic resonance imaging.
Dosimetría en radiología
Autor: D. Andiscoa, S. Blancob y A.E. Buzzia,c
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El constante crecimiento del uso de radiaciones ionizantes en el Diagnóstico por
Imágenes nos obliga a mantener una adecuada gestión de las dosis impartidas a los pacientes en
cada estudio realizado. La dosimetría en radiología es un tema difícil de abordar, pero de vital
importancia para una adecuada estimación de las dosis con las cuales estamos trabajando. La
enorme concientización que, día a día, se percibe en nuestro país en estos temas es la respuesta
adecuada a esta problemática. El presente artículo describe las principales unidades
dosimétricas utilizadas y ejemplifica de manera sencilla, mediante valores de referencia
conocidos internacionalmente, las dosis en radiología.
Palabras clave: Dosimetría. Radioprotección.
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Abstract The steady growth in the use of ionizing radiation in diagnostic imaging requires a proper management of patients’
doses. Dosimetry in Radiology is a difficult topic to address, but it is vital to estimate the dose the patient receives. This
article describes the main dosimetric units used and exemplifies doses in radiology in a simple manner through internationally known reference values.
Key Words: Dosimetry; Radioprotection.
Defectos transitorios de la Perfusión Hepática Evaluación mediante tomografía computada.
Autor: Germán Espil, Mariano Volpacchio, Nancy Díaz Villarroel,
Andrés Oyarzún, Nebil Larrañaga.
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El hígado tiene una vascularización doble aportada por la arteria
hepática y la vena porta. El uso de un protocolo de doble fase en
los estudios de las lesiones focales del hígado se emplea principalmente para detectar y caracterizar tumores, en especial los hipervasculares. Sin embargo, es posible en ocasiones observar otros
trastornos caracterizados por una refuerzo focal precoz que conducen a una alteración transitoria de la densidad. Entre las diferentes
causas de los defectos transitorios de la perfusión hepática se incluyen la obstrucción del flujo venoso portal, alteraciones del flujo venoso hepático, cortocircuitos arterio-portales, malformaciones
arteriovenosas, procesos inflamatorios, cirrosis y variantes anatómicas.
Palabras clave: Transitoria, hígado, perfusión, vascularización.
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Abstract: The liver has a dual blood supply provided by the hepatic artery and
portal vein. The use of a dual-phase protocol studies of focal liver
lesions are mainly used to detect and characterize tumor especially
hypervascular. However, it sometimes possible to observe other dsorders characterized by early focal reinforcement leading to transient impairment density. Among the various causes of transient
perfusion defects include hepatic portal vein obstruction hepatic venous flow abnormalities, arterio-portal shorts, arteriovenous malformations, inflammatory processes, cirrhosis and anatomic
Key Words: Transient, liver, perfusion, vascularization.
Resonancia Magnética Cardiovascular
Autor: Daniel Alejandro Benítez
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El avance delatecnología ha hecho quela Resonancia Magnética
(RM) brinde unaexcelente herramienta paraeldiagnóstico, pronóstico y planeamiento terapéutico de muchas de las patologías que
afectan al sistema cardiovascular. Expondremos resumidamente la
técnica de la Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca (RMC), realizando
una presentación iconográfica de los hallazgos imagenológicos en
los estudios realizados en nuestro servicio. Existen dos secuencias
básicas: la secuencia de “sangre negra” o spin echo, y la secuencia
de “sangre blanca” o gradiente de echo (GE). La primera es utilizada para obtener información anatómica y la segunda principalmente para la valoración funcional cardíaca. La secuencia GE
utilizada en la mayoría de los resonadores es la llamada Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) o Secuencia de Estado Estacionario de
Precesión Libre. La RMC ha revolucionado el estudio de las patologías cardiovasculares, obteniéndose imágenes de alta calidad.
Palabras clave:Resonancia magnética, patología cardíaca, enfermedad cardiovascular.
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Abstract Advances in technology have made MRI an excellent tool for the
diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic planning for many pathologies
affecting the cardiovascular system. We will briefly discuss the technique of Cardiac MRI (or CMR) showing an iconographic presentation of image findings in studies performed in our department.
There are two basic sequences, namely: sequence of "dark blood" or
spin echo, and sequence of "bright blood" or gradient echo (GE).
The first is used to obtain anatomical information and the second
is mainly used for a functional cardiac evaluation. The GE sequence
used in most resonators is called Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP).
The study protocol is not based on the conventional orthogonal views
but on views applied to the position of the heart in the thorax. CMR
has revolutionized the study of cardiovascular diseases, obtaining
high-quality images.
Key Words: Magnetic resonance, cardiopathy, cardiovascular disease.
Ressonância magnética funcional na oncologia: estado da arte
Autores: Marcos Duarte Guimaraes, Alice Schuch, Bruno Hochhegger, Jefferson Luiz Gross, Rubens Chojniak, Edson Marchiori
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O estudo convencional dos tumores por ressonância magnética avalia tanto características morfológicas e quantitativas, tais como tamanho, edema, necrose e presença de metástases, quanto características qualitativas, como grau de realce pós-contraste. Entretanto, as
mudanças no metabolismo celular e na fisiologia tecidual que precedem as mudanças morfológicas não são detectadas com a técnica
convencional. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de imagem por ressonância magnética possibilitou a avaliação funcional das estruturas, no intuito de obter informações sobre os diferentes processos fisiológicos do microambiente tumoral, como níveis de oxigenação,
celularidade e vascularização. O detalhado estudo morfológico, aliado às novas técnicas de imagem funcional, permite que o paciente
oncológico seja adequadamente avaliado, incluindo as etapas de diagnóstico, estadiamento, avaliação de resposta e seguimento, com
impacto positivo na qualidade de vida e taxa de sobrevida.
Imagem em oncologia; Ressonância magnética; Oncologia; Neoplasia; Imagem funcional; Difusão.
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In the investigation of tumors with conventional magnetic resonance imaging, both quantitative characteristics, such as size, edema,
necrosis, and presence of metastases, and qualitative characteristics, such as contrast enhancement degree, are taken into consideration.
However, changes in cell metabolism and tissue physiology which precede morphological changes cannot be detected by the conventional
technique. The development of new magnetic resonance imaging techniques has enabled the functional assessment of the structures in
order to obtain information on the different physiological processes of the tumor microenvironment, such as oxygenation levels, cellularity
and vascularity. The detailed morphological study in association with the new functional imaging techniques allows for an appropriate
approach to cancer patients, including the phases of diagnosis, staging, response evaluation and follow-up, with a positive impact on their
quality of life and survival rate.
Keywords: Cancer imaging; Magnetic resonance imaging; Oncology; Neoplasia; Functional imaging; Diffusion.
Correlação entre resultado do PET/CT e achados histológicos
e imuno-histoquímicos em carcinomas mamários
Autores: Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt, Eduardo Nóbrega Pereira Lima, Rubens Chojniak, Elvira Ferreira Marques,
Juliana Alves de Souza, Luciana Graziano, Wesley Pereira Andrade, Cynthia Aparecida Bueno de Toledo Osório
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Objetivo: Correlacionar o resultado da tomografia por emissão de pósitrons/tomografia computadorizada (PET/CT) com 18F-flúor-2deoxi-D-glicose (18F-FDG) realizado com protocolo específico para avaliação das mamas com achados histológicos/imuno-histoquímicos
em pacientes com carcinomas mamários. Materiais e Métodos:Estudo transversal, com coleta prospectiva dos dados, em que foram estudadas pacientes com carcinomas
mamários confirmados por biópsia. As pacientes incluídas foram submetidas a exame de PET/CT realizado em decúbito ventral, com protocolo específico para avaliação das mamas. Os achados do PET/CT foram comparados aos dados histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos Resultados: Foram identificadas 59 lesões mamárias malignas nas 50 pacientes incluídas no estudo. O diâmetro máximo das lesões
variou de 6 a 80 mm (média : 32,2 mm). O tipo histológico mais comum foi o carcinoma ductal invasivo (n = 47; 79,7%). No PET/CT,
53 (89,8%) destas lesões apresentaram concentração anômala de 18F-FDG, com SUV máximo variando de 0,8 a 23,1 (média: 5,5).
Houve associação estatisticamente significante entre maiores valores de SUV máximo e tipo histológico, grau histológico, subtipo molecular, diâmetro do tumor, índice mitótico e expressão de Ki-67. Conclusão: O PET/CT realizado com protocolo específico para avaliação das mamas demonstrou boa sensibilidade e apresentou associação com importantes fatores histológicos/imuno-histoquímicos relacionados à agressividade e prognóstico dos carcinomas mamários.
Unitermos: Neoplasias da mama; PET/CT; Histologia.
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To correlate the results of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography
(PET/CT) performed with a specific protocol for assessment of breasts with histological/immunohistochemical findings in breast carcinoma
patients. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study with prospective data collection, where patients with biopsy-confirmed breast carcinomas
were studied. The patients underwent PET/CT examination in prone position, with a specific protocol for assessment of breasts. PET/CT
findings were compared with histological and immunohistochemical data. Results: The authors identified 59 malignant breast lesions in 50 patients. The maximum diameter of the lesions ranged from 6 to 80
mm (mean: 32.2 mm). Invasive ductal carcinoma was the most common histological type (n = 47; 79.7%). At PET/CT, 53 (89.8%) of
the lesions demonstrated anomalous concentrations of 18F-FDG, with maximum SUV ranging from 0.8 to 23.1 (mean: 5.5). A statistically
significant association was observed between higher values of maximum SUV and histological type, histological grade, molecular subtype,
tumor diameter, mitotic index and Ki-67 expression. Conclusion: PET/CT performed with specific protocol for assessment of breasts has demonstrated good sensitivity and was associated
with relevant histological/immunohistochemical factors related to aggressiveness and prognosis of breast carcinomas.
Keywords: Breast cancer; PET/CT; Histology
Condiloma acuminado gigante (Tumor de Buschke
Löwenstein). Serie de 7 casos clínicos y revisión de la
Autor: Dres. Nelson Montaña C, Andrés Labra W, Giancarlo Schiappacasse F.
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Resumen: El condiloma gigante acuminado (Tumor de Buschke-Löwenstein) es una rara enfermedad que
afecta frecuentemente a pacientes inmunodeprimidos, presenta un alto porcentaje de malignización, tasa de
recidiva y mortalidad. Existe poco consenso respecto de su tratamiento y controles post-operatorios, donde
juegan un importante papel los estudios imagenológicos, existiendo escasa literatura al respecto. En la presente
revisión, presentamos los casos de 7 pacientes, junto con sus características fundamentalmente en resonancia
magnética como también en tomografía computada, además de realizar una revisión de la literatura. En general
se observan lesiones exofíticas pediculadas en “coliflor”. A la tomografía computada presentan densidad de
partes blandas y vascularización. En resonancia magnética son isointensas en T1, levemente hiperintensas
en T2, restringen a la difusión
Palabras Clave: Condiloma gigante acuminado, Resonancia magnética, Tumor de Buschke-Löwenstein
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Abstract: Giant condyloma acuminata (Buschke - Lowenstein tumor) is a rare disease that commonly
affects immunocompromised patients, presenting a high percentage of malignancy, recurrence rate and
mortality. There is little agreement regarding treatment and post-operative controls, where imaging studies
play an important role, existing literature regarding this is limited. In this review, we present the cases of
seven patients, along with their characteristics mainly on MRI as well as CT scan, in addition to a revision
of the literature. In most cases, pedunculated exophytic “caulifower-like” lesions are observed. In CT they
present soft-tissue density and vascularization. In magnetic resonance imaging they are isointense on T1,
slightly hyperintense on T2, with restricted diffusion on DWI, and heterogenous enhancement on gadolinium
administration, maintaining their enhancement in later stages.
Key Words: Buschke-Lowenstein tumor, Giant condyloma acuminata, Magnetic resonance imaging
Utilidad de la tomografía computarizada multidetector en la
evaluación postoperatoria de cirugías de derivación urinaria
Autores: Dres. Daniel Rodríguez B, Richard Mast V, Albert Pons E, Eugenia de Lama S, Francesc Vigués J, Oscar Natoli V.
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Resumen: Las cirugías de derivación urinaria son procedimientos que cada vez son más frecuentes, ya que sus
indicaciones no son sólo neoplásicas, siendo también útiles en el manejo de otras patologías. Debido a este
incremento, no es infrecuente observar complicaciones secundarias, ya sean en el postoperatorio temprano
(menos de 30 días después de la cirugía) o tardío (más de 30 días). Dentro de éstas tenemos alteraciones
de la motilidad intestinal (íleo paralítico, obstrucción), fugas anastomóticas, colecciones líquidas (linfocele,
urinoma, absceso), fístulas, herniación paraestomal, estenosis ureterales, litiasis y recurrencia tumoral. Dada
la gran cantidad de técnicas quirúrgicas usadas en estos procedimientos, es importante conocer los cambios
anatómicos resultantes, ocasionalmente de difícil valoración. La tomografía computarizada multidetector (TCMD)
tiene gran utilidad en el estudio de estos pacientes, especialmente mediante las técnicas de reconstrucción
multiplanar, representando adecuadamente las estructuras urinarias y extraurinarias afectadas, y sus relaciones
con estructuras adyacentes, permitiendo identificarlas acertada y rápidamente.
Palabras Clave: Cistectomía, Complicaciones postquirúrgicas, Derivación urinaria, Tomografía computarizada
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Urinary diversion surgeries are procedures that are becoming more frequent, as their indications are not
only neoplastic, being useful also in managing other diseases. Due to this increase, it is not uncommon to observe
secondary complications, whether in the early postoperative period (less than 30 days after surgery) or later (more
than 30 days). Within these are alterations in intestinal motility (paralytic ileus, blockage), anastomotic leaks, fluid
collections (lymphocele, urinoma, abscess), fistulas, parastomal herniation, ureteral obstruction, urolithiasis and
tumor recurrence. Given the large number of surgical techniques used in these procedures, it is important to know
the resulting anatomical changes, occasionally difficult to evaluate. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT)
is of great use in the study of these patients, especially with multiplanar reconstruction techniques, adequately
representing the affected urinary and extra-urinary structures, and their relationship to adjacent structures, enabling
their accurate and quick identification
Key Words: Cystectomy, Multidetector computed tomography, Postoperative complications, Urinary diversion.
Tomosíntesis: la nueva era de la mamografía
Autores: Gloria Palazuelos, Stephanie Trujillo, Javier Romero
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Objetivo Evaluar el estado del arte de la tomosíntesis como herramienta complementaria
de la mamografía digital directa. Metodología Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de
la literatura de artículos originales y de revisión a través de pubmed. se revisaron los
aspectos más importantes en cuanto a utilidad y limitaciones de la tomosíntesis en
las imágenes de mama. Resultados: Se incluyeron 36 artículos originales y 33 de
revisión, así como los estándares internacionales de la fda y del american College of
radiology. la tomosíntesis de mama ha demostrado un impacto positivo en el tamizaje
de cáncer de seno, al mejorar la tasa de detección de cáncer, permitir la visualización
de pequeñas lesiones no vistas en 2d (como la distorsión de la arquitectura) y presentar
mayor precisión en el tamaño tumoral. Adicionalmente, mejora la especificidad de la
evaluación mamográfica disminuyendo el rellamado. El tiempo de lectura, la sensibilidad
para detectar microcalcificaciones y el costo del equipo son sus limitaciones. Conclusiones: La tomosíntesis es una nueva herramienta complementaria de la mamografía digital y ha
generado un impacto positivo en el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama en comparación con
la mamografía convencional 2D. La disminución del rellamado tendría un valor significativo
en costos, detección temprana y disminución en la ansiedad.
Palabras clave: Mamografía. Tomografía. Diagnóstico. Neoplasias de la mama
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Objective: To evaluate the available data of Breast tomosynthesis as a complementary
tool of direct digital mammography. Methods: A systematic literature search of original and
review articles through pubmed was performed. we reviewed the most important aspects of
tomosynthesis in breast imaging Results: 36 original articles, 13 review articles and the
fda and american College of radiology standards were included. Breast tomosynthesis has
showed a positive impact in breast cancer screening, improving the rate of cancer detection
due to visualization of small lesions unseen in 2d (such as distortion of the architecture)
and it has greater precision regarding tumor size. In addition, it improves the specificity of
mammographic evaluation, decreasing the recall rate. limitations: interpretation time, cost and
low sensitivity to calcifications. Conclusions: Breast tomosynthesis is a new complementary
tool of digital mammography which has showed a positive impact in breast cancer diagnosis
in comparison to the conventional 2d mammography. decreased recall rates could have
significant impact in costs, early detection and a decrease in anxiety.
Key words: Mammography. Tomography. Diagnosis. Breast neoplasms
Adenomas Hepatocelulares: Hallazgos actuales en imágenes que permiten su caracterización y manejo
Autores: Catalina Cuervo, Diana Victoria Gómez, Germán A. Castrillón.
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Objetivo: El enfoque terapéutico de los adenomas ha cambiado en los últimos
años, en especial por las posibilidades de caracterización por medio de las imágenes
diagnósticas, principalmente la resonancia magnética (rm), que en la mayoría de los casos
ha permitido una aproximación al tipo de adenoma. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la
literatura reciente con el fin de describir las características imagenológicas de los tipos de
adenomas, en las diferentes técnicas de imágenes, con principal énfasis en los hallazgos
imagenológicos en resonancia magnética, lo cual permite diferenciar entre los subtipos
histológicos de adenomas y ayuda a orientar el manejo médico o quirúrgico. Resultados: En
la literatura se describe la adenomatosis hepática como una entidad frecuente en mujeres,
de características imagenológicas atípicas. Además, se mencionan las características de
los hallazgos por rm y su correlación con los tipos de adenomas, variedad esteatósica,
peliótica y mixta. Conclusión: De acuerdo con la clasificación basada en las características
genéticas, histopatológicas e imagenológicas de los diferentes subtipos de Ahc y según la
sintomatología, se podría determinar la historia natural y definir el pronóstico y las opciones
terapéuticas o de seguimiento imagenológico.
Palabras clave: Adenoma hepatocelular, Imagen por resonancia magnética, Adenoma de células hepáticas.
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Objective: The therapeutic approach of adenomas has changed in recent years, especially
because of the possibilities for characterization by means of diagnostic imaging methods,
mainly magnetic resonance imaging, which allowed us, in most cases, to approach the type
of adenoma. Methods: A review of the recent literature was conducted in order to describe the
characteristic imaging features of the types of adenomas in the different imaging techniques,
with an emphasis on MRI, which allows differentiation between histologic subtypes of
adenomas. In addition, it also helps guide medical or surgical management. Results: In the
literature, we described hepatic adenomatosis as an entity which is frequently found in women,
with atypical imaging features. In addition, we mentioned the characteristics of MRI findings
and their correlation with the types of adenomas, inflammatory, steatosic, β-catenin mutated
and mixed. Conclusion: According to the classification based on genetic, histopathological
and imaging features of the different subtypes of AHC, we could determine the natural history,
define prognosis and the therapeutic options or imaging follow-up.
Key words: Hepatocellular adenoma, Magnetic resonance Imaging, Adenoma, Liver cell
Estudio de la perfusión cerebral mediante técnicas de susceptibilidad magnética: técnica y aplicaciones
Autores: J.A. Guzmán-de-Villoria, P. Fernández-García, J.M. Mateos-Pérez y M. Desco.
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Las técnicas de perfusión por resonancia magnética (PRM) permiten la valoración
de la microvasculatura cerebral mediante los cambios de senal ˜ debidos al paso intravascular de
un trazador. La técnica más empleada se basa en la susceptibilidad magnética del gadolinio en
secuencias T2* y los parámetros más comúnmente valorados son: el volumen sanguíneo cerebral, el flujo sanguíneo cerebral y el tiempo de tránsito medio. En los estudios de PRM deben considerarse diversos aspectos técnicos como la secuencia empleada, la dosis o la velocidad
de inyección del contraste. También debe valorarse la existencia de fuentes de error como las
debidas a la fuga de contraste por alteración en la permeabilidad de la barrera hematoencefálica. Las aplicaciones clínicas más extendidas de la PRM incluyen la determinación del grado de agresividad de gliomas, la diferenciación de algunos tipos histológicos tumorales o de lesiones
pseudotumorales y la valoración del área de penumbra en la isquemia aguda.
Palabras Claves: Imagen de perfusión por resonancia magnética. Tumores cerebrales. Esclerosis múltiple. Trombosis cerebral.
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Abstract: Perfusion MRI makes it possible to evaluate the cerebral microvasculature through changes in signal due to a tracer passing through blood vessels. The most commonly used technique is based on the magnetic susceptibility of gadolinium in T2*-weighted sequences, and
the most commonly evaluated parameters are cerebral blood volume, cerebral blood flow,
and mean transit time. Diverse technical aspects, like the sequence used, and the dose and
speed of contrast material injection, must be taken into account in perfusion MRI studies. It is
also essential to consider possible sources of error like contrast material leaks due to changes
in the permeability of the blood---brain barrier. The most widely used clinical applications of
perfusion MRI include the determination of the degree of aggressiveness of gliomas, the differentiation of some histological types of tumors or pseudotumors, and the evaluation of the penumbral area in acute ischemia.
Keywords: Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging. Brain tumors. Multiple sclerosis. Cerebral thrombosis. |
Utilidad de la ecografía en ninos con dolor en la fosa ilíaca derecha
Autores: L. Raposo Rodríguez, G. Anes González, J.B. García Hernández y S. Torga Sánchez.
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El dolor agudo en la fosa ilíaca derecha es un cuadro frecuente en la infancia. Su
origen puede ser secundario a un amplio abanico de procesos gastrointestinales y genitourinarios
que constituyen el diagnóstico diferencial de la apendicitis aguda. En el presente artículo se
describen los hallazgos ecográficos más representativos de tales procesos, insistiendo en las
características que permiten diferenciarlos de la apendicitis aguda.
Palabras Claves: Ecografía abdominal. Fosa ilíaca derecha. Pediatría. Abdomen agudo. Apendicitis. Enfermedad de Crohn.
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Acute pain in the right iliac fossa (RIF) is common in children. It can arise from a wide
variety of gastrointestinal and genitourinary processes that make up the differential diagnosis
with acute appendicitis (AA). In this article, we describe the most representative findings of
these processes on ultrasonography (US). We emphasize the characteristics that enable these
processes to be differentiated from AA.
Key Words:Abdominal ultrasonography. Right iliac fossa. Pediatrics. Acute abdomen. Appendicitis. Crohn’s disease.
Exactitud de las punciones biópsicas percutáneas bajo guía tomográfica en lesiones músculo esqueléticas. A propósito de 284 punciones
Autores: Dra María Noel Parodi
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Objetivos: realizar un estudio retrospectivo de las punciones
biópsicas percutáneas (PBP) óseas y de partes blandas
con el objetivo de evaluar la exactitud diagnóstica, suficiencia
de la muestra y seguridad del procedimiento. Destacar
el rol del médico imagenólogo intervencionista en las PBP.
Material y Métodos: en este estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo,
se analizan 284 punciones biópsicas percutáneas,
óseas y de partes blandas bajo guía tomográfica consecutivas,
realizadas por un único operador desde Abril del 2006
a Setiembre de 2013; en siete instituciones de nuestro país.
Las muestras fueron analizadas por el Patólogo designado
por la Institución. Las historias clínicas fueron revisadas
para conocer la evolución del paciente para evaluar la
certeza diagnóstica.
Resultados: la exactitud diagnóstica fue del 91,7%, la especificidad
de 96% y los falsos negativos 4%. Obtuvimos
material suficiente en 98,6% de los casos, en solo cuatro
PBP el material fue insuficiente. No se presentaron complicaciones
Conclusiones: la punción biópsica percutánea, ósea y
de partes blandas guiada por TC es una técnica fiable y
segura que permite realizar un diagnóstico con alto grado
de exactitud.El Médico Imagenólogo Intervencionista
entrenado puede realizar estos procedimientos de ma
Palabras Claves: punción biopsica percutánea, biopsia
ósea, biopsia de partes blandas, tomografía computada,
rendimiento diagnóstico.
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Abstract: Perfusion MRI makes it possible to evaluate the cerebral microvasculature through changes in signal due to a tracer passing through blood vessels. The most commonly used technique is based on the magnetic susceptibility of gadolinium in T2*-weighted sequences, and
the most commonly evaluated parameters are cerebral blood volume, cerebral blood flow,
and mean transit time. Diverse technical aspects, like the sequence used, and the dose and
speed of contrast material injection, must be taken into account in perfusion MRI studies. It is
also essential to consider possible sources of error like contrast material leaks due to changes
in the permeability of the blood---brain barrier. The most widely used clinical applications of
perfusion MRI include the determination of the degree of aggressiveness of gliomas, the differentiation of some histological types of tumors or pseudotumors, and the evaluation of the penumbral area in acute ischemia. Objectives: To perform a retrospective study of
bone and soft tissue percutaneous biopsy punctures
(PBP) in order to evaluate the diagnostic
accuracy of the sample adequacy and safety of
the procedure. Outline the role of the physician
in PBP interventional imaging.
Material and Methods: this is a retrospective,
descriptive study witch analyzes 284 consecutive
bone and soft tissue percutaneous biopsy
punctures under tomographic guidance; it was
performed by a single operator from April 2006
to September 2013, in seven institutions of our
country. The samples were analyzed by the pathologist
designated by the institution. The charts
were reviewed for patient outcomes to assess the
diagnostic accuracy.
Results: The diagnostic accuracy was 91.7%,
specificity of 96% and 4% false negatives. There
were no major complications.
Conclusions: Percutaneous needle biopsy , bone
and soft tissue CT-guided technique is reliable and
safe to perform diagnostic high degree of accuracy.
The trained Interventional Medical Imaging operator
can perform these procedures successfully
and with few or no complications.
Keywords: percutaneus biopsy puncture, bone
biopsy, soft tissue biopsy, computed tomography,
diagnostic performance. |
Ct Perfusion of the Liver: Principles and Applications in Oncology
Autor: Se Hyung Kim, MD
Aya Kamaya, MD
Jürgen K. Willmann, MD
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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With the introduction of molecularly targeted chemotherapeutics, there is an increasing need for defining new
response criteria for therapeutic success because use of
morphologic imaging alone may not fully assess tumor
response. Computed tomographic (CT) perfusion imaging of the liver provides functional information about the
microcirculation of normal parenchyma and focal liver lesions and is a promising technique for assessing the efficacy of various anticancer treatments. CT perfusion also
shows promising results for diagnosing primary or metastatic tumors, for predicting early response to anticancer
treatments, and for monitoring tumor recurrence after
therapy. Many of the limitations of early CT perfusion
studies performed in the liver, such as limited coverage,
motion artifacts, and high radiation dose of CT, are being
addressed by recent technical advances. These include a
wide area detector with or without volumetric spiral or
shuttle modes, motion correction algorithms, and new CT
reconstruction technologies such as iterative algorithms.
Although several issues related to perfusion imaging such as paucity of large multicenter trials, limited accessibility of perfusion software, and lack of standardization
in methods—remain unsolved, CT perfusion has now
reached technical maturity, allowing for its use in assessing tumor vascularity in larger-scale prospective clinical
trials. In this review, basic principles, current acquisition
protocols, and pharmacokinetic models used for CT perfusion imaging of the liver are described. Various oncologic
applications of CT perfusion of the liver are discussed and
current challenges, as well as possible solutions, for CT
perfusion are presented.
A Cloud-based Multimodality
Case File for Mobile Devices
Autores: Jason D. Balkman, MD
Thomas W. Loehfelm, MD, PhD
Recent improvements in Web and mobile technology, along with
the widespread use of handheld devices in radiology education,
provide unique opportunities for creating scalable, universally accessible, portable image-rich radiology case files. A cloud database
and a Web-based application for radiologic images were developed
to create a mobile case file with reasonable usability, download
performance, and image quality for teaching purposes. A total
of 75 radiology cases related to breast, thoracic, gastrointestinal,
musculoskeletal, and neuroimaging subspecialties were included
in the database. Breast imaging cases are the focus of this article,
as they best demonstrate handheld display capabilities across a
wide variety of modalities. This case subset also illustrates methods for adapting radiologic content to cloud platforms and mobile
devices. Readers will gain practical knowledge about storage and
retrieval of cloud-based imaging data, an awareness of techniques
used to adapt scrollable and high-resolution imaging content for
the Web, and an appreciation for optimizing images for handheld
devices. The evaluation of this software demonstrates the feasibility of adapting images from most imaging modalities to mobile
devices, even in cases of full-field digital mammograms, where
high resolution is required to represent subtle pathologic features.
The cloud platform allows cases to be added and modified in real
time by using only a standard Web browser with no application specific software. Challenges remain in developing efficient ways
to generate, modify, and upload radiologic and supplementary
teaching content to this cloud-based platform.
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Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative bacterial infection caused by Actinomyces species. Actinomyces israelii is the organism most commonly found in human disease. Actinomycosis usually manifests with abscess formation, dense fibrosis, and draining sinuses. The disease is further characterized by the tendency to extensively spread beyond normal fascial and connective tissue planes. Actinomycosis occurs most commonly in the cervicofacial region (50%–65%), followed by the thoracic (15%–30%) and abdominopelvic (20%) regions, but rarely involves the central nervous system. Most cases of cervicofacial actinomycosis are odontogenic in origin. In the acute form, cervicofacial disease can manifest with soft-tissue swelling, a painful pyogenic abscess, or a mass lesion. In the subacute to chronic form, a painless indurated mass can spread to the skin, leading to draining sinus tracts. Thoracic manifestations include parenchymal, bronchiectatic, and endobronchial actinomycosis. At computed tomography, pulmonary actinomycosis usually appears as chronic segmental airspace consolidation containing necrotic low-attenuation areas with peripheral enhancement. Abdominopelvic actinomycosis preferentially involves the ileocecal region, ovary, and fallopian tube. The imaging findings favoring abdominopelvic actinomycosis include strong enhancement in the solid portion of the mass after contrast material administration, small rim-enhancing abscesses within the mass, and extensive inflammatory extensions. Actinomycosis in the central nervous system may produce brain abscess, meningitis, subdural empyema, actinomycetoma, and spinal and cranial epidural abscess. In general, actinomycosis responds well to antibiotic therapy, but long-term follow-up after treatment is needed because of frequent relapses.