Clasificación y caracterización epidemiológica de las fracturas orbitarias diagnosticadas mediante
tomografía computada
Autores: Juan Marcelo Reyes, María Fernanda García Vargas, Jonathan Rosenvasser, María Asunción Arocena,
Ana Josefina Medina, Jorge Funes
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Objetivo: Propósito. Caracterizar los casos de fractura orbitaria diagnosticados mediante tomografía computada (TC) durante el lapso de un año en nuestro servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Para todos los casos de fracturas orbitarias diagnosticados desde junio del 2011 hasta junio del 2012 se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, mecanismo de producción, localización de la fractura y necesidad de resolución quirúrgica. Se utilizó el programa EpiDat 3.1 para el procesamiento estadístico
de los datos. Resultados Durante el período analizado, se efectuaron tomografías computadas de órbitas a 167 pacientes, de los cuales 25 presentaron fracturas (5 mujeres y 20 varones). La edad media de los casos fue de 31 años (rango: 1 a 63 años). Los mecanismos de producción
fueron: caídas (32%), agresiones físicas (44%), accidentes de tránsito (8%) y otras causas (16%).
La necesidad de resolución quirúrgica se constató en 15 (60%) casos. En relación con su distribución, se observó que en 10 pacientes (40%) las fracturas eran aisladas (de una pared orbitaria) y en 15 (60%) combinadas. Se halló afectación orbitaria derecha en 11 (44%) casos, del lado izquierdo en 12 (48%) y bilateral en 2 (8%).
Conclusión: Las variedades más frecuentes de fracturas aisladas que se hallaron fueron las del piso orbitario y las de la pared medial, lo que se asociaría a su mayor debilidad anatómica. La edad media de los pacientes afectados y la distribución según el sexo fue
concordante con la casuística de estudios anteriores.
Palabras clave: Fractura orbitaria. Clasificación. Epidemiología. Tomografía computada.
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Classification and epidemiology of orbital fractures diagnosed by computed tomography.
Purpose: To characterize the cases of orbital fractures diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) during a time period of one year at our Radiology Department.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed. All cases of orbital fracture diagnosed during a period of one year (from June 2011 to June 2012) were identified. The analyzed variables were: patient age and sex, mechanism of fracture production, fracture location,
and need for surgical management. EpiDat 3.1 was used for the statistical processing of data.
Results: Orbital fractures were diagnosed in 25 of the 167 patients who underwent orbital computed tomography during
that period: 5 were female (20%) and 20 male (80%). The mean age of the injured patients was 31 years (range 1 to 63 years). The fracture mechanisms were: falls (32%), physical aggression (44%), car accidents (8%), and other causes (16%). Fifteen cases (60%) required surgical management.
As regards fracture distribution, 10 of them (40%) were isolated (just one orbital wall involved), while 15 (60%) were combined (2 or more orbital walls involved). Right orbital fractures were found in 11 cases (44%), while left and bilateral fracture locations were detected in 12 (48%) and 2 cases (8%), respectively.
Conclusion: The most common types of isolated orbital fractures found in our study were those of the orbital floor
and the medial orbital wall, which could be associated with their known anatomical weakness. Mean age and gender distribution of lesions were consistent with those reported by other studies.
Keywords: Orbital fracture. Classification. Epidemiology. Computed tomography.
Valoración no invasiva de la estenosis carotídea de causa aterosclerótica: correlación entre la ecografía Doppler color y la angiografía por resonancia magnética con gadolinio
Autor: A.M. Surura, T.V. Buccolinia, H.F. Londerob, M.A. Marangonia y N.J. Allendec
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Introducción: La angiografía carotídea se utiliza para confi rmar la presencia de estenosis de la
bifurcación carotídea (BC). Sin embargo, dado que este método resulta invasivo y presenta cierta
morbimortalidad, existe un creciente interés en los métodos no invasivos, como la angiografía
por resonancia magnética con gadolinio (ARM-Gd) y la ecografía Doppler color (EDC). El objetivo
de este trabajo es determinar la correlación que existe entre la ecografía Doppler color y la angiografía
por resonancia magnética con gadolinio en la determinación del grado de estenosis.
Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron por ecografía Doppler color y angiografía por resonancia
magnética con gadolinio 100 estudios de la bifurcación carotídea, realizados entre enero de
2009 y agosto de 2011 en el Sanatorio Allende. Se determinó el coefi ciente de concordancia
Kappa, evaluando por ecografía Doppler color el porcentaje de estenosis carotídea según la
reducción del diámetro y la velocidad sistólica máxima (VSM) y por angiografía por resonancia
magnética con gadolinio la reducción de la luz visualizada. En ambos métodos se empleó el
criterio de NASCET. También se analizó la superfi cie de la placa.
Resultados: Se obtuvo una muy buena correlación entre la ecografía Doppler color y la angiografía
por resonancia magnética con gadolinio, con un coefi ciente de concordancia Kappa de 0,90 y
un intervalo de confi anza (IC) de 95% (0,786-0,99). Sin embargo, existió una discordancia para
valorar la superfi cie de la placa, que dejó en evidencia la superioridad de la angiografía por
resonancia magnética con gadolinio para defi nir la superfi cie irregular y/o ulcerada.
Conclusión: El avance de la tecnología y el creciente número de estudios que demuestran la fi abilidad
y correlación diagnóstica de los métodos no invasivos hacen suponer que en un corto plazo
estos reemplazarán a la angiografía en el diagnóstico y valoración de la patología carotídea.
Palabras clave: Estenosis. Arteria carótida interna. Ultrasonido. Doppler color. Angiografía por resonanciamagnética con gadolinio
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Abstract: Noninvasive assessment of carotid stenosis in relation to atherosclerosis:
correlation between color Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography
with gadolinium
Introduction: Carotid angiography is used to confi rm carotid bifurcation (CB) stenosis. However,
it is an invasive method that involves some morbidity. For this reason there is growing interest
in non-invasive methods for the evaluation of carotid stenosis, including magnetic resonance
angiography with gadolinium (MRAG) and color Doppler ultrasound (USDC). The aim of this study
is to determine the correlation between the color Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance
angiography with gadolinium in the evaluation of the degree of stenosis.
Materials and methods: One hundred carotid bifurcations were studied by color Doppler
ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography with gadolinium between January 2009 and
August 2011 in Sanatorio Allende. The level of agreement was determined using the Kappa
coeffi cient, analyzing the percentage of carotid stenosis with color Doppler ultrasound according
to the maximum systolic speed and the stenosis seen by magnetic resonance angiography with
gadolinium, using the NASCET criteria for both methods.
Results: An excellent correlation was obtained between Doppler ultrasound and magnetic
resonance angiography with gadolinium, with a Kappa coeffi cient of 0.90 (95% CI: 0.786-0.99).
There was disagreement between the two methods in assessing the plaque surface, showing
that magnetic resonance angiography with gadolinium was better for detecting an irregular
surface and / or ulcerated plaque.
Conclusion: The technological improvement and the increase in reliable studies that have a
good diagnostic correlation with non-invasive methods, it could be assumed that, in a short
period of time, Doppler ultrasound will gradually replace angiography in the diagnosis of carotid
Key Words: Stenosis. Internal carotid artery. Color Doppler ultrasound. Magnetic resonance angiography
with gadolinium
Ecografía en la patoligía escrotal aguda
Autor: Luciana C. Della Rosa, Sabrina Trezzo, David Ortiz,
Martín Broguet, Norberto O. Sánchez, Roberto L. Villavicencio.
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La patología escrotal aguda constituye una situación clínica de urgencia
que requiere un rápido diagnóstico para instalar un tratamiento
precoz. Las causas más frecuentes de patología escrotal
aguda son traumáticas, infecciosas y vasculares. Debido a que todas
estas patologías tienen una sintomatología similar, caracterizada
por el dolor y la tumefacción, el uso de la ecografía como método
de imagen, inocuo y accesible, proporciona una gran ventaja para
el diagnóstico preciso y posterior manejo terapéutico.
Palabras clave: escroto. agudo. ecografía
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Abstract: Acute scrotal pathology is a clinical emergency that requires rapid
diagnosis to install an early treatment. The most frequent causes of
acute scrotal pathology are traumatic, infectious and vascular. Because
all these conditions have similar symptoms characterized by
pain and swelling, the ultrasound is a safe and accessible method
that provides a great advantage for the accurate diagnosis and subsequent
therapeutic management.
Key Words: scrotal. acute. ultrasound
Incidentaloma adrenal: algoritmo diagnóstico en tomagrafía computada
Autor: Gustavo Raichholz, Carolina Hadad, Eldeweis Furini, Facundo Polerar, Federico Julio, Sebastian Gimenez
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Las glándulas suprarrenales son el asiento de numerosas patologías
y un nódulo adrenal puede ser descubierto incidentalmente. Las
imágenes de alta resolución han modificado el algoritmo diagnostico
ante una patología adrenal. La tomografía computada sin contraste
endovenoso es el estudio de primera línea para la evaluación
adrenal. Una densidad espontanea menor a 10 UH confirma la naturaleza
benigna. Cuando las lesiones no pueden ser caracterizadas,
la tomografía computada postcontraste o imágenes de RM, puede
permitir el diagnostico.
Palabras clave: incidentaloma adrenal. tomografía computada.
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Abstract Abdominal fat necrosis may cause pain, mimic findings of acute abdomen,
or be asymptomatic and accompany other pathophysiologic
processes. Common processes that are present in fat necrosis include
torsion of an epiploic appendage (a self-limited inflammation of the
appendices epiploicae), infarction of the greater omentum (a hemorrhagic
infarction resulting from vascular compromise), encapsulated
fat necrosis (traumatic or ischemic insult that causes fat
degeneration), fat saponification and pancreatitis and heterotopic
ossification in surgical incisions of the abdomen (represent a subtype
of traumatic myositis ossificans in which osseous, cartilaginous, and,
occasionally, myelogenous elements forms within a surgical incision).
Key Words: necrosis. fat. abdominal.
Achados na tomografia computadorizada em pacientes
com infecção pulmonar pelo vírus influenza A (H1N1)
Autores: Viviane Brandão Amorim, Rosana Souza Rodrigues, Miriam Menna Barreto, Gláucia Zanetti, Edson Marchiori
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O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever os aspectos encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução do
tórax de pacientes infectados pelo vírus influenza A (H1N1). Os principais achados tomográficos são opacidades em
vidro fosco, áreas de consolidação ou uma combinação destes dois padrões. Alguns pacientes apresentam também
espessamento das paredes brônquicas, nódulos do espaço aéreo, padrão de pavimentação em mosaico, espessamento
perilobular, aprisionamento aéreo e achados relacionados a pneumonia em organização. As alterações são frequentemente
bilaterais, com distribuição subpleural. Apesar de inespecíficos, é importante reconhecer os principais aspectos
tomográficos de pacientes acometidos pelo vírus H1N1, a fim de incluir esta possibilidade no diagnóstico diferencial,
caracterizar complicações e contribuir no seguimento evolutivo, principalmente nos casos mais graves da doença.
Unitermos: Influenza A (H1N1). Infecção pulmonar. Viroses pulmonares. Tomografia computadorizada
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The present study aimed to review high resolution computed tomography findings in patients with H1N1 influenza A
infection. The most common tomographic findings include ground-glass opacities, areas of consolidation or a combination
of both patterns. Some patients may also present bronchial wall thickening, airspace nodules, crazy-paving pattern,
perilobular opacity, air trapping and findings related to organizing pneumonia. These abnormalities are frequently bilateral,
with subpleural distribution. Despite their nonspecificity, it is important to recognize the main tomographic findings in
patients affected by H1N1 virus in order to include this possibility in the differential diagnosis, characterize complications
and contribute in the follow-up, particularly in cases of severe disease.
Keywords:Influenza A (H1N1). Pulmonary infection. Pulmonary viruses. Computed tomography.
Diagnóstico tomográfico e aspectos relevantes da otosclerose
Autores: Juliana Oggioni Gaiotti, Natália Delage Gomes, Ana Maria Doffémond Costa, Caroline Laurita
Batista Couto Villela1, Wanderval Moreira, Renata Lopes Furletti Caldeira Diniz
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Revisão da literatura e ensaio iconográfico foram realizados com o objetivo de discutir a importância do conhecimento
das principais características e localizações da otosclerose à tomografia computadorizada multidetectores (TCMD). Foi
feita avaliação retrospectiva de casos de otosclerose diagnosticados em nosso serviço, em equipamento multidetectores
com técnica de alta resolução. A otosclerose é uma displasia da cápsula ótica, caracterizada pelo desarranjo metabólico
de sua camada endocondral. É uma importante causa de perda auditiva neurossensorial, com incidência de cerca
de 7% a 10% da população geral. O diagnóstico usualmente é clínico, porém os métodos de imagens são de grande
valia para o detalhamento anatômico, diagnóstico diferencial, planejamento cirúrgico e avaliação de complicações pósoperatórias.
Dentre esses métodos, deve-se ressaltar o importante papel da TCMD. Os radiologistas devem estar familiarizados
com as características da otosclerose, assim como com a anatomia do osso temporal à TCMD, para auxiliar
no manejo clínico adequado desta doença.
Unitermos: Otosclerose. Ostospongiose. Hipoacusia neurossensorial. Tomografia computadorizada multidetectores.
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Tomographic diagnosis and relevant aspects of otosclerosis
Abstract: A literature review and pictorial essay were developed to discuss the importance of knowing the main findings and locations
of otosclerosis at multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). The authors performed a retrospective review of cases
of otosclerosis diagnosed in their institution by means of high resolution multidetector computed tomography. Otosclerosis
corresponds to otic capsule dysplasia characterized by metabolic derangement of its endochondral layer. Such condition
constitutes a relevant cause of sensorineural hearing loss, affecting about 7% to 10% of the general population. The
diagnosis is usually clinical, but imaging methods play a significant role in the anatomical detailing, differential diagnosis,
surgical planning and evaluation of postoperative complications. Among such methods, the relevance of MDCT is
highlighted. Radiologists should be familiar with the MDCT findings of otosclerosis, as well as with the temporal bone
anatomy to assist in the appropriate clinical management of this disease.
Keywords: Otosclerosis. Otospongiosis. Sensorineural hearing loss. Multidetector computed tomography.
Uso de volumetría y carga lesional en el seguimiento de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Experiencia local y revisión de la literatura
Autor: Jorge Cordovez M, Marcelo Gálvez M, Gonzalo Rojas C, Cristóbal Bravo C., Alejandro Cerda E
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La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una frecuente enfermedad desmielinizante que afecta el sistema
nervioso central produciendo lesiones focales a nivel cerebral y medular que condicionan diversos déficit neurológicos
evolutivos, muchos de ellos severos e irreversibles, afectando e invalidando un gran porcentaje de
pacientes jóvenes en edad productiva. El estudio con resonancia magnética mejoró la capacidad diagnóstica
respecto a la tomografía computada, pero en esta década el desarrollo de nuevos magnetos, bobinas y software
han permitido desarrollar la neurorradiología cuantitativa que logra evaluar parámetros como el volumen cerebral
global, de cada una de sus estructuras así como el recuento semi o automatizado de la carga lesional, lo que
permite el mejor seguimiento de cada paciente individual en relación a un evento determinado como un nuevo
déficit neurológico dentro de un brote de la enfermedad, un deterioro cognitivo no detectado previamente o en
relación a un tratamiento determinado. Mostraremos nuestra experiencia local utilizando el software freesurfer
en nuestra práctica habitual, así como otro software de postproceso, siendo la primera experiencia de su uso
en esclerosis múltiple publicada en nuestro país.
Palabras clave: Carga lesional. Esclerosis múltiple. Freesurfer. MIPAV. Resonancia magnética. Volumen cerebral
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common demyelinating disease that involves the central nervous system
causing focal lesions in the brain and spinal cord causing diverse neurological development deficits, many of them
severe and irreversible, affecting and invaliding a large percentage of young productive-aged patients. MRI exams
have improved diagnostic capability compared to computed tomography, but in this decade the development of
new magnets, coils and software have allowed the development of quantitative neuroradiology which achieves
the evaluation of parameters such as total brain volume, of each of its structures, as well as semi-automated or
automated counting of the lesion load, allowing better monitoring of each individual patient in relation to a particular
event such as a new neurological deficit in an outbreak of the disease, a previously undetected cognitive
impairment or in related to a given treatment. We will show our local experience using the FreeSurfer software in
our habitual practice, as well as other post-processing software, this being the first experience of its use in multiple
sclerosis published in our country.
Keywords: Brain volume. FreeSurfer. Magnetic resonance imaging. MIPAV software. Multiple sclerosis. Lession load,
Asimetría de extremidades inferiores: Evaluación por
imágenes en la edad pediátrica
Autores: Samuel Sánchez C, Ximena Ortega F, Alejandro Baar A, Susana Lillo S, Alejandro De la Maza B,
Karla Moënne B, Juan A. Escaffi J, Carolina Pérez S
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La asimetría de extremidades inferiores o anisomelia ha sido largamente objetivada con imágenes
y posee implicancias biomecánicas para los pacientes con esqueleto en desarrollo que son más relevantes
que los aspectos cosméticos, tanto en su tratamiento como en el seguimiento. El objetivo de esta publicación
es revisar las causas más frecuentes de asimetría de extremidades inferiores en la edad pediátrica con énfasis
en los hallazgos imaginológicos, que son de gran importancia para el manejo clínico. Se realizó una revisión
retrospectiva de pacientes menores de 15 años que requirieron evaluación en nuestro centro por asimetría
de extremidades inferiores mediante radiografía simple, tomografía computarizada y/o resonancia magnética,
consignando los hallazgos anatómicos y el análisis morfométrico para cada caso. Las causas de anisomelia
son múltiples, incluyendo trastornos congénitos y secuelares. Su conocimiento y la adecuada valoración de
los hallazgos en imágenes permiten enriquecer y estandarizar el informe radiológico.
Palabras clave: Anisomelia. Asimetría. Extremidades inferiores.
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Lower limb asymmetry: Imaging evaluation in children
Limb length discrepancy or anisomelia has long been objectified with imaging.The biomechanical implications
for patients with a developing skeleton are more relevant than the cosmetic aspects, both in treatment and
in follow-up. The aim of this publication is to review the most common causes of lower limb asymmetry in children,
with emphasis on imaging findings, which are of great importance for clinical management. A retrospective review
was performed on patients younger than 15 years, who required evaluation at our center for lower limb asymmetry,
using simple X-ray, CT scan and /or MRI. The anatomical findings and morphometric analysis were recorded for
each case. The causes of limb length discrepancy are many, including congenital and sequelae conditions. A
knowledge and proper assessment of the imaging findings helps to improve and standardize the radiology report.
Keywords: Anisomelia. Asymmetry. Lower extremities.
Efectos biológicos y aspectos de seguridad de las radiaciones no ionizantes en la resonancia magnética
Autores: Nathaly Barbosa, Luis Agulles-Pedrós, Agustín Daza, Alfonso Lozano
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Objetivo: Hacer una revisión, en español, de los efectos biológicos determinísticos de los
campos magnéticos estáticos, dinámicos y de radiofrecuencia, propios de los exámenes de
resonancia magnética (RM) en hospitales. Metodología: Se hace referencia a los límites definidos
dependiendo de los distintos usos de la radiofrecuencia en un examen de RM y sus posibles
efectos biológicos. Además, se muestran los aspectos de seguridad que deben tenerse en
cuenta cuando se diseñan zonas que incluyan esta técnica diagnóstica. Finalmente, se
hace una breve revisión de los temas que deben tener en cuenta los entes reguladores
ante este tipo de exámenes con radiaciones no ionizantes. Conclusiones: A pesar de no
ser determinantes los estudios sobre riesgo biológico, sí hay riesgos, principalmente por la
existencia de altos campos magnéticos, que aconsejan tener ciertas precauciones en cuanto
a instalaciones y personal calificado, así como una legislación acorde, de la que, por otra
parte, carece Colombia.
Palabras clave: Imagen por resonancia magnética. Anomalías inducidas por radiación. Límites
Seguridad de equipos
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Non-Ionizing Biological Effects and
Security Issues in Magnetic Resonance
Objective: To review the deterministic biological effects of static, dynamic and dependent
magnetic fields used in clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Methods: The suggested limits are referenced depending on the different MRI applications, as well as their possible
biological effects. In addition, safety aspects which must be taken into account when areas
that include this diagnostic technique are shown. Lastly, a short description of the important
items for the regulatory authorities to consider when facing these types of test with non-ionizing
radiation is discussed.
Conclusions: Even though there is no agreement in the literature
about the biological risks, risks do exist due to the presence of high magnetic fields. Specific
precautions should be taken in terms of proper facilities and qualified personnel, as well as
an appropriate legislation which does not exist in Colombia.
Key words: Magnetic resonance imaging. Abnormalities radiationinduced. Non ionizing radiation
Equipment safety
Aplicaciones de la radiología convencional en el campo de la medicina forense
Autores: Guillermo Andrés Montes Loaiza, Andrés Felipe Otálora Daza, Guillermo Andrés Archila
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Introducción: La medicina forense es un campo poco explorado por la radiología en
Colombia; sin embargo, la radiología tiene aplicaciones de gran importancia para esclarecer
delitos y así apoyar la administración de justicia. Entre estas aplicaciones se encuentran:
estudio de muertes por accidentes aéreos y desastres, documentación de lesiones en
accidentes de tránsito, necropsias médico-legales en muertes por asfixias mecánicas, estudio
de muertes asociadas a heridas por proyectiles de arma de fuego, diagnóstico del maltrato
infantil, verificación de la autenticidad de la evidencia física, identificación de cadáveres,
examen en muertes fetales, lesiones personales, determinación de edad, examen de restos
óseos y necropsia virtual (virtuopsia).
Objetivos: Dar a conocer al lector las aplicaciones más
importantes de la radiología en el campo forense por medio de ilustraciones obtenidas en
casos médico-legales del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses y de
académicos del Hospital Universitario de San Ignacio. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una
búsqueda de la literatura en PubMed, ScienceDirect y MDconsult, con palabras MeSH y texto
libre a partir de 1985. Se obtuvieron 114 artículos y se seleccionaron 59 por su relevancia.
Conclusiones: Distintas modalidades de imagen radiológica pueden ser aplicadas en el área
de la medicina forense. El médico radiólogo tiene un papel fundamental en la ejecución,
interpretación y reporte de los estudios radiológicos encaminados a solucionar problemas
legales para una adecuada administración de la justicia.
Palabras clave: Radiología. Medicina legal. Cadáver. Identificación de víctimas. Antropología forense
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Applications of Conventional Radiology in the Medical Forensic Field
Introduction: The field of forensics is an unexplored field of radiology in Colombia.
However, it has many applications of great importance. These applications help solve
crimes and therefore, assist in the administration of justice. Radiology is applied in forensic
medicine in areas such as: study of deaths from air accidents and disasters, documentation
of injuries in traffic accidents, medical-legal autopsies in mechanical suffocation deaths,
study of deaths associated from accidents with firearm projectiles, diagnosis of child abuse,
verifying the authenticity of physical evidence, identification of corpses, examination of fetal
deaths, personal injuries, age determination, examination of skeletal remains and virtual
autopsy (virtuopsia), among others. Objectives: To present the reader with the most important
applications of radiology in the forensic field through illustrations of medical-legal cases
obtained from the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic and Academic Sciences
at the University Hospital San Ignacio. Materials and Methods: We performed a literature search in PubMed, ScienceDirect and MDConsult, with MESH words and free text from 1985 where 114 articles were obtained. 59 of these articles were selected due to their relevance. Conclusions: Different radiological imaging modalities
can be applied in the area of forensics. The radiologist doctor plays a key role in the implementation, interpretation and
reporting of radiological studies aimed at solving legal problems for the proper administration of justice.
Key words:Radiology. Forensic medicine. Cadaver. Victims identification. Forensic anthropology
Resonancia magnética estructural en la epilepsia
Autores: J. Álvarez-Linera Prado
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La resonancia magnética (RM) estructural es la principal técnica de imagen en la
epilepsia. En pacientes con crisis focales, detectar (y tipificar) una lesión estructural congruente
con los datos electroclínicos permite tomar decisiones terapéuticas sin necesidad de acudir a
otros medios diagnósticos más costosos o invasivos. La identificación de algunas lesiones aporta
valor pronóstico, como en el caso de la esclerosis temporal medial (ETM), o puede ayudar al
consejo genético, como en el caso de algunas alteraciones del desarrollo cortical (ADC).
El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar el estado actual de las técnicas de RM estructural y
proponer un protocolo básico de epilepsia, así como mencionar las indicaciones para realizar
una RM estructural. También se revisará la semiología de las principales lesiones que causan
epilepsia, como la ETM y las ADC, por su mayor frecuencia y por el especial impacto que la RM
estructural ha demostrado en su diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Palabras Claves: Resonancia magnética. Epilepsia. Esclerosis temporal medial. Displasia cortical focal
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Structural magnetic resonance imaging in epilepsy
Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging is the main structural imaging in epilepsy. In patients
with focal seizures, detection (and characterization) of a structural lesion consistent with electroclinical
data allows therapeutic decisions without having to resort to other more expensive or
invasive diagnostic procedures. The identification of some lesions may provide prognostic value,
as in the case of Mesial Temporal Sclerosis (MTS) or may contribute to genetic counseling, as in
the case of some Malformations of Cortical Development (MCD).
The aim of this paper is to review the current state of structural MRI techniques, propose a
basic protocol of epilepsy and mention the indications for structural MRI. Also, review the semiology
of the main causes of epilepsy, with emphasis on MTS and MCD, by its highest frequency
and by the special impact that MRI has shown in dealing with these entities.
Keywords: Magnetic resonance. Epilepsy. Mesial Temporal. Sclerosis. Focal Cortical Dysplasia |
Manejo y diagnóstico del incidentaloma suprarrenal
Autores: R. Oliveira Caiafa, R. Salvador Izquierdo, L. Bu˜nesch Villalba, M.C. Sebastià Cerqueda y C. Nicolau Molina
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La creciente demanda de pruebas radiológicas y el envejecimiento progresivo de la
población ha llevado al aumento progresivo en la detección de lesiones suprarrenales indeterminadas.
Una vez detectado el incidentaloma suprarrenal, disponemos actualmente de pruebas
clínicas y hormonales y de una batería de técnicas de imagen (TC, RM, PET/TC. . .) que hacen
posible el diagnóstico etiológico de la mayoría de estos incidentalomas. En este artículo presentamos
las ventajas y limitaciones de cada técnica, las características por imagen de las
lesiones suprarrenales más frecuentes y proponemos un algoritmo diagnóstico que permita el
diagnóstico de las mismas.
Palabras Claves Incidentaloma suprarrenal. Tomografía computarizada. Resonancia magnética. Tomografía por emisión de positrones
/tomografía computarizada. Algoritmo
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Diagnosis and management of adrenal incidentaloma
The growing demand for imaging tests and the progressive aging of the population
have led to a progressive increase in the detection of indeterminate adrenal lesions. Once
an adrenal incidentaloma is detected, clinical and hormone tests together with a battery of
imaging techniques (CT, MRI, PET/CT. . .) make it possible to determine the cause in most cases.
In this article, we discuss the advantages and limitations of each technique.We show the imaging
characteristics of the most common adrenal lesions and propose a diagnostic algorithm to enable
their diagnosis.
Key Words:Adrenal incidentaloma. Computed tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging. Positron emission tomography/ computed tomography. Algorithm
Iconografía imagenológica del cáncer de vesícula biliarEVALUACIÓN POR TOMOGRAFÍA COMPUTADA
Autores: Crisci Alejandro, Landó Fernando
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El cáncer de vesícula biliar es la neoplasia maligna más
frecuente de la vía biliar.
El avance y desarrollo de los métodos de diagnóstico
por imagen en las últimas décadas ha permitido una
notable mejoría en el diagnóstico preoperatorio de
esta patología, siendo esto fundamental en el manejo
terapéutico y en el pronóstico.
Así mismo, numerosas series reportan un aumento del
número de hallazgos incidentales que se obtiene con
los tomógrafos multicorte, que en ocasiones representan
neoplasias en estadio precoz.
No obstante, los síntomas y signos asociados al cáncer
de vesícula biliar (dolor abdominal, ictericia, anorexia,
náuseas y vómitos), son insidiosos e inespecíficos, por
lo que, en la mayoría de los casos, su detección se
realiza en estadíos avanzados de la enfermedad. Esto
determina que se trate de una neoplasia con mal
pronóstico y baja tasa de sobrevida global (menor a
5% a los 5 años).
Palabras Claves: Cáncer de vesícula biliar. Tomografía computada.
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Gallbladder cancer is the most common malignancy
of the biliary tract.
The progress and development of imaging methods in
recent decades has led to a marked improvement in
the preoperative diagnosis of this pathology, this being
essential in the therapeutic management and
Also, many series report an increased number of
incidental findings obtained with multislice CT
scanners, which sometimes represent early-stage
However, the signs and symptoms associated with
cancer of the gallbladder (abdominal pain, jaundice,
anorexia, nausea and vomiting), are insidious and
unspecific, therefore, in most cases, the detection is
performed in advanced stages of disease. This determines
that it is a malignancy with poor prognosis and
lower overall survival rate (less than 5% at 5 years).
Key Words: Gallbladder Cáncer. Computed Tomography.
Epilepsia focal refractaria: hallazgos en resonancia magnética
Autores: Nicolás Sgarbi, Osmar Telis.
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La epilepsia es una de las enfermedades neurológicas más frecuentes siendo uno de
los motivos más frecuentes de solicitud de resonancia magnética en nuestro medio.
Si bien la mayoría de los pacientes logran un control adecuado de la enfermedad,
cerca de un 30% no logran una respuesta terapéutica adecuada configurando la
denominada epilepsia refractaria.
La posibilidad de encontrar una lesión focal responsable del cuadro clínico aumenta
de forma significativa en los pacientes con epilepsia refractaria lo que le da gran
jerarquía al estudio imagenológico.
En este artículo se muestran los hallazgos en un grupo de pacientes con epilepsia
refractaria estudiados en el programa de epilepsia de nuestro centro destacando los
aportes de la resonancia magnética y la importancia de un adecuado protocolo de
Palabras Claves: epilepsia refractaria. esclerosis témporomesial. malformaciones corticales. resonancia magnética.
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Abstract: Epilepsy is a frequent neurological disease being one of the most common reasons for
application of magnetic resonance (MR) in our hospital.
While the majority of patients achieve adequate control of the disease, nearly 30% fail
to respond to therapeutic setting, being called refractory epilepsy.
The possibility of finding a focal lesion responsible for the clinical picture increases
significantly in patients with refractory epilepsy which gives importance to imaging
We show the findings in a group of patients with refractory epilepsy studied in the
epilepsy program highlighting the features of each case in MR images and the
importance of a proper protocol.
Key Words: epilepsy. cortical malformations. magnetic resonance. temporomesial sclerosis.
Active Hemorrhage and Vascular
Injuries in Splenic Trauma: Utility
of the Arterial Phase in Multidetector
Autor: Jennifer W. Uyeda, Christina A. LeBedis, David R. Penn, Jorge A. Soto, Stephan W. Anderson
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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Purpose: To determine whether the addition of arterial phase computed
tomography (CT) to the standard combination of
portal venous and delayed phase imaging increases sensitivity
in the diagnosis of active hemorrhage and/or contained
vascular injuries in patients with splenic trauma.
Materials and
The institutional review board approved this HIPAAcompliant
retrospective study; the requirement to obtain
informed consent was waived. The study included all patients
aged 15 years and older who sustained a splenic
injury from blunt or penetrating trauma and who underwent
CT in the arterial and portal venous phases of image
acquisition during a 74-month period (September 2005
to November 2011). CT scans were reviewed by three radiologists,
and a consensus interpretation was made to
classify the splenic injuries according to the American Association
for the Surgery of Trauma splenic injury scale.
One radiologist independently recorded the presence of
contained vascular injuries or active hemorrhage and the
phase or phases at which these lesions were seen. Clinical
outcome was assessed by reviewing medical records. The
relationship between imaging findings and clinical management
was assessed with the Fisher exact test.
Results: One hundred forty-seven patients met the inclusion criteria;
32 patients (22%) had active hemorrhage and 22
(15%) had several contained vascular injuries. In 13 of
the 22 patients with contained injuries, the vascular lesion
was visualized only at the arterial phase of image acquisition;
the other nine contained vascular injuries were seen
at all phases. Surgery or embolization was performed in
11 of the 22 patients with contained vascular injury.
Conclusion: The arterial phase of image acquisition improves detection
of traumatic contained splenic vascular injuries and
should be considered to optimize detection of splenic injuries
in trauma with CT.
Imaging of Actinomycosis in Various Organs: A Comprehensive Review1
Autores: Suk Hee Heo, Sang Soo Shin, Jin Woong Kim, Hyo Soon Lim, Hyun Ju Seon, Sook-In Jung, Yong Yeon Jeong, Heoung Keun Kang
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by synovial inflammation and is the most common rheumatic
complaint in children. To facilitate research and treatment, JIA
has been further classified on the basis of the number of joints involved,
additional symptoms, family history, and serologic findings. Imaging in
patients with JIA has historically relied on radiography, which allows the
accurate assessment of chronic changes of JIA, including growth disturbances,
periostitis, and joint malalignment. However, radiographic
findings of active inflammation are nonspecific, and, in the past, clinical
evaluation has taken precedence over imaging of acute disease. Recent
advances in disease-modifying therapeutic agents that can help prevent
long-term disability in patients with JIA have led to greater emphasis on
the detection of early joint-centered inflammation that cannot be accurately
assessed radiographically and may not be evident clinically. Both
contrast material–enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and
Doppler ultrasonography (US) are well suited for this application and
are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosis, risk stratification,
treatment monitoring, and problem solving. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging
is the most sensitive technique for the detection of synovitis and
is the only modality that can help detect bone marrow edema, both of
which indicate active inflammation. US is more sensitive than radiography
for the detection of synovial proliferation and effusions and is particularly
useful in the evaluation of small peripheral joints. The complexity
of the temporomandibular and sacroiliac joints limits the usefulness of
radiographic or US evaluation, and contrast-enhanced MR imaging is the
preferred modality for evaluation of these structures.
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Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative bacterial infection caused by Actinomyces species. Actinomyces israelii is the organism most commonly found in human disease. Actinomycosis usually manifests with abscess formation, dense fibrosis, and draining sinuses. The disease is further characterized by the tendency to extensively spread beyond normal fascial and connective tissue planes. Actinomycosis occurs most commonly in the cervicofacial region (50%–65%), followed by the thoracic (15%–30%) and abdominopelvic (20%) regions, but rarely involves the central nervous system. Most cases of cervicofacial actinomycosis are odontogenic in origin. In the acute form, cervicofacial disease can manifest with soft-tissue swelling, a painful pyogenic abscess, or a mass lesion. In the subacute to chronic form, a painless indurated mass can spread to the skin, leading to draining sinus tracts. Thoracic manifestations include parenchymal, bronchiectatic, and endobronchial actinomycosis. At computed tomography, pulmonary actinomycosis usually appears as chronic segmental airspace consolidation containing necrotic low-attenuation areas with peripheral enhancement. Abdominopelvic actinomycosis preferentially involves the ileocecal region, ovary, and fallopian tube. The imaging findings favoring abdominopelvic actinomycosis include strong enhancement in the solid portion of the mass after contrast material administration, small rim-enhancing abscesses within the mass, and extensive inflammatory extensions. Actinomycosis in the central nervous system may produce brain abscess, meningitis, subdural empyema, actinomycetoma, and spinal and cranial epidural abscess. In general, actinomycosis responds well to antibiotic therapy, but long-term follow-up after treatment is needed because of frequent relapses.