Ecografía y biopsia prostáticas en la detección del carcinoma
Autores: A. Rodriguez, G. Criscuolo, S. González Calvo, N. Larrañaga, J.C. Gallo y S. Kozima
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Objetivo: Mostrar nuestra experiencia en ecografía prostática transrectal y biopsia prostática
bajo guía ecográfica a lo largo de 10 años, a través de la realización de un análisis retrospectivo,
con el fin de evaluar sus beneficios en la detección del adenocarcinoma, identificar la distribución
de muestras positivas en la glándula y exponer la utilidad de la punción de imágenes nodulares.
Materiales y métodos: Entre marzo del 2001 y noviembre del 2011 se realizaron 1.163 ecografías
prostáticas transrectales seguidas de biopsias prostáticas bajo control ecográfico. En la
muestra se incluyó a pacientes que se realizaron más de una biopsia. Los datos obtenidos de
estos procedimientos permitieron identificar la presencia de tres grupos etarios de acuerdo a la
incidencia de la patología, conocer la localización más frecuente del adenocarcinoma dentro de
la próstata y evaluar la utilidad de la biopsia de los nódulos prostáticos en la detección del adenocarcinoma.
Resultados: El análisis de la muestra arrojó un porcentaje de detección del adenocarcinoma del
16% en los menores de 50 años, del 36% en aquellos entre los 50 y 60 años, y del 48% en los mayores
de 65 años.
La base izquierda de la próstata fue la localización con el índice más alto de positividad (15%),
seguido por la media izquierda (14%), la base derecha (14%), la media derecha (13%), el ápex
izquierdo (12%), el medio lateral izquierdo (12%), el ápex derecho (11%) y el medio lateral derecho
Doscientos noventa y nueve pacientes presentaron imágenes nodulares: 118 (Grupo A) tuvieron
alguna muestra positiva y 181 presentaron resultados negativos (Grupo B). A su vez, el Grupo A
se dividió en 3 subgrupos: el Subgrupo A, cuyo resultado positivo se registró en la muestra del
nódulo, pero fue negativo en el resto de la glándula; Subgrupo B, cuyos resultados fueron positivos
en el resto de la glándula y negativos en la muestra del nódulo; y Subgrupo C, cuyo resultado
fue positivo tanto en las muestras de la glándula como en las del nódulo (combinación más
frecuente de los tres subgrupos).
Conclusión: La ecografía y la biopsia prostáticas bajo guía ecográfi ca juegan un rol importante
en la evaluación de la próstata ante la sospecha de un adenocarcinoma. Según nuestra experiencia,
la biopsia prostática bajo guía ecográfi ca es el método de mayor utilidad para la detección,
especialmente en pacientes mayores de 65 años, y debería incluirse la muestra del nódulo
(si la hubiese) en el esquema por octantes.
Palabras clave: Ecografía. Biopsia prostática transrectal. Adenocarcinoma. Nódulo. Muestra
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Prostate ultrasound and biopsy in the detection of prostate carcinoma.
Purpose: To present our experience in prostatic transrectal ultrasound and transrectal
ultrasound-guided biopsy over a ten-year period by a retrospective analysis in order to
determine the detection rate of adenocarcinoma, identify the distribution of positive samples
in the gland, and evaluate the usefulness of biopsy of nodules seen on imaging studies.
Materials and Methods: A total of 1163 ultrasound and ultrasound-guided transrectal prostate
biopsies were performed between March 2001: and November 2011. The population sample
included patients who had more than one biopsy performed. Data obtained from these
procedures enables us to identify three age groups according to the incidence of pathology, to
determine the most frequent location of adenocarcinoma within the prostate, and to evaluate
the usefulness of prostate nodules biopsy in the detection of adenocarcinoma.
Results: The data analysis showed a 16% detection rate of adenocarcinoma in men under 50 years
of age, 36% in patients between 50 and 65 years, and 48% in patients older than 65 years.
The left base of the prostate had the highest detection rate (15%), followed by left medium
(14%), right base (14%), right medium (13%), left apex (12%), left lateral medium (12%), right
apex (11%) and right lateral medium (10%).
Nodular images were found in 299 patients: 118 were positive for adenocarcinoma (Group A)
and 181 were negative (Group B). Group A was divided into 3 subgroups: Subgroup A, with a
positive result only in the nodule sample, and a negative result in the rest of the gland sample;
Subgroup B, with a positive result in the gland samples but negative in the nodule sample; and
Subgroup C, with results that were positive both in the gland and nodule samples.
Conclusion: Ultrasound and ultrasound-guided transrectal prostate biopsy play an important
role in the evaluation of the prostate when adenocarcinoma is suspected. Based on our
experience, ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the most useful method for the detection of
adenocarcinoma, especially in patients older than 65 years of age, and the nodule sample (if
any) should be included in the eight-biopsy scheme.
Keywords. Ultrasound. Transrectal prostate biopsy. Adenocarcinoma. Nodule. Sample
Hallazgos en tomografía computada multidetector en el
diagnóstico del carcinoma hepatocelular en pacientes con cirrosis
y su correlación con la anatomía patológica del explante hepático
Autor: D. Habermana, M. Castignolaa, M. Melaa, H. Paladinia, J.P. Santillib, F. Gruzc y G. Gondolesic
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Objetivos: Describir el comportamiento imagenológico del hepatocarcinoma en pacientes con
cirrosis utilizando la tomografía computada multidetector (TCMD) dinámica y correlacionar los
hallazgos con el grado histológico de los tumores.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional y descriptivo, donde se evaluaron
51 nódulos de 32 pacientes trasplantados de hígado con diagnóstico de cirrosis. La anatomía
patológica del explante fue utilizada como referencia y los nódulos con histología de hepatocarcinoma
fueron analizados retrospectivamente en las tomografías computadas efectuadas antes
del trasplante. Las tomografías se llevaron a cabo con técnica dinámica, evaluando las características
más frecuentes reportadas en la literatura: realce arterial, lavado del realce, cápsula y
vasos arteriales intratumorales.
Resultados: Cuarenta y seis de 51 (90%) tumores mostraron realce arterial. De estos 46 tumores,
39 (85%) mostraron lavado del realce en la fase portal y/o tardía. De los 51, 5 (10%) fueron hipovasculares,
22 (43%) presentaron cápsula y 12 (24%) mostraron vasos arteriales intratumorales.
La combinación de hallazgos más frecuente fue la asociación de realce arterial y lavado del
realce en la fase portal-tardía (39/51 tumores: 76%), y el grado histológico más usual fue el II en
35 tumores (69%). Se hallaron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el grado histológico
de los tumores y los comportamientos imagenológicos realce arterial e hipovascular.
Conclusión: En nuestra población, el hallazgo tomográfico de realce arterial con lavado del
realce en tiempo portal y/o tardío fue observado en la mayoría de los tumores. Esto coincide
con publicaciones anteriores y contribuye a fortalecer el valor de estos criterios para el diagnóstico
del hepatocarcinoma.
Palabras clave: Cirrosis. Hepatocarcinoma. Tomografía Computada Multidetector. dinámica
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Abstract Findings in multidetector computed tomography in the diagnosis of hepatocellular
carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis and correlation with pathology of liver explants
Objectives: To describe the imagenological behavior of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic
patients using a dynamic multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) technique, and correlate
these fi ndings with histological tumor grades.
Materials and methods: A retrospective, descriptive observational study was conducted to
evaluate 51 nodules in 32 liver transplant patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. The pathology
of liver explants was used as a reference. Nodules with hepatocellular carcinoma histopathology
were retrospectively analyzed by computed tomography scans performed pre-transplant. Using
a dynamic multidetector computed tomography technique, we evaluated the most common
imagenological behavior reported in the literature: arterial enhancement, washout, capsule,
and intratumoral arterial vessels.
Results: Forty-six of 51 (90%) tumors showed arterial enhancement. Of the 46 tumors with
arterial enhancement, 39 (85%) had washout in portal-late phase. Five of 51 (10%) were
hypovascular. Twenty-two of 51 (43%) had capsule and 12 of 51 (24%) showed intratumoral
arterial vessels. The more frequent image combination was the combination of arterial
enhancement and washout (39 of 51 tumors or 76%). The most frequent histological grade was II
(35 of 51 tumors or 69%). Statistically signifi cant relationships were found between histological
grade tumors and imagenological behavior: arterial enhancement and hypovascular.
Conclusion: In our population, arterial enhancement with washout in portal-late phases was
observed in most of the tumors. Our results are consistent with previously reported studies,
demonstrating the high reliability of this imaging pattern for the diagnosis of hepatocellular
Key Words: Cirrhosis. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Dynamic multidetector. Computed tomography
Imágenes moleculares en la evaluación de la glándula mamaria
Autor: María Victoria Velázquez
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En este artículo, el autor realiza una descripción de las diferentes
modalidades que constituyen el conjunto de exámenes con imágenes
de tipo moleculares que se encuentran disponibles actualmente
para el estudio de la glándula mamaria. En efecto, los estudios moleculares
de la mama se están convirtiendo en alternativas muy útiles
para la evaluación de la enfermedad tumoral primaria y
metastásica. La Gammagrafía Específica de Mama (BSGI), las imágenes
moleculares de la Mama (MBI), la Tomografía con Emisión
de Positrones y la Mamografía con Emisión de Positrones (PEM),
constituyen el arsenal de estudios que revelan la actividad metabólica
del tumor por la captación de un radiofármaco. El isótopo se
absorbe por todas las células en el cuerpo y es atrapado por las células
tumorales que emiten rayos gamma que son a su vez captados
por la gamma cámara y convertidos en imágenes digitales. Estos
estudios son más confiables al diferenciar células malignas de células
Palabras clave: mama. molecular. PET.
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In this article, the author makes a description of the different forms
that constitute the set of tests with molecular type images that are
currently available for the study of the mammary gland. Indeed,
molecular studies of the breast is becoming very useful alternative
for the evaluation of the primary tumor and metastatic disease. Breast
Specific Scintigraphy Image (BSGI), Molecular Breast Imaging
(MBI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Positron Emission
Mammography (PEM), constitute the arsenal of studies showing
tumor metabolic activity by uptake of a radiopharmaco. The
isotope is absorbed by all cells in the body and is trapped by the tumor
cells which emit gamma rays that are themselves picked up by the
gamma camera and converted into digital images. These studies are
more reliable in differentiating malignant cells from normal cells.
Key Words: breast. molecular. PET.
Tomografía computada en la necrosis grasa del abdomen: apendagitis epiploica y sus principales diagnósticos diferenciales
Autor: Jorge Ahualli
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La necrosis grasa abdominal puede causar dolor, simular un abdomen
agudo o ser asintomática y acompañarse de otros procesos fisiopatológicos.
Alteraciones que comúnmente se relacionan a
necrosis grasa abdominal incluyen la torsión de un apéndice epiploico
(un proceso inflamatorio autolimitado de los apéndices epiploicos),
infarto del omento mayor (un infarto hemorrágico
resultante del compromiso vascular del omento), necrosis grasa encapsulada
(afección traumática o isquémica que causa degeneración
grasa), saponificación grasa y pancreatitis y osificación
heterotópica vinculada a incisiones quirúrgicas del abdomen (un
subtipo de miositis osificante traumática en la que elementos óseos,
cartilaginosos y ocasionalmente mielógenos se forman en una incisión
Palabras clave: necrosis. grasa. abdomen.
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Abstract Abdominal fat necrosis may cause pain, mimic findings of acute abdomen,
or be asymptomatic and accompany other pathophysiologic
processes. Common processes that are present in fat necrosis include
torsion of an epiploic appendage (a self-limited inflammation of the
appendices epiploicae), infarction of the greater omentum (a hemorrhagic
infarction resulting from vascular compromise), encapsulated
fat necrosis (traumatic or ischemic insult that causes fat
degeneration), fat saponification and pancreatitis and heterotopic
ossification in surgical incisions of the abdomen (represent a subtype
of traumatic myositis ossificans in which osseous, cartilaginous, and,
occasionally, myelogenous elements forms within a surgical incision).
Key Words: necrosis. fat. abdominal.
Anomalias congênitas da veia cava inferior: revisão
dos achados na tomografia computadorizada multidetectores
e ressonância magnética
Autores: Catherine Yang, Henrique Simão Trad, Silvana Machado Mendonça, Clovis Simão Trad
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Anomalias da veia cava inferior são incomuns, ocorrendo em até 8,7% da população, quando consideradas as anomalias
da veia renal esquerda. A veia cava inferior se desenvolve da sexta à oitava semanas de gestação, originada de três
veias embrionárias pareadas: veias subcardinais, supracardinais e pós-cardinais. A complexidade da ontogenia da veia
cava inferior, com numerosas anastomoses entre essas três veias embrionárias, pode levar a uma grande variedade do
retorno venoso do abdome e membros inferiores. Algumas dessas anomalias têm implicações clínicas e cirúrgicas significativas,
associadas a outras anomalias congênitas, e em alguns casos, associadas a trombose venosa de membros
inferiores, principalmente em pacientes adultos jovens. Foram revistos os exames de dez pacientes com anomalias da
veia cava inferior, três deles com trombose venosa profunda de membros inferiores. Foram salientados os principais
aspectos das anomalias da veia cava inferior, nos exames de tomografia computadorizada multidetectores e ressonância
magnética, correlacionados com a embriologia e demonstrando as principais vias alternativas de drenagem venosa.
O conhecimento das anomalias da veia cava inferior é fundamental na avaliação dos exames de imagem do abdome,
evitando erros de interpretação e indicando a possibilidade de anomalias associadas, implicações clínicas e cirúrgicas.
Unitermos: Veia cava inferior. Anormalidades congênitas. Trombose venosa.
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Inferior vena cava anomalies are rare, occurring in up to 8.7% of the population, as left renal vein anomalies are considered.
The inferior vena cava develops from the sixth to the eighth gestational weeks, originating from three paired embryonic
veins, namely the subcardinal, supracardinal and postcardinal veins. This complex ontogenesis of the inferior vena cava,
with multiple anastomoses between the pairs of embryonic veins, leads to a number of anatomic variations in the venous
return from the abdomen and lower limbs. Some of such variations have significant clinical and surgical implications
related to other cardiovascular anomalies and in some cases associated with venous thrombosis of lower limbs, particularly
in young adults. The authors reviewed images of ten patients with inferior vena cava anomalies, three of them with deep
venous thrombosis. The authors highlight the major findings of inferior vena cava anomalies at multidetector computed
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, correlating them the embryonic development and demonstrating the main
alternative pathways for venous drainage. The knowledge on the inferior vena cava anomalies is critical in the assessment
of abdominal images to avoid misdiagnosis and to indicate the possibility of associated anomalies, besides clinical and
surgical implications.
Keywords: Inferior vena cava. Congenital abnormalities. Venous thrombosis.
Espondilodiscites piogênica e tuberculosa: aspectos
na ressonância magnética para o diagnóstico diferencial
Autores: Cristiano Gonzaga de Souza, Emerson Leandro Gasparetto, Edson Marchiori, Paulo Roberto, Valle Bahia
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Espondilodiscites representam 2%–4% de todos os casos de infecções no esqueleto. Seu rápido diagnóstico e tratamento
apropriado podem evitar complicações, tais como colapsos vertebrais, compressão medular, evitando a realização
de procedimentos cirúrgicos. Seu diagnóstico é baseado em achados clínicos e radiológicos característicos, sendo
confirmado por hemoculturas, biópsia do disco ou da vértebra. Este estudo foi realizado com pacientes do Hospital Universitário
Clementino Fraga Filho que tiveram o diagnóstico histopatológico ou microbiológico comprovado de espondilodiscite
e realizaram ressonância magnética das regiões acometidas. Espondilodiscites piogênicas acometem preferencialmente
a coluna lombar. Os principais sinais sugestivos são: acometimento segmentar; abscessos de limites pouco
definidos; acometimento precoce do disco intervertebral; acometimento homogêneo dos corpos vertebrais e discos
intervertebrais. A espondilodiscite tuberculosa afeta preferencialmente os segmentos vertebrais torácicos. As imagens
mais sugestivas são: abscesso de paredes delgadas e bem definidas; envolvimento subligamentar multissegmentar;
acometimento heterogêneo dos corpos vertebrais; discos intervertebrais relativamente poupados. O objetivo deste ensaio
iconográfico é apresentar os principais aspectos das espondilodiscites piogênica e tuberculosa nas imagens por
ressonância magnética.
Unitermos: Ressonância magnética. Discite. Disco intervertebral. Tuberculose da coluna vertebral.
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Pyogenic and tuberculous discitis: magnetic resonance imaging findings for differential diagnosis
Abstract:Spondylodiscitis represents 2%–4% of all bone infections cases. The correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment can
prevent complications such as vertebral collapse and spinal cord compression, avoiding surgical procedures. The diagnosis
is based on characteristic clinical and radiographic findings and confirmed by blood culture and biopsy of the disc or the
vertebra. The present study was developed with Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital patients with histopathologically
and microbiologically confirmed diagnosis of spondylodiscitis, submitted to magnetic resonance imaging of the affected
regions. In most cases, pyogenic spondylodiscitis affects the lumbar spine. The following findings are suggestive of the
diagnosis: segmental involvement; ill-defined abscesses; early intervertebral disc involvement; homogeneous vertebral
bodies and intervertebral discs involvement. Tuberculous spondylodiscitis affects preferentially the thoracic spine. Most
suggestive signs include: presence of well-defined and thin-walled abscess; multisegmental, subligamentous involvement;
heterogeneous involvement of vertebral bodies; and relative sparing of intervertebral discs. The present pictorial essay is
aimed at showing the main magnetic resonance imaging findings of pyogenic and tuberculous discitis.
Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging. Discitis. Intervertebral disc. Spinal tuberculosis.
Cartílago articular: Evaluación por resonancia magnética
Autor: Dr. Gonzalo Delgado P.
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El presente artículo revisa la evaluación imagenologica de las lesiones del cartílago articular
con énfasis en su estudio por resonancia magnética, discutiendo la utilidad de las secuencias convencionales
y los estudios avanzados de RM que permiten detectar lesiones condrales incipientes intrasustancia,
previo a la ulceración de su superficie.
Palabras clave: Cartílago articular. Resonancia magnética.
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This article reviews the radiographic evaluation of articular cartilage lesions with emphasis on
its magnetic resonance imaging study, we will discuss the usefulness of conventional sequences and
advanced MRI studies which allow detection of incipient intrasubstance chondral lesions, prior to the
ulceration of its surface
Keywords: Articular cartilage. Magnetic resonance.
Tortícolis en la edad pediátrica: Revisión pictográficaAutores: Dres. Manuela Pérez M, Ximena Ortega F, Susana Lillo, Karla Moenne B, Juan Antonio Escaffi J, CarolinaPérez S
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La tortícolis describe el hallazgo clínico de una posición anómala de la cabeza respecto del eje
corporal, con rotación cervical e inclinación contralateral de la cabeza, que habitualmente es secundaria
a una contracción involuntaria de la musculatura cervical con compromiso predominante del músculo esternocleidomastoídeo
(ECM). Como signo clínico su diagnóstico diferencial es muy amplio, pudiendo ser
secundario a múltiples causas. En la edad pediátrica el espectro es particular y difiere de la forma reconocida
en adultos. El objetivo de esta revisión pictográfica es evaluar algunas de las causas de torticolis
en la edad pediátrica y analizar los principales hallazgos imaginológicos y su aporte al diagnóstico clínico.
Palabras clave: Imágenes. Niños. Torticolis
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Torticollis in children: A pictographic review
Torticollis describes the clinical finding of an abnormal positioning of the head related with
the body axis, with cervical rotation and contralateral tilt of the head, which is usually secondary to an
involuntary contraction of the cervical musculature been sternocleidomastoideus muscle (ECM) the most
important component. As a clinical sign, differential diagnosis is very broad, and may be secondary to
multiple causes. Pediatric population has a particular spectrum of diseases which differs from adults. The
aim of this pictorial review is to evaluate some torticollis causes in the pediatric setting recording main
imaging findings and their contribution to the clinical diagnosis.
Keywords: Children. Imaging. Torticollis
Diagnóstico por ecografía de ruptura de implantes mamarios y otras complicaciones asociadas: artículo de revisión
Autores: Michel Hernández Restrepo, Fredy Martín Cerquera Cabrera, Jaime A. Ortega Santamaría1
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El diagnóstico imaginológico de la ruptura del implante mamario es una consulta frecuente
y un desafío diagnóstico. Los factores para su ocurrencia pueden relacionarse con el paciente
—razón de implantación, tipo de incisión, localización del implante, edad— o con el mismo
implante —tipo, año de inserción, marca—. Dentro de las técnicas de imagen, la de mejor
rendimiento diagnóstico es la resonancia magnética; sin embargo, en la mayoría de las
ocasiones la herramienta de diagnóstico inicial es la ecografía. El aspecto por ultrasonido de un
implante de silicona normal incluye la visualización de márgenes bien delimitados de la cubierta
y el lumen de silicona homogéneo y anecoico. Existen diferentes signos imaginológicos en la
ruptura intracapsular; los de mejor rendimiento son el aumento del tamaño del espacio entre
la cápsula fibrosa y la cubierta externa del implante por ocupación de líquido extravasado, el
aspecto complicado del lumen del implante dado por el signo de la escalera y los ecos internos
de bajo nivel. En la ruptura extracapsular el signo más confiable es el signo de la tormenta de
nieve. Otros signos, como el derrame periimplante y el contorno irregular del implante, no son
confiables. Ambos tipos deben distinguirse del sangrado de silicona, un escape o trasudado
de silicona a través de la cápsula sin una ruptura evidente u otro hallazgo asociado, debido a
un cambio en la permeabilidad de la cubierta de la prótesis que aumenta con los años de uso
de esta, siendo más frecuente entre 15 y 20 años.
Palabras clave: Implantes de mama. Prótesis e implantes. Mama. Ultrasonografía mamaria
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Diagnosis by Ultrasound of Rupture of Mammary Implants and Other Associated Complications: Revision Article
The imaging diagnosis of the rupture of the mammary implant is a frequent consultation
and a diagnostic challenge. The factors for occurrence can be related to the patient – reason
for the implant, type of incision, location of the implant, age-or the implant itself-type, age
of insertion, mark-. In the group of imaging techniques, the one with the best diagnostic
performance is magnetic resonance; however, in most cases, the initial diagnosis tool is the
ultrasound. The appearance of a normal silicone implant, through ultrasound, includes the
visualization of well-defined margins of the cover, and the homogenous and anechoic silicone
lumen. There are several imaging signs in the intracapsular rupture. The signs with the best performance are an increase in size of the space between the fibrous capsule and the external cover of the implant
due to occupation of the extravasation liquid, as well as the complicated appearance of the implant lumen given by the
staircase sign and the internal low-level echoes. The most reliable sign in the extra capsular rupture is the snowstorm
sign. Other signs, such as peri-implant effusion and the irregular shape of the implant, are not reliable. Both types
must be differentiated from silicone bleeding, which is a silicone exit or transudate through a capsule without evident
rupture or another associated finding, due to a change in the permeability of the prosthesis cover, which increases its
use over the years, most frequently in a span between 15 and 20 years.
Key words: Breast implant
Prostheses and implants. Breast Ultrasonography mammary
Resonancia magnética: utilidad clínica en la valoración del sistema nervioso fetal
Autores: Saray Serrano Montes, Eduardo de Núbila Lizcano, María Angélica Porras Herrera, Leticia Basto Rodríguez, Guido Parra Anaya
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La resonancia magnética (RM) es una valiosa técnica complementaria de la ecografía
prenatal, útil en la detección y caracterización de anomalías del sistema nervioso central
(SNC) fetal. En parte, gracias al uso de secuencias ultrarrápidas que reducen los tiempos de
adquisición. Este es un artículo de revisión que presenta casos representativos de los autores.
Incluye gestantes en el segundo y tercer trimestres de edad gestacional (EG), remitidas por
sospecha ecográfica de anomalía del SNC fetal; e imágenes de cerebros fetales normales,
de gestantes remitidas por sospecha de acretismo placentario.
Palabras clave: Desarrollo fetal. Imagen por resonancia magnética. Sistema nervioso. Diagnóstico prenatal
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Clinical Utility in
the Evaluation of Fetal Central Nervous System
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a valuable complementary technique to prenatal
ultrasound. It is useful in the detection and characterization of the fetal central nervous system
(CNS) anomalies, partly due to the use of ultrafast sequences to reduce acquisition times.
This is a revision article that shows representative cases by the authors. We include a woman
in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, referred for an MRI due a suspicion of fetal
CNS anomaly during the ultrasound, and images of normal fetal brains, in pregnant women
referred for a suspicion of placenta accreta.
Key words:Fetal development. Magnetic resonance imaging. Nervous system. Prenatal diagnosis
Ecografía doppler espectral de la arteria central de la retina y arteria oftálmica en pacientes con diagnóstico de retinopatia diabética. Estudio preliminar prospectivo de casos y controles
Autores: Sanguil LL. Pedro M, Castillo O. Ana María, Arellano A. Paulina, León Carlos, Mena O., Glenn
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La ecografía Doppler pulsada permite la valoración cuantitativa de las estructuras vasculares
orbitarias través de la medición de la VPS, VDF, IR, IP, TA, IA. Se valorará en modo B, Doppler
color y Doppler pulsado pacientes diagnosticados por fondo de ojo de retinopatía diabética. Se
valoraron 12 pacientes. La ACR demostró IR < 0.70 1 caso, IR 0.71 – 0.79 12 casos e IR >0.80 11
casos, en la AO los pacientes presentaron IR < 0.75 3 casos, IR 0.76 – 0.80 5 casos e IR >0.81
16 casos. El IR y el TA de la ACR estuvieron incrementados y los valores están relacionados con
la etapa de la RD, el IP y la VPS también estuvieron incrementados, el IA y la VDF no mostraron
variación en relación con el grupo control. El IR, IP, TA, VPS de la AO estuvieron incrementados,
VDF disminuida, el IA no muestra variación en relación con el grupo control.
La valoración de la ACR y AO permite determinar alteraciones en el doppler pulsado relacionadas
con la diabetes.
Palabras Clave: Retinopatía diabética, Doppler de ojo, índice de resistencia, índice de pulsatilidad, tiempo de
aceleración, índice de aceleración, velocidad pico sistólica, velocidad flujo diastólica, doppler
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The pulsed Doppler ultrasound allows quantitative evaluation of orbital vascular structures by
measuring the VPS, VFD, IR, IP, TA, IA. Be valued B-mode, color Doppler and pulsed Doppler
patients diagnosed by eye fundus of diabetic retinopathy. We evaluated 12 patients. The ACR
showed IR <0.70 1 case, IR from 0.71 - 0.79 12 cases and IR> 0.80 11 cases, in AO the patients
showed IR <0.75 3 cases, IR from 0.76 to 0.80 5 cases and IR> 0.81 16 cases. The IR and TA of
the ACR are increased and the values are related to the stage of DR, IP and VPS are also
increased, the IA and VDF showed no change compared to the control group. The IR, IP, TA, VPS
of the AO were increased, VDF decreased, IA shows no change compared to the control group,
The assessment of the ACR and AO to determine changes in the pulsed Doppler related to
Anomalías renales de posición, forma y fusión: análisis radiológico
Autores: Dra Mónica Gutiérrez,Dr Francisco Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Guerra
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Entre las anomalías del tracto urinario superior se encuentran las anomalías de la migración, que incluye a la ectopia renal simple, y las anomalías de la forma y fusión, que incluyen a la ectopia renal cruzada con y sin fusión y el riñón en herradura. Habitualmente estas patologías son de curso asintomático, por lo que su hallazgo suele ser casual durante exploraciones radiológicas rutinarias por otras causas ó en medio del estudio de los infrecuentes casos sintomáticos caracterizados por la aparición de infecciones a repetición o de clínica de uropatía obstructiva.
Se describen los hallazgos radiológicos de los casos registrados en dos de los centros de Radiodiagnóstico más grandes y de mayor referencia nacional.
Palabras Claves: ectopia renal, riñón en herradura, anomalías del tracto urinario superior, anomalías renales, estudios de imagen.
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Among the anomalies of the upper urinary tract are the anomalies of ascent, which includes simple renal ectopia, and the anomalies of form and fusion, which includes crossed renal ectopia with and without fusion and horseshoe kidney. Since these pathologies are frequently asymptomatic, the diagnosis is most commonly made after a routine imaging studies due to other causes or when recurrent UTI or urinary obstruction are associated.
The radiologic findings of the cases registered in two of the largest and of major national reference are described.
Key Words: renal ectopia, horseshoe kidney, anomalies of the upper urinary tract, renal anomalies, imaging studies.
Intervencionismo diagnóstico en patología de mama
Autores: A. Vega Bolívar
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Con el desarrollo de los programas de detección precoz de cáncer de mama basados
en la mamografía se han ido desarrollando de forma paralela técnicas de biopsia percutánea
guiadas por la imagen para el diagnóstico de las lesiones detectadas sospechosas de cáncer de
Aunque la técnica tradicional de punción con aguja fina sigue teniendo indicaciones, se ha ido
sustituyendo por las mas modernas técnicas de biopsia con aguja gruesa o sistemas de biopsia
asistidos por vacío, con guía ecográfica, estereotáxica o por resonancia magnética (RM). Los
resultados de esta técnica son de una alta fiabilidad, por lo que se ha reducido al mínimo la
biopsia quirúrgica.
El papel del radiólogo es determinante para el diagnóstico histológico del cáncer de mama
en sus fases iniciales, la valoración de su extensión local y regional mediante la utilización de
la RM y realización de la técnica del ganglio centinela.
Palabras Claves: Biopsia mama. Estereotaxia. Galactografía
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Diagnostic intervention in breast disease
Abstract: Imaging-guided percutaneous biopsy techniques have been developed to diagnose
the lesions detected in breast cancer screening programs based on mammography.
Although traditional fine-needle aspiration cytology continues to be indicated in some cases,
in many others it has been supplanted by more modern techniques like core biopsy or vacuumassisted
biopsy guided by ultrasonography, stereotaxy, or magnetic resonance imaging. These
highly reliable techniques have minimized the need for surgical biopsy.
Radiologists play a key role in the histological diagnosis of breast cancer in the early stages
of disease and in the evaluation of its local and regional extension through magnetic resonance
imaging and sentinel node biopsy.
Keywords: Core biopsy. Vacuum-assisted. breast biopsy. Galactography |
La sarcoidosis torácica
Autores: I. Herráez Ortega y L. López González
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La sarcoidosis es una enfermedad granulomatosa multisistémica de causa desconocida,
que afecta principalmente a los ganglios linfáticos torácicos y a los pulmones. La
estadificación, que agrupa a los pacientes con similar probabilidad de remisión espontánea, se
basa en los hallazgos de la radiografía de tórax, que tiene menor sensibilidad que la tomografía
computarizada de alta resolución (TCAR) para detectar la afectación ganglionar, pulmonar y
bronquial. Los hallazgos en TCAR pueden ser típicos, prácticamente patognomónicos, o atípicos.
La TCAR aporta información sobre la actividad de la enfermedad y detecta incipientes
signos de fibrosis y otras complicaciones. Para realizar el diagnóstico es precisa la correlación
clínica, radiológica, y en muchos casos anatomopatológica.
La afectación cardiaca puede provocar muerte súbita; el diagnóstico, difícil, se basa en
varias pruebas de imagen, como la resonancia magnética, que tiene mayor especificidad, y
la tomografía por emisión de positrones; la confirmación mediante biopsia endomiocárdica se
obtiene en pocos pacientes.
Palabras Claves Sarcoidosis. Enfermedad pulmonar difusa. Tomografía computarizada de tórax de alta resolución.
Sarcoidosis cardiaca.
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Update thoracic sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology. It mainly
affects the thoracic lymph nodes and the lungs. The staging of sarcoidosis, which classifies
patients according to their probability of spontaneous remission, is based on the plain chest
film findings. Plain chest films are not as sensitive as high resolution computed tomography
(HRCT) at detecting involvement of the lymph nodes, lungs, or bronchi. The high resolution
CT findings can be typical, practically pathognomic, or atypical. High resolution CT provides
information about the activity of the disease and detects incipient signs of fibrosis and other
complications. To reach the diagnosis, it is necessary to correlate the clinical and radiological
findings (and often the histological findings).
Cardiac involvement can cause sudden death. The diagnosis of cardiac involvement is difficult;
it is based on various imaging tests, like magnetic resonance imaging, which is more specific, and
positron emission tomography. Diagnostic confirmation by endomyocardial biopsy is obtained in
few patients.
Key Words: Sarcoidosis. Diffuse pulmonary disease. High resolution chest computerized tomography. Cardiac sarcoidosis
Metástasis mamaria solitaria metacrónica a partir de un carcinoma de células renales: a propósito de un caso
Autores: Dra. Soledad Rosas
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Se presenta el caso de una paciente con una metástasis mamaria solitaria y metacrónica, 3 años después de haber sido nefrectomizada por un carcinoma de células renales. La literatura demuestra que la mama es un sitio infrecuente de enfermedad metastásica a partir de tumores extramamarios, y además, que el carcinoma de células renales excepcionalmente metastatiza en la mama.
Palabras Claves: metástasis mamaria. carcinoma de células renales. neoplasia mamaria
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We describe a case of a solitary and metachronous breast metastases three years after nefrectomy in a patient with a renal cell carcinoma. Reviewed literature shows that the breast is an unusual site of metastatic extramammary tumors, and metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the breast is extremely rare.
Key Words: Breast metastatic. renal cell. carcinoma. breast neoplasm
Falsos negativos en mamografía
Autores: Gustavo Flebes.
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Se define que es un falso negativo de la mamografía y se exponen los factores que pueden determinar su ocurrencia. También se indican cuales mecanismos pueden utilizarse para reducir su incidencia. Los factores implicados en los falsos negativos son 6: anatomía radiológica de la mama, características radiológicas de la propia lesión, desempeño del médico radiólogo, estado de los equipos, desempeño del técnico radiólogo y ambiente en el cual se
desarrolla el proceso. Para disminuir la frecuencia de falsos negativos se deben considerar los siguientes procedimientos: control de calidad de las imágenes, capacitación del equipo de trabajo -incluyendo al médico, al técnico y al resto de los implicados en el proceso del diagnóstico-,
doble lectura de las imágenes y la detección asistida por computadora. El análisis de las causas de los falsos negativos debería ser una práctica frecuente en todo
centro de mamografía ya que este conocimiento permite adoptar medidas para reducir la probabilidad de su
Palabras Claves: falsos negativos. mamografía.
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Abstract: The concept of false negative in mammograms is defined and the factors which
can define its occurrence are exposed. Mechanisms which can be used to
reduce its incidence are indicated.
There are six factors implied in false negatives: radiological anatomy of the
breast, radiological characteristics of the lesion itself, performance of the
radiology doctor, state of the equipment, performance of the radiology
technician, and environment in which the process is developed.
To reduce the frequency of false negatives, the following procedures must be
considered: imaging quality controll, working team training, (including the
doctor, technician and the rest of the people involved in the process of
diagnosis), double reading of the images and computer aided detection.
Analyzing false negative causes should be a frequent practice in every center
since this knowledge allows us to take steps to reduce the probability of their
Key Words: false negatives. mammogram
Breast Ultrasonography: State of the Art1
Autor: Regina J. Hooley, Leslie M. Scoutt, Liane E. Philpotts
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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Ultrasonography (US) is an indispensable tool in breast
imaging and is complementary to both mammography and
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the breast. Advances
in US technology allow confident characterization of not only
benign cysts but also benign and malignant solid masses.
Knowledge and understanding of current and emerging US
technology, along with the application of meticulous scanning
technique, is imperative for image optimization and
diagnosis. The ability to synthesize breast US findings
with multiple imaging modalities and clinical information is
also necessary to ensure the best patient care. US is routinely
used to guide breast biopsies and is also emerging
as a supplemental screening tool in women with dense
breasts and a negative mammogram. This review provides
a summary of current state-of-the-art US technology, including
elastography, and applications of US in clinical
practice as an adjuvant technique to mammography, MR
imaging, and the clinical breast examination. The use of
breast US for screening, preoperative staging for breast
cancer, and breast intervention will also be discussed.
Imaging of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Multimodality Approach1
Autores: Elizabeth F. Sheybani, Geetika Khanna, Andrew J.
White, Jennifer L. Demertzis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by synovial inflammation and is the most common rheumatic
complaint in children. To facilitate research and treatment, JIA
has been further classified on the basis of the number of joints involved,
additional symptoms, family history, and serologic findings. Imaging in
patients with JIA has historically relied on radiography, which allows the
accurate assessment of chronic changes of JIA, including growth disturbances,
periostitis, and joint malalignment. However, radiographic
findings of active inflammation are nonspecific, and, in the past, clinical
evaluation has taken precedence over imaging of acute disease. Recent
advances in disease-modifying therapeutic agents that can help prevent
long-term disability in patients with JIA have led to greater emphasis on
the detection of early joint-centered inflammation that cannot be accurately
assessed radiographically and may not be evident clinically. Both
contrast material–enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and
Doppler ultrasonography (US) are well suited for this application and
are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosis, risk stratification,
treatment monitoring, and problem solving. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging
is the most sensitive technique for the detection of synovitis and
is the only modality that can help detect bone marrow edema, both of
which indicate active inflammation. US is more sensitive than radiography
for the detection of synovial proliferation and effusions and is particularly
useful in the evaluation of small peripheral joints. The complexity
of the temporomandibular and sacroiliac joints limits the usefulness of
radiographic or US evaluation, and contrast-enhanced MR imaging is the
preferred modality for evaluation of these structures.
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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by synovial inflammation and is the most common rheumatic
complaint in children. To facilitate research and treatment, JIA
has been further classified on the basis of the number of joints involved,
additional symptoms, family history, and serologic findings. Imaging in
patients with JIA has historically relied on radiography, which allows the
accurate assessment of chronic changes of JIA, including growth disturbances,
periostitis, and joint malalignment. However, radiographic
findings of active inflammation are nonspecific, and, in the past, clinical
evaluation has taken precedence over imaging of acute disease. Recent
advances in disease-modifying therapeutic agents that can help prevent
long-term disability in patients with JIA have led to greater emphasis on
the detection of early joint-centered inflammation that cannot be accurately
assessed radiographically and may not be evident clinically. Both
contrast material–enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and
Doppler ultrasonography (US) are well suited for this application and
are playing an increasingly important role in diagnosis, risk stratification,
treatment monitoring, and problem solving. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging
is the most sensitive technique for the detection of synovitis and
is the only modality that can help detect bone marrow edema, both of
which indicate active inflammation. US is more sensitive than radiography
for the detection of synovial proliferation and effusions and is particularly
useful in the evaluation of small peripheral joints. The complexity
of the temporomandibular and sacroiliac joints limits the usefulness of
radiographic or US evaluation, and contrast-enhanced MR imaging is the
preferred modality for evaluation of these structures.