Distensión colónica con bomba de CO2. Impacto en el disconfort del paciente en los estudios de colonoscopía virtual
Autor: Patricia Carrascosa, Carlos Capuñay, Javier Vallejos
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Objetivos: Analizar el rol de la distensión colónica con CO2 y su influencia en el disconfort del paciente y en el
tiempo de duración de la colonoscopía virtual en nuestra práctica diaria.
Materiales y Métodos: Se estudiaron 200 pacientes, 50 insuflados con aire ambiental y 150 con CO2. Los estu-
dios se realizaron con un equipo multidetector de 64 filas con cortes de 2 mm de espesor, 120 kV y 50 mAs. En todos los pacientes se efectuó una adquisición en decúbito supino y otra en prono. Se calculó el tiempo total del procedimiento en cada grupo y se utilizó una prueba “t de Student” para calcular las diferencias. Los pacientes completaron un cuestionario en referencia al grado de disconfort percibido. Se utilizó una escala de 0 a 3: 0- sin disconfort, 1- disconfort leve, 2- moderado y 3- severo.
Se utilizó un test de proporciones para calcular las diferencias del grado de disconfort entre ambos grupos.
Resultados: El tiempo total de los procedimientos fue de 30,5 minutos para los realizados con CO2 y 35,4 minutos para los efectuados con aire ambiental, con
una diferencia de -4,9 min (p=0,0003). En la valoración del disconfort, en el grupo con insuflado con aire ambiental, el 44% de los pacientes manifestó un grado de disconfort moderado, mientras que en el grupo con CO2 el 76% manifestó ausencia de disconfort.
Conclusiones: La colonoscopía virtual realizada con insuflación de CO2 permitió disminuir en forma parcial el tiempo total del examen y, de modo significativo, el disconfort durante y después del examen.
Palabras clave:
Colonoscopía virtual. Disconfort.
Distensión colónica. Insuflado con CO2.
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Colonic distention with CO2 insufflation. Impact on the patient's discomfort in virtual colonoscopy studies.
Objectives: To analyze the role of colonic distention with CO2 and its influence on patients’ discomfort and the duration of the virtual colonoscopy procedure in our daily practice.
Materials and Methods: Two hundred patients were evaluated, 50 were insufflated using room air and 150 with CO2.
The studies were performed with a 64-row CT scanner using 2-mm slice thickness, 120 kV and 50 mAs. In all patients, scans were acquired both in prone and supine positions. We
calculated the total procedure time in each group; a Student’s t-test was used to calculate the differences. Patients completed a questionnaire about the degree of dis-
comfort perceived. We used a scale of 0 to 3: 0- no discomfort, 1- mild, 2- moderate and 3- severe discomfort. We used a test of proportions to calculate the differences in the degree of discomfort between the two groups.
Results: The total procedure time was 30.5 minutes for studies performed with CO2 and 35.4 minutes for those performed with room air, with a difference of -4.9 min (p =
0.0003). As regards the assessment of discomfort, in the group insufflated with room air, 44% of patients reported a moderate degree of discomfort, while in the group insufflat-
ed with CO2, 76% of the patients expressed no discomfort.
Conclusions: Virtual colonoscopy performed with CO2 insufflation partially reduced the total procedure time, and significantly reduced discomfort during and after the procedure. Key Words:
CO2 insufflation. Colonic distention. Discomfort.
Virtual colonoscopy.
Torção ovariana: ensaio iconográfico com enfoque em achados
de ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada
Autores: Eduardo Miguel Febronio, Thiago Franchi Nunes, Patrícia Prando Cardia, Giuseppe D’Ippolito
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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os principais achados em tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética da
torção ovariana. Dois examinadores em consenso selecionaram e analisaram casos ilustrativos, obtidos entre janeiro
de 2010 e dezembro de 2011, de pacientes submetidas a tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética,
com dor abdominal aguda comprovadamente decorrente de torção ovariana, destacando os principais aspectos de
imagem. O crescente papel da tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética na avaliação de paciente
com abdome agudo de origem ginecológica requer que o radiologista se familiarize com os aspectos de imagem das
suas principais causas, utilizando estas ferramentas diagnósticas em conjunto com a ultrassonografia.
Unitermos: Abdome agudo. Doenças dos anexos. Torção ovariana. Tomografia computadorizada. Ressonância mag-
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The present article is aimed at describing the key findings of ovarian torsion at computed tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging. Two investigators have consensually selected and analyzed magnetic resonance imaging and
computed tomography images acquired in the period from January 2010 to December 2011 of patients with proven
acute abdominal pain resulting from ovarian torsion, highlighting the main imaging findings. The increasing role of
computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of patient with acute abdomen of
gynecological origin demands radiologists’ familiarity with the imaging findings related to the main causes of such condition
through the use of these diagnostic tools in association with ultrasonography.
Keywords: Acute abdomen. Adnexal diseases. Ovarian torsion. Computed tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging.
Tumores neuroendócrinos do pulmão: principais achados radiológicos em uma série de 22 casos com confirmação anatomopatológica
Autores: Marcel Koenigkam Santos. André Rodrigues Façanha Barreto. Francisco Abaeté Chagas Neto. Valdair Francisco Muglia. Jorge Elias Júnior.
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Objetivo: Descrever os principais achados de imagem em uma série de casos de tumores neuroendócrinos primários
do pulmão (TNPs), destacando as alterações na tomografia computadorizada.
Materiais e Métodos: Exames de 22 pacientes (12 homens, idade média de 60 anos) avaliados nos últimos cinco anos em nosso serviço, com confirma-
ção histopatológica, foram retrospectivamente revistos por dois médicos radiologistas e os achados foram descritos
em consenso, focando as alterações tomográficas.
Resultados: Descrevemos 5 carcinoides típicos, 3 carcinoides
atípicos, 3 carcinomas neuroendócrinos de grandes células (CNGCs) e 11 cânceres pulmonares de pequenas células
(CPPCs). Apenas um carcinoide típico apresentou aspecto característico de nódulo endobrônquico central com ate-
lectasia pulmonar distal, enquanto os demais foram nódulos ou massas pulmonares. Os carcinoides atípicos eram
massas pulmonares periféricas e heterogêneas. Um CNGC era massa periférica delimitada e homogênea, enquanto
os demais eram mal delimitados e heterogêneos. Os 11 CPPCs eram massas centrais, infiltrativas e heterogêneas,
com alterações pleuropulmonares secundárias. Calcificações estavam ausentes nos CNGCs e CPPCs. Metástases foram
vistas inicialmente ou no seguimento de todos os CNGCs e CPPCs.
Conclusão: Apesar de alguns aspectos semelhan-
tes nos exames de imagem, os achados radiológicos, quando integrados às informações clínicas, podem constituir
critérios importantes na diferenciação dos tipos histológicos de TNPs.
Unitermos: Tomografia computadorizada. Neoplasias pulmonares. Tumores neuroendócrinos.
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Objective: To describe key imaging findings in a series of cases of primary neuroendocrine tumors of the lung (NTLs),
with emphasis on computed tomography changes.
Materials and Methods: Imaging studies of 22 patients (12 men,
mean age 60 years) with histopathologically confirmed diagnosis, evaluated in the authors’s institution during the last five
years were retrospectively reviewed by two radiologists, with findings being consensually described focusing on changes
observed at computed tomography.
Results: The authors have described five typical carcinoids, three atypical carcinoids,
three large-cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (LCNCs), and 11 small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs). Only one typical carci-
noid presented the characteristic appearance of central endobronchial nodule with distal pulmonary atelectasis, while
the others were pulmonary nodules or masses. The atypical carcinoids corresponded to peripheral heterogeneous masses.
One out of the three LCNCs was a peripheral homogeneous mass, while the others were ill-defined and heterogeneous.
The 11 SCLCs corresponded to central, infiltrating and heterogeneous masses with secondary pleuropulmonary changes.
Calcifications were absent both in LGNCs and SCLCs. Metastases were found initially and also at follow-up of all the
cases of LCNCs and SCLCs.
Conclusion: Although some imaging features may be similar, radiologic findings consid-
ered together with clinical information may play a relevant role in the differentiation of histological types of NTLs.
Keywords: Computed tomography. Lung neoplasms. Neuroendocrine tumors.
Cáncer mamario triple negativo ¿Cómo se ve en imágenes?
Autores: Drs. Eleonora Horvath, Oscar Bañuelos R, Claudio Silva F, Jorge Mondaca V, Paulina González M,
Marcela Gallegos A, María Cecilia Galleguillos P, Miguel Ángel Pinochet T, Monserrat Fernández G,
Karen Junemann U, Jamile Camacho N.
Español: |
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Introducción: Los cánceres triple negativo (CTN) son aquellos que no presentan receptores de
estrógeno, progesterona ni human epidermal grow factor, receptor type 2. Herceptin (HER2). Tienden a ser más
agresivos; a menudo se diagnostican en pacientes jóvenes, a veces como cánceres de intervalo, llegan a ser de
gran tamaño y más frecuentemente presentan metástasis axilares al momento del diagnóstico. Su pronóstico es
peor que otros cánceres mamarios, existiendo una mayor probabilidad de recurrencia a distancia y de muerte,
especialmente en los primeros 5 años.
Pacientes y métodos: Se efectuó una revisión retrospectiva descriptiva de los casos de CTN diagnosticados en nuestra institución (periodo entre marzo de 2005 y junio de 2012) con el fin de identificar sus características imaginológicas. Resultados. Los CTN pueden quedar ocultos en mamografía (Mx) si
el parénquima es denso (tipo ACR 3 y 4), puesto que aparecen principalmente como masas o asimetrías focales,
sin microcalcificaciones. Tanto en Mx como en ultrasonido (US) pueden evocar una lesión de morfología benigna.
En US se manifiestan frecuentemente como un nódulo sólido único, marcadamente hipoecogénico con refuerzo
posterior, de contornos bastante circunscritos y que aparece hipo/avascular al Doppler color (o vascularizado en
la periferia sin vasos centrales) y varios pedículos aferentes. La resonancia magnética (RM) identifica hallazgos
claramente sospechosos con algunos elementos característicos: masa cuya localización es preferentemente
posterior, pre-pectoral, marcadamente hiperintensa en T2 que capta el contraste en anillo y presenta curva de
lavado, a veces con septos hipercaptantes en el centro de la lesión.
Conclusión: Los CTN presentan a menudo características en imágenes que los diferencian de otros tipos de tumores.
Palabras clave: Cáncer de mama triple negativo. Carcinoma mamario. Ecografía. Mamografía. Neoplasia de
mama. Sonografía Doppler. Ultrasonido. Vascularidad.
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Triple receptor-negative breast cancer. How is it seen on imaging findings?
Introduction: Triple-negative cancers (TNC) refers to any breast cancer that does not express the
genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) or human epidermal grow factor, receptor type
2. Herceptin (HER2). They tend to be more aggressive; often being diagnosed in young patients, sometimes as
interval cancers, they can grow to be large in size and patients frequently present initially with axillary metastases.
They show a worse prognosis compared to other breast cancer tumors, with an increased risk of distant recurrence
and death, especially in the first 5 years after diagnosis.
Patients and methods: We conducted a descriptive,
retrospective observational study of TNC cases diagnosed at our institution between March 2005 and June
2012 in order to identify their imaging features. Results. TNC may not be seen on mammography (Mx) if the
parenchyma is dense (ACR types 3 and 4), mainly because they appear as masses or focal asymmetries without
microcalcifications. Both on mammography and ultrasound (US) they can evoke a benign lesion. On US studies
they frequently manifest as a solid single nodule, markedly hypoechoic with posterior acoustic enhancement
and well-defined contours. They appear hypo/ avascular on color Doppler examinations (or vascularized in the
periphery without central vessels) and various afferent pedicles may be present. Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) clearly identifies suspicious lesions with some characteristic features: mass preferably with posterior and
prepectoral location, markedly hyperintense on T2- weighted images with a ring-like pattern of contrast agent
uptake, presenting washout curve, sometimes with septa increased uptake in the lesion center.
Triple receptor-negative cancers often exhibit imaging features that distinguish them from other types of tumors.
Keywords: Breast carcinoma. Breast neoplasma. Doppler sonography. Mammography. Sonography. Triple
receptor-negative breast cancer. Ultrasound. Vascularity.
Vólvulo gástrico: ¿Por qué recordarlo? Revisión a propósito de un caso
Autores: Drs. Samuel Sánchez C, Laura Vique B, Oscar Ardiles C, David Herquiñigo R.
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El vólvulo gástrico es una entidad médica de diversas implicancias en cuanto a la presentación
clínica, diagnóstico, apoyo imaginológico, conducta y evaluación patológica. Por tanto, es fundamental la revi-
sión de las características de cada una de ellas, con el objeto de orientar una conducta que posee caracteres
tan amplios como lo es la simple observación hasta una conducta agresiva y urgente que implique salvar la
vida del paciente.
El vólvulo gástrico consiste en una rotación del órgano sobre su propio eje, de baja ocurrencia, presentándose
dos tipos: organoaxial y mesenteroaxial, en los cuales existe riesgo de isquemia y necrosis. Se manifiesta en
cualquier etapa de la vida, de preferencia en etapa adulta y con clínica de abdomen agudo en gran parte de los
casos. Debido al riesgo de isquemia, necrosis y compromiso vital, la conducta urgente implica resolución quirúr-
gica, que puede concluir en extirpación del órgano, con un alto riego de mortalidad en el intra y postoperatorio.
Presentamos el caso de una paciente característica en cuanto a la presentación de los procesos clínicos antes
Palabras clave: Estómago. Gastrectomía. Triada de Borchardt. Vólvulo.
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Stomach volvulus: Why should we remember it? Case review
Abstract: Stomach volvulus is a medical entity which has different implications in terms of clinical presentation,
diagnosis, imaging support, and pathological behavior and evaluation. Analysis of features of these implica-
tions is essential when deciding a course of action, which can vary from simple observation to aggressive and
urgent resolutions in order to save the patient’s life. Gastric volvulus represents an unusual rotation of the organ
on its own axis, thus entailing risk of ischemia and necrosis. There are two major types of gastric volvulus, i.e.,
organoaxial and mesenteroaxial. It can occur in any stage of life, preferably in adulthood, with clinical signs of
acute abdomen in most of the cases. Due to the risk of ischemia, necrosis, and vital compromise, an urgent
response involves surgical resolution which can lead to the removal of the organ, with a high risk of mortality
in the intra- and post-operative periods. We report the case of a patient presenting with the aforementioned
clinical processes.
Keywords: Borchardt’s triad. Gastrectomy. Stomach. Volvulus.
Disección espontánea de las arterias carótida y vertebral. Diagnóstico por ultrasonido Doppler. Serie de casos
Autores: Álvaro Ariza Fonseca
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Usualmente, el ultrasonido Doppler carotídeo es la primera modalidad de estudio para
evaluar a los pacientes con sintomatología de origen cerebrovascular. El reconocimiento del
patrón de flujo esteno-oclusivo distal es clave en detectar la disección espontánea de las
arterias carótida interna y vertebral en pacientes jóvenes que se presentan con sintomatología
de accidente isquémico cerebral. En el artículo se presentan seis casos de pacientes cuyo
diagnóstico fue sugerido inicialmente por la realización de un estudio de Doppler carótido-
Palabras clave: Disección de la arteria carótida interna. Disección de la arteria vertebral. Ultrasonografía Doppler
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Spontaneous Dissection of the Carotid and
Vertebral Arteries. Doppler Ultrasound Diagnosis. Case Series
Summary: The Carotid color Doppler ultrasound is usually the first imaging modality employed for the
assessment of patients with cerebrovascular symptoms. The recognition of the distal steno-
occlusive flow pattern is key for the detection of spontaneous dissection of the internal carotid
and vertebral arteries in young patients who present cerebral ischemic signs. We present six
cases of patients whose diagnosis was initially suggested by carotid color Doppler ultrasound.
Keywords: Spontaneous vertebral artery dissection. Internal carotid artery dissection. Color Doppler ultrasonography
Hemangiomas mesentéricos. Presentación de cuatro casos
Autores: Mauricio Massaro, Tatiana Suárez, Claudia Huertas, Catalina Cuervo
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Los hemangiomas son tumores vasculares benignos comunes, encontrados principalmente
en la piel y el tejido celular subcutáneo. Su localización en el mesenterio es muy poco
frecuente. En este artículo se reportan cuatro casos de hemangiomas mesentéricos, y uno
de ellos que se presentó con hemoperitoneo significativo.
Palabras clave: Hemangioma. Mesenterio. Tomografía computarizada por rayos X. Imagen por resonancia
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Mesenteric Hemangiomas. Report of Four Cases
Hemangiomas are common benign vascular tumors, which are mainly found in the skin and
in subcutaneous cellular tissue. Mesentery is considered a rare location for hemangiomas.
This article reports four cases of mesenteric hemangioma. One of the cases had significant
bleeding into the peritoneum
Key words: Hemangioma Mesentery Tomography. X-Ray computed. Magnetic resonance imaging
Meduloblastoma pediátrico,revisión y puesta al día
Autores: M.I. Martínez León
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El medulo blastoma es eltumor maligno más frecuente del SNC en pediatría. Pre-
senta una variabilidad histológica y molecular tan importante que hace que, aunque todos los
tipos de medulo blastoma se clasifiquen como grado IV,el riesgo y el pronóstico de los mismos
sean muy amplios. Las pruebas de imagen son importantes no sólo porque la valoración diag-
nóstica inicial indica el tipo de cirugía a realizar, que presenta un valor pronóstico, si no para
el planteamiento terapéutico posterior,teniendo en cuenta quedeterminan,entre otras,la
diseminación y el resto tumoral posquirúrgico,factores de riesgo en este tumor.Una mejor
comprensión de las características biológicas y moleculares del medulo blastoma promete un
cambio dramático hacia la precisión en la estadificación y eltratamiento tumoral en unfuturo
próximo, favoreciendo aún más la actual mejora de la supervivencia.
Palabras Claves:
Tumores del SNC.
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Review and update about medulloblastoma in children
Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant CNS tumor in children. Although all
medulloblastomas are classifi ed as grade IV lesions, the wide histological and molecular variation
among these tumors means that the risk and prognosis involved also vary widely. Imaging studies
are important not only because the initial diagnostic evaluation indicates what type of surgery
will be performed and has prognostic value, but also because it infl uences the postoperative
treatment approach, providing, among other details, information about the dissemination of
disease and remnants of the tumor after surgery, which are both risk factors in medulloblastomas.
Improvements in our understanding of the biological and molecular characteristics of
medulloblastoma promise a dramatic change in the accuracy of staging and treatment of this
tumor in the near future that are sure to bring about further improvements in survival.
Central nervous
system tumors.
Magnetic resonance
Tomografía computarizada y resonancia magnética en las
enfermedades dolorosas del raquis: aportaciones respectivas y
Autores: F.Ruiz Santiago, M.M. Castellano García, L. Guzmán Álvarez y M.Tello Moreno
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Las técnicas de imagen tomográficas, tomografía computarizada(TC)y resonancia magnética (RM)se vienen usando cada vez de forma más frecuente, en sustitución o adición a
la radiografía simple, para el estudio del dolor de espalda.
El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión general de las manifestaciones en TC
y RM del amplio espectro de enfermedades que pueden ser responsables del dolor generado
en la columna vertebral. Este espectro abarca la enfermedad degenerativa, de la alineación
vertebral, tumoral,inflamatoria e infecciosa.
El conocimiento y la descripción exacta y uniforme de los hallazgos con dichas técnicas supo-
nen un soporte fundamental para la toma de decisiones clínicas en los pacientes con dolor de
Palabras Claves: Columna.
Dolor deespalda.
Enfermedades dela
Curvatura espinal
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Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for painful
spinal column: contributions and controversies
The use of tomographic imaging techniques, computed tomography (CT) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to complement or replace plain-fi lm radiography in the
study of spine pain is becoming more and more common.
The aim of this paper is to provide a general review of the CT and MRI manifestations of the
wide spectrum of lesions that can cause pain in the spinal column. This spectrum includes
degenerative disease, malalignment, tumors, inflammatory processes, and infectious
Precise knowledge and accurate reporting of the fi ndings at CT and MRI are fundamental for
clinical decision making in patients with spine pain.
Key Words: F. Ruiz Santiago. M.M. Castellano García. L. Guzmán Álvarez. M. Tello Moreno
Asbceso retrofaringeo complicado
Autores: Ortega Coronel María Fernanda, Dr. Calvopiña José, Dr. Mena Glenn
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Se hace una revisión concisa de absceso
retrofaríngeo, se presenta un caso de
evolución larga y tórpida con múltiples
subtratamientos que enmascararon la
sintomatología por un período prolongado,
aumentando el riesgo de morbilidad y
provocándose graves complicaciones.
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It is a concise review of retropharyngeal abscess, we report a case of long and torpid evolution
with multiple subtreatments that masked the symptoms for a long time, increasing the risk of
provoking severe morbidity and complications.
Ornitosis manifestaciones radiológicas a nivel del tórax.
Autores: Dres. Fernando Landó, Luis Dibarboure, Gustavo Pereyra
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Introducción: la Ornitosis, también conocida como Psitacosis es una zoonosis
producida por la Chlamydia Psitacci y trasmitida fundamentalmente por las aves del
género psitace (loros, periquitos, papagayos). La incidencia de la enfermedad es baja,
probablemente por ser subdiagnosticada, presenta distribución universal y suele
producirse en forma esporádica en cualquier época del año. En el mes de enero del año
2004, en la ciudad de Tacuarembó se produjo un brote de la enfermedad, obteniéndose
en cada caso la noción epidemiológica de contacto con aves e individualizándose un
único sitio de procedencia de los mismos.
Objetivos: Realizar el estudio retrospectivo descriptivo de los hallazgos iniciales y
cambios evolutivos en la radiografía simple de tórax (Rx Tx) en una serie de pacientes
con el diagnóstico de psitacosis. Relacionar las manifestaciones imagenológicas
encontradas y el cuadro clínico. Finalmente cotejar estos hallazgos con los aportados
por la bibliografía consultada.
Material y métodos: Se incluyeron en la serie 30 pacientes con el diagnóstico de
infección por Chlamydia psittaci realizado por serología confirmatoria o cuadro clínico
compatible, todos con igual fuente de contagio. Dos médicos imagenólogos analizaron
en forma individual la totalidad de las RxTx en proyección A-P de todos los pacientes,
solo se admitieron aquellos casos en los que existió coincidencia ínterobservador. El
análisis de cada radiografía se realizó siguiendo un esquema preestablecido. Obtenida
la información imagenológica se la procesó con un criterio clínico- radiológico y se la
cotejó a la obtenida de la bibliografía consultada. Resultados: Se analizaron 44
radiografías pertenecientes a 30 pacientes; 30 correspondientes a la radiografía inicial
y 14 a los controles de 9 pacientes. 11 pacientes presentaron radiografías normales, en
los restantes 19 se identificaron 33 alteraciones parenquimatosas de las cuales 24
correspondieron a ocupación del espacio aéreo, 4 a vidrio esmerilado, 2 a patrón
intersticial, 1 a masa pulmonar y 2 a atelectasia. La afectación unilateral se vio en 14
pacientes, 11 de ellos presentaron una única alteración parenquimatosa. La bilateralidad
se presentó en 5 casos. El pulmón más frecuentemente comprometido fue el izquierdo
con 18 hallazgos radiológicos. Los sectores más afectados fueron los tercios inferiores
y sectores centrales de ambos pulmones. Se presentó derrame pleural de escasa
magnitud en un solo caso y no se objetivaron alteraciones mediastinales. En todos los
casos con seguimiento las lesiones evolucionaron a la mejoría radiológica y en un caso
se presentó derrame pleural bilateral. Se destaca el escaso material bibliográfico nacional
sobre la enfermedad, no encontrándose series publicadas más numerosa que la de este
Conclusiones: Los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos encontrados son mayoritariamente
coincidentes con los citados en la bibliografía. La ausencia de clínica e imágenes
patognomónicas hace imprescindible la pesquisa de exposición a aves vectoras en
todo paciente afecto de una neumonía, constituyendo el principal elemento de sospecha
de la enfermedad.
Palabras claves: Ornitosis, Psitacosis, Clamydia Psitacci, Radiografía de Tórax.
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To perform a retrospective descriptive study of the initial findings and evolutive changes in the chest radiograph of a series of patients diagnosed with psittacosis.
To relate the imaging findings with the clinical profile.
To correlate these findings with those mentioned in the consulted bibliography.
Materials and methods:
Thirty patients with Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) psittaci infection were included in the series, diagnosed by serologic examination or matching clinical profile, all of them sharing the same source of infection.
Two radiologists independently assessed the PA radiograph of every patient, admitting only those studies in which interobserver coincidence existed.
The analysis of each radiograph followed a pre‐established scheme.
Once obtained, the radiologic data was processed with imaging and clinical criteria and compared with that of the consulted bibliography.
Forty four radiographs belonging to 30 patients were analyzed; thirty of them corresponding to the first study and 14 to the follow-up
of nine patients.
Eleven patients had normal radiographs. In the remaining 19, thirty three parenchymal alterations were found, of which 24 corresponded to airspace opacification, four to ground-glass opacity, two showed na interstitial pattern, one had a pulmonary nodule, and finally two of them corresponded to atelectasis.
Unilateral affectation was present in 14 patients, of whom 11 presented a solitary focal lesion. Five cases had bilateral involvement.
The left lung was more frequently affected, with 18 radiologic findings.
The more involved sectors were the lower thirds of the lung fields (13 lesions to the left and 10 to the right) and the central sectors of the fields (12 lesions to the left and 11 to the right).
Scarce pleural effusion was present in only one case, and no mediastinal alterations were found. In every case in which follow‐up was performed lesions evolved to radiologic improvement, and only in one case bilateral pleural effusion developed.
We wish to emphasize the limited bibliographic material available about this disease in our country, especially in the imaging aspect,
of which there is no published bigger series than the one examined in this study.
Rol del ultrasonido en el control postoperatorio del cáncer de tiroides
Autores: Dra. Sonia Caputi
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Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con
control ecográfico de pacientes operados
por cáncer de tiroides en el período
comprendido entre 1995 y 2010.
Se define la utilidad del Ultrasonido (US)
en el control y seguimiento postoperatorio
del Cáncer de tiroides.
La importancia del tema reside en estudiar
si hay tejido tiroideo remanente y si este es
normal o patológico, en base a sus características
ecográficas y vascularización,
así como información sobre posibles
recidivas y/o respuesta al tratamiento.
El US aporta un rol fundamental en el
estudio postquirúrgico del cuello en esta
Palabras clave: US, Cáncer tiroides,
Doppler color, Remanente, Recidiva.
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A retrospective study was conducted by performing ultrasound (US) scans in patients that had undergone surgery due to thyroid cancer between the years 1995 and 2010.
The usefulness of US scans in postoperative follow-up of thyroid cancer is analyzed.
They are used to detect remnant thyroid tissue and to asses if it is normal or pathological according to its ultrasonic image and degree of vascularization. Also it is used to detect possible recurrences and measure response to treatment.
US scans are of the utmost importance in the postoperative study of the neck.
Key word: US. thyroid cancer. colour Doppler. remnant. recurrence
Lumbosacral Transitional
Vertebrae: Association with Low
Back Pain1
Autor: Lorenzo Nardo, MD
Hamza Alizai, MD2
Warapat Virayavanich, MD3
Felix Liu, MS
Alexandra Hernandez, PhD
John A. Lynch, PhD
Michael C. Nevitt, PhD
Charles E. McCulloch, PhD
Nancy E. Lane, MD
Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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Purpose: To assess the prevalence and degree of lumbosacral transitional
vertebrae (LSTV) in the Osteoarthritis Initiative
(OAI) cohort, to assess whether LSTV correlates with low
back pain (LBP) and buttock pain, and to assess the reproducibility
of grading LSTV.
Materials & Methods:
Institutional review board approval was obtained, and
informed consent documentation was approved for the
study protocol. Standard standing pelvic radiographs that
included the transverse processes of L5 were graded according
to Castellvi classification of LSTV in 4636 participants
(1992 men and 2804 women; aged 45–80 years)
from the OAI cohort. These data were correlated with
prevalence and severity of LBP and buttock pain.
Results: Prevalence of LSTV was 18.1% (841 of 4636), with a
higher rate in men than in women (28.1% vs 11.1%, respectively;
P , .001). Of the 841 individuals with LSTV,
41.72% were type I (dysplastic enlarged transverse
process), 41.4% were type II (pseudoarticulation), 11.5%
were type III (fusion), and 5.2% were type IV (one transverse
process fused and one with pseudoarticulation).
Of the participants without LSTV, 53.9% reported LBP,
while the prevalence of LBP for types I, II, III, and IV was
46%, 73%, 40%, and 66%, respectively (P , .05, x2 test).
Types II and IV had higher prevalence and severity of LBP
and buttock pain (P , .001).
Conclusion: LSTV types II and IV positively correlate with prevalence
and severity of LBP and buttock pain.
Image-guided Biopsy:
What the Interventional
Radiologist Needs to
Know about PET/CT
Autores: Katsuhiro Kobayashi, MD, PhD, Peeyush Bhargava, MD, Shanker
Raja, MD, Farbod Nasseri, MD, Hassan A. Al-Balas, MBBS2, Darryl
D. Smith, MD, Sharad P. George, MD, Meena S. Vij, MD
The increasing use of imaging necessitates familiarity with a wide variety of pathologic conditions, both common and rare, that affect the fallopian tube. These conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis for pelvic disease in the nonpregnant patient. The most common condition is pelvic inflammatory disease, which represents a spectrum ranging from salpingitis to pyosalpinx to tubo-ovarian abscess. Isolated tubal torsion is rare but is nevertheless an important diagnosis to consider in the acute setting. Hematosalpinx in a nonpregnant patient can be an indicator of tubal endometriosis; however, care should be taken to exclude tubal torsion or malignancy. Current evidence suggests that the prevalence of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is underestimated and that there is a relationship between PFTC and breast cancer. PFTC has characteristic imaging features that can aid in its detection and in differentiating it from other pelvic masses. Familiarity with fallopian tube disease and the imaging appearances of both the normal and abnormal fallopian tube is crucial for optimal diagnosis and management in emergent as well as ambulatory settings.
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Positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) with
fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is increasingly used in evaluation
of oncology patients. Because PET/CT can demonstrate malignancy
before morphologic changes are evident, application of PET/CT information
to image-guided biopsy can facilitate early histologic diagnosis
and staging. However, because FDG uptake is not specific to cancer,
PET/CT findings may raise questions about whether uptake in a lesion
is an indication for biopsy. To properly select patients for image-guided
biopsy, interventional radiologists should be familiar with the biologic
significance of FDG uptake and various causes of false-positive uptake.
PET/CT images may also become a source of confusion in the interpretation
of biopsy results. Various causes of false-positive and false-negative
FDG uptake need to be considered, especially when there is a discrepancy
between biopsy results and PET/CT findings. False-negative
FDG uptake can result from cancers that are too small to be observed
or not FDG avid. False-positive FDG uptake can be due to underlying
inflammation from recent treatment. Conversely, complete resolution of
FDG uptake in a treated lesion does not necessarily indicate absence of
viable cells. When questions about PET/CT findings arise in the context
of image-guided biopsy, discussion with experienced nuclear imaging
physicians is essential.