Medición ecográfica del espesor medio-intimal
carotídeo en pacientes pediátricos con obesidad,
hipercolesterolemia familiar y diabetes tipo 1
Autores: Mónica Bravo, Laura Collado, Esteban Dardanelli, María Beatriz Araujo, José Lipsich,
Silvia Moguillansky
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Propósito. Evaluar con ultrasonografía (US) el Espesor Medio Intimal (EMI) como marcador de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) temprano en pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y de laboratorio de Hipercolesterolemia Familiar (HCF), Diabetes Tipo 1 (DBT-1) y Obesidad (OB), comparando con grupo control.
Materiales y Métodos. Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Evaluamos el EMI de las arterias carótidas comunes (CC) e incluimos en una sola variable dicotómica otras alteraciones estructurales de la pared (placas ateromatosas e irregularidades de la íntima). La US fue realizada en forma cegada al resultado de los exámenes de sangre, según las recomendaciones del consenso de Mannheim 2007, en 121 pacientes (de 6 a 18 años): 24 HCF, 40 DBT-1 y 43 OB; y 14 controles. Se excluyeron pacientes con otras patologías que pudieran alterar la pared arterial. Analizamos las variables con el programa Statistix 8.
Resultados. Comparados con los controles, los 3 grupos tuvieron un mayor EMI, siendo las diferencias
estadísticamente significativas. Los EMI Medio (mm)
fueron en HCF: 0,59 (0,31-2,15), p: 0,006; IC: 0,06-0,36. Obesos: 0,48 (0,3-0,85), p: 0,001; IC: 0,06-0,14. DBT-1: 0,46 (0,25-0,65), p: 0,0004; IC: 0,03-0,13. Grupo control: 0,37 (0,30-0,45). Los pacientes con HCF presentaron la mayor diferencia. No se encontró asociación entre el valor de LDL-C y el EMI. El 62,5% recibían tratamiento farmacológico en el momento de la evaluación. En DBT-1 no se encontró asociación entre el EMI y los niveles de HbA1c y lípidos; y en el grupo OB no se encontró asociación entre el EMI y el Z score IMC. El 31% de HCF, el 8% de DBT-1 y el 6% de OB presentaron placas ateromatosas e irregularidades de la íntima.
Conclusión. La US del EMI permitió demostrar que
los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, con RCV
aumentado en edad adulta, presentaron alteraciones
precoces de la íntima media carotídea en la etapa
pediátrica. Esto permite aplicaciones clínicas preventivas y de orientación terapéutica.
Palabras clave. Diabetes Tipo 1. Ecografía. Espesor
Medio Intimal. Hipercolesterolemia Familiar. Niños.
Obesidad. Riesgo Cardiovascular.
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Ultrasonography measurement of carotid intima-media
thickness in pediatric patients with obesity, familial
hypercholesterolemia and type 1 diabetes.
Purpose. To evaluate by ultrasonographic images carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) as an early marker of cardiovascular risk (CVR) in patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FHC), type 1 diabetes (DBT-1) and Obesity (OB), compared to a healthy control group.
Materials and Methods. A prospective, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. We evaluated the IMT of common carotid (cc) arteries and included in a single dichotomic variable other structural modifications of the wall (atheromatous plaques and intima irregularities). US was blinded to the blood tests results (as recommended by the 2007 Mannheim consensus) from 121 patients (aged 6 to 18 years): 24 FHC, 40 DBT-1, 43 OB, and 14 controls. Patients with other diseases that could alter the arterial wall were excluded. Variables were analyzed using the Statistix 8 program.
Results. The three groups had a higher IMT than the control group, with these differences being statistically significant. Mean IMT (mm) were 0.59 (0.31-2.15), p: 0.006, CI 0.06 to 0.36 in FHC; 0.48 (0.3-0.85), p: 0.001, CI 0.06-0.14 in obesity; and 0.46 (0.25-0.65), p: 0.0004, CI 0.03-0.13 in
DBT-1. Control group: 0.37 (0.30-0.45). The major difference was observed in FHC patients. No association was found between LDL-C value and IMT. Upon the examination, 62.5% were receiving pharmacotherapy. In DBT-1 no association was found between IMT and the levels of HbA1c and lipids. In the OB group there was no association between IMT and BMI Z-score. Atheromatous plaques and intima irregularities were found in 31% of FHC patients, 8% of DBT-1 patients, and 6% of OB patients.
Conclusion. Ultrasonographic IMT measurements demonstrated that patients with chronic diseases and increased CVR at adulthood presented early changes in the carotid intima-media at childhood. This allows clinical prevention strategies and therapeutic guidance.
Keywords. Cardiovascular Risk. Children. Type 1
Diabetes. Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Intimal-Medial Thickness. Obesity. Ultrasound.
Valoración en un solo paso del potencial donante
renal. Angiografía y urografía por RM con
correlación quirúrgica
Autor: María Bolaño Vega, Eduardo Martín, Luis Mainetti, Olga Guardia, Diego Pineda Ordóñez, Ricardo Román
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Objetivos. Evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la
angiografía renal (ARM) y urografía (URM) por
Resonancia Magnética (RM) en potenciales donantes de riñón mediante la correlación con hallazgos quirúrgicos.
Materiales y Métodos.Se evaluaron 55 potenciales donantes mediante protocolo angiográfico y urográfico en múltiples fases en un resonador de 1,5 T. La ARM valoró la existencia de variantes anatómicas o alteraciones estructurales arteriales o venosas y la URM valoró el parénquima renal y el sistema colector en fases nefrográfica y excretora. Los resultados fueron comparados con hallazgos quirúrgicos.
Resultados.La correlación se realizó en 42 donantes efectivos. En ellos, se observó una especificidad de la ARM del 94% y una exactitud diagnóstica del 93%. Se identificaron variantes anatómicas y alteración estructural arterial en el 29% de los pacientes. La valoración venosa y urográfica de la RM resultó concordante quirúrgicamente en todos los casos
Conclusión.Las imágenes de RM proveen un método seguro y eficaz para la valoración prequirúrgica renal de forma integral en potenciales donantes de riñón.
Palabras clave:
Angiografia. Arterias renales. Donante renal. Urografía. RM.
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Abstract One-step MR angiography and urography in the
evaluation of potential renal living donors.
Purposes. To evaluate diagnostic accuracy of renal MRangiography (MRA) and MR- urography (MRU) in the assessment of normal anatomy and renal vascular pathology in potential renal living donors compared with surgical findings.
Material and Methods.Evaluation of 55 potential living donors performing one-step MR angiography and MR urography in a 1.5 T magnet. MRA evaluated the presence of anatomic variants or arterial or venous pathologic conditions. MRU depicted renal parenchyma anatomy and collector system. These results were compared with surgical findings.
Results.MRA and MRU findings were actually compared with surgical findings in 42 effective donors. MRA specificity was 94 % and diagnostic accuracy was 93 %. Anatomic variants and arterial structural abnormalities were detected in 29 % of patients. Venous and excretory surgical findings were consistent in 100 % of cases.
Conclusion.One-step MRA and MRU constitutes an accurate method for pre-operative assessment of renovascular and excretory anatomy in potential living donors.
Key Words:
Angiography. Living donor. MR. Renal arteries. Urography
Avaliação por imagem dos gossipibomas abdominais
Autores: Francisco Abaeté das Chagas Neto, Paulo Moraes Agnollitto, Fernando Marum Mauad,
André Rodrigues Façanha Barreto, Valdair Francisco Muglia, Jorge Elias Junior
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O termo gossipiboma é usado para descrever uma massa formada a partir de uma matriz de algodão cercada por uma reação inflamatória/granulomatosa. Sua incidência é estimada em 0,15% a 0,2%. O corpo estranho na cavidade abdominal pode servir de nicho para a proliferação de microrganismos e agir como foco primário para formação de abscessos e de peritonite. Vários estudos têm demonstrado a importância da correlação clínica com os diversos métodos de imagem (radiografia convencional, ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética) no diagnóstico dos gossipibomas. Este ensaio tem por objetivo demonstrar uma série de casos típicos de gossipibomas abdominais
e ilustrar suas diversas formas de apresentação, com ênfase nos achados dos diferentes métodos de imagem,
visando a familiarizar os radiologistas com esta enfermidade e seus principais diagnósticos diferenciais.
Unitermos: Gossipiboma; Abdominal; Diagnóstico por imagem.
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Imaging findings of abdominal gossypibomas
Gossypiboma is a term utilized to describe a mass developed from a matrix of cotton fibers surrounded by inflammatory granulomatous reaction. Its incidence is estimated at 0.15% to 0.2% of laparotomies. A foreign body within the abdominal
cavity may provide a niche for proliferation of microorganisms, acting as primary focus for development of an abscess and peritonitis. Several studies have demonstrated the relevance of clinical correlation with the findings of different imaging methods (conventional radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) in the diagnosis of gossypibomas. The present pictorial essay is aimed at demonstrating a series of typical cases of abdominal gossypibomas and illustrating the several presentations of such mass, with emphasis on the findings at different imaging methods in order to familiarize radiologists with this entity and with the main differential diagnosis.
Keywords: Gossypiboma; Abdominal; Imaging diagnosis.
Incidência e aspectos de imagem do linfoma pós-transplante
hepático em crianças
Autores: Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt, Paula Nicole Vieira Pinto, Maria Fernanda Arruda Almeida,
Wagner Santana Cerqueira, André Moreira de Assis, Adriana Michiko da Silva Tanaka Rodrigues,
Rubens Chojniak
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Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência e os aspectos de imagem do linfoma pós-transplante hepático em crianças.
Materiais e Métodos: Foram revisados os prontuários e exames de imagem de crianças submetidas a transplante hepático entre 2000 e 2008 em uma única instituição. Resultados: De 241 crianças submetidas a transplante hepático, com seguimento médio de 41,4 ± 26,4 meses, 16 (6,6%) tiveram linfoma. A média de idade no transplante hepático das crianças que desenvolveram linfoma foi inferior à das crianças que não desenvolveram (23,9 ± 18,9 vs. 38,0 ± 48,9 meses; p = 0,02). O tempo entre o transplante e o desenvolvimento do linfoma variou de 6 a 103 meses. A apresentação clínica e radiológica foi variável e a localização mais comum do tumor foi no abdome (n = 13; 81,3%), seguida de tórax e cabeça e pescoço (n = 4; 25,0% cada). Os achados de imagem incluíram: linfonodomegalias, massas mediastinais, pulmonares e mesentéricas, espessamento parietal de alças intestinais e nódulos hepáticos e renais. Quatro crianças (25,0%) faleceram devido a complicações do linfoma.
Conclusão: Linfomas são complicações relativamente
incomuns e potencialmente fatais que podem acontecer a qualquer momento após o transplante hepático em crianças, e que têm diversas apresentações clínicas e de imagem.
Unitermos: Linfoma; Transplante hepático; Pediatria; Diagnóstico por imagem; Complicações pós-operatórias.
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Incidence and imaging findings of lymphoma after liver transplantation in children
Objective: To evaluate the incidence and imaging findings of lymphoma after liver transplantation in children.
Materials and Methods: The authors reviewed records and imaging studies of children submitted to liver transplantation in the period between 2000 and 2008 in a single institution.
Results: Among 241 children submitted to liver transplantation, with a mean follow-up period of 41.4 ± 26.4 months, 16 (6.6%) had lymphoma. The mean age of the patients who developed lymphoma at the moment of transplantation was lower than in children who did not develop malignancy (23.9 ± 18.9 versus 38.0 ± 48.9 months; p = 0.02). The time interval between liver transplantation and the diagnosis of lymphoma ranged from 6 to 103 months. Clinical and radiological presentation was variable and the abdomen was the most common location of the tumor (n = 13; 81.3%), followed by chest and head and neck (n = 4; 25.0% each). Imaging findings included adenopathy, mediastinal, pulmonary and mesenteric masses, bowel wall thickening and
hepatic and renal nodules. Four children (25.0%) died because of complications of lymphoma.
Conclusion: Lymphomas are relatively uncommon and potentially fatal complications that may occur any time after pediatric liver transplantation,
presenting different clinical and imaging findings.
Keywords: Lymphoma; Hepatic transplantation; Pediatrics; Imaging diagnosis; Postoperative complications.
Caracterización de lesiones asociadas a microcalcificaciones
BI-RADS 4A, en 11 años de biopsias estereotáxicas
Autores: Drs. Marcela Uchida S, Monserrat Fernández G, Miguel A. Pinochet T, TMs. María Paz Durán M,
Jocelyn Gálvez T.
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El continuo avance en las técnicas de imágenes mamarias, especialmente el desarrollo de la mamografía digital, ha permitido detectar cáncer mamario en etapa precoz. Se sabe que las microcalcificaciones están presentes en el 55% de los cánceres no palpables y corresponden al 85-90% de los carcinomas ductales in situ (CDIS) que se detectan con mamografía de screening. Hemos evaluado el tipo de lesiones asociadas y el porcentaje de malignidad de la subcategoría BI-RADS 4A (baja sospecha de malignidad), realizando una revisión de la base de datos de las biopsias estereotáxicas por microcalcificaciones categorizadas BI-RADS 4A entre septiembre 1999 y enero 2011 y que alcanzaron al 21,4% del total de las microcalcificaciones biopsiadas, en un total de 159 mujeres. Los resultados histológicos correspondieron a lesiones benignas en el 43,5%, lesiones de alto riesgo en el 46,5% y malignas en 10%. De las lesiones malignas (16 biopsias), el 81,3% fue CDIS y el 18,7% carcinoma ductal infiltrante (CDI). El VPP de la categoría BI-RADS 4 A fue de 13%, concordante con la literatura. Las microcalcificaciones BI-RADS 4A son de baja sospecha de malignidad, correspondiendo en su gran mayoría (90%) a lesiones benignas. La subdivisión en 4 A representa una herramienta que facilita un mejor manejo clínico de las pacientes, por lo que recomendamos su utilización.
Palabras clave: Biopsia estereotáxica, BI-RADS 4 A, Microcalcificaciones..
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Characterization of lesions associated with microcalcifications BI-RADS 4A over a 11-year period of stereotactic breast biopsies
Substantial advances in breast imaging techniques, especially developments in digital mammography,
have led to early detection of breast cancer. It is well-known that microcalcifications are present in approximately 55% of nonpalpable breast malignancies and are responsible for the detection of 85-90% of cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) through mammographic screening. We evaluated the types of associated lesions and the percentage of malignancy in BI-RADS 4A subcategory (low suspicion of malignancy), by performing a database review of stereotactic biopsies of microcalcifications categorized as BI-RADS 4A, between September 1999 and January 2011, which accounted for 21.4% of biopsied microcalcifications in a total of 159 women. Histological findings corresponded to benign lesions in 43.5%, high-risk lesions in 46.5%, and malignant tumors in 10%. Concerning the latter (16 biopsies), 81.3% were DCIS and 18.7% corresponded to infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC). The PPV of BI-RADS 4 A category was 13%, a value consistent with that described in the literature. Microcalcifications BI-RADS 4A exhibit low suspicion of malignancy, since they mostly correspond to benign lesions (90%). Subcategory 4A constitutes an important ancillary diagnostic tool for a more accurate assessment of lesions suspicious for malignancy; therefore, we strongly recommend its use.
Keywords: BI-RADS 4A, Microcalcifications, Stereotactic biopsy.
Estudios de imágenes en el diagnóstico precoz de leucemia
en pediatríaAutores: Drs. Viviana Riquelme S, Cristián García B.
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Resumen: La leucemia es el cáncer más frecuente en niños menores de 15 años y corresponde aproximadamente
al 35-40% de todos los cánceres a esa edad. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia entre los 2 y 5 años de edad y la forma más frecuente es la leucemia linfoblástica aguda, que corresponde al 80% de los casos. Las manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio pueden ser inicialmente inespecíficas. El estudio imagenológico en pacientes con dolor óseo y compromiso extramedular, puede entregar valiosa información complementaria al clínico cuando los primeros síntomas derivan de la infiltración de los tejidos y el compromiso de las series hematológicas es discreto y asintomático. El propósito de este trabajo es revisar las manifestaciones radiológicas iniciales de la leucemia en el niño. Considerando que es una enfermedad sistémica, el objetivo es identificar los elementos claves en el estudio de los distintos órganos comprometidos, que permitan al radiólogo sospechar el diagnóstico en la etapa precoz de la enfermedad. No se revisarán las alteraciones de la fase tardía o de complicaciones del tratamiento, como osteonecrosis, infecciones por gérmenes oportunistas, enfermedad de injerto vs. huésped, etc., donde la resonancia magnética (RM) y la tomografía computada (TC) juegan un rol fundamental.
Palabras clave: Imágenes, Niño, Leucemia, Pediatría.
Palabras Clave: Musculoesquelético, Procedimientos Intervencionales, Ultrasonido.
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Imaging studies in early diagnosis of childhood leukemia
Leukemia is the most commonly encountered cancer in children under the age of 15 and accounts for approximately 35-40% of all cancers at that age. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of leukemia affecting young children between the ages of 2 and 5 years; it accounts for around 80 % of all childhood leukemia cases. Initial clinical and laboratory findings may be non-specific. Imaging studies in patients with bone pain and extramedullary involvement may provide the clinician with valuable supplementary information when the first symptoms result from tissue infiltration and haematological series show a discrete and asymptomatic involvement. The purpose of this work is to review the initial radiological manifestations of leukemia in children. Given the systemic nature of this disease, the goal is to identify the key elements found in the study of the different affected organs, in order to facilitate an early diagnosis of this condition. Late-stage alterations or treatment complications, such as osteonecrosis, infections by opportunistic pathogens, graft-versus-host disease, etc. –where magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) play a fundamental role– will not be reviewed.
Keywords: Child, Imaging, Leukemia, Pediatrics.
Utilidad del angio-TC
multidetector negativo en
pacientes con sospecha de
tromboembolismo pulmonar
Autores: Alfonso José Holguín Holguín,
Milton Lombana,
Giovanny Collazos,
Héctor Bravo,
José Abella Calle
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Objetivo: Evaluar los hallazgos alternativos en las angiografías pulmonares, con equipo de tomografía de multidetectores, reportadas como negativas en pacientes con sospecha de tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP).
Materiales y método: Estudio de corte transversal de 178 pacientes. Se identificaron los hallazgos reportados en las angiografías pulmonares con TC de
multidetectores (AT CMDT) de pacientes con sospecha de TEP, cuyo resultado fue negativo.
Posteriormente, se clasificaron los hallazgos en seis categorías de diferente relevancia clínica y se analizó su asociación con el escenario clínico donde se solicitó el estudio.
Resultados: De noviembre del 2004 a junio del 2007 se solicitaron 231 AT CMDT por sospecha de TEP, de los cuales 217 se incluyeron en el análisis final. De estos, 39 (18%) fueron positivos para TEP. De los 178 restantes negativos, 8,43% fueron normales; 53,37% se clasificaron como categoría A; 20,79%, categoría B; 14,04% categoría C; 1,12% categoría D y 2,25% no fueron interpretables. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron: neumonía (15,73%), neumopatía intersticial (12,46%) y edema pulmonar cardiogénico (7,87%). Fue menos probable encontrar un reporte normal si el estudio se solicitó en el servicio de hospitalización
que en pacientes de urgencias (OR = 0,38 IC95% 0,16 0,88, p = 0,0007). No se encontraron diferencias en otras categorías ni entre pacientes menores o mayores de 65 años (p = 0,436).
Conclusiones: El uso de AT CMDT como método de imagen inicial en sospecha de TEP posibilita encontrar diagnósticos alternativos en pacientes hospitalizados y en el servicio de urgencias, independientemente de la edad y de la importancia clínica de los hallazgos.
Palabras clave:Embolia pulmonar, Tomografía computarizada por rayos X, Diagnóstico
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Usefulness of the Negative Multidetector
CT Angiography in Patients with Suspected
Pulmonary Embolism
Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate alternative findings in pulmonary CT angiography using MDCT reported as negative in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.
Material and method: Cross sectional study with 178 patients. We recognized other findings reported in pulmonary CT angiography using MDCT whose result was negative. Subsequently these findings were classified into six different categories of clinical relevance and their association with clinical scenario was analyzed.
Results: From November 2004 to June 2007 we requested 231 pulmonary CT angiography using MDCT in patients with 3402 Utilidad del angio-TC multidetector negativo en pacientes con sospecha de tromboembolismo pulmonar. Holguín A., Lombana M., Collazos G., Bravo H., Abella J. suspected pulmonary embolism. 217 patients were included in the final analysis. Of these, 39 (185) were positive for
pulmonary embolism. The 178 remaining negative studies, 8.43% were normal, 53.37% were classified as category A, 20.79% category B, 14.04% category C; category D 1.12% and 2.25% were not interpretable. The most frequent diagnoses were pneumonia, interstitial lung disease and cardiogenic pulmonary edema. It was less likely to find a
normal report whether the study was requested in the hospital department in emergency patients (OR = 0.38 95% 0.16 to 0.88, p = 0.0007). No differences were found in other categories or between patients younger or older than 65 years (p = 0.436). Conclusion: Pulmonary CT angiography as first line imaging tool in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism is useful, offering alternative diagnoses in hospitalized and emergency room patients, regardless of their age and clinical findings.
Key words:Pulmonary embolism, Tomography, X–ray computed Diagnosis
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Evalución ecográfica
del hígado transplantado:
complicaciones vasculares
Autores: Juliana Bueno Melo, Alfonso José Holguín Holguín
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El número de trasplantes hepáticos realizados en nuestro país ha presentado un aumento importante en la última década y actualmente existen centros de trasplante de órganos en varias ciudades del país. Ello exige que el radiólogo posea un conocimiento básico de los aspectos técnicos relevantes durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, sus principales complicaciones y los criterios de éxito según la evaluación hecha. Los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas permiten llevar a cabo un trasplante hepático con donante vivo mediante la segmentación hepática, además del trasplante ortotópico. Las complicaciones más temidas durante el periodo temprano son aquellas de origen vascular, como la trombosis portal o arterial, ya que rápidamente pueden generar una falla irreversible en el injerto hepático y requieren un manejo médico o quirúrgico inmediato. En la evaluación postoperatoria del
paciente trasplantado debe incluirse una ecografía Doppler para valorar el estado de las anastomosis y de esta manera detectar cualquier tipo de complicación. En esta revisión se incluyen las principales complicaciones vasculares y una revisión acerca de los puntos clave en la evaluación ecográfica del injerto en el postoperatorio temprano
Palabras clave: Trasplante hepático, Ultrasonografía doppler, Enfermedades vasculares
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The number of liver transplants has increased during the last decade and a significant amount of transplants are currently being performed in our country. This trend requires that radiologists have a basic knowledge of the technical aspects of the surgery, as well as its main complications and the imaging criteria used to routinely evaluate grafts. Orthotopic cadaveric donor and living donor transplants are possible at present because of advances in surgical technique, which are based on the understanding of hepatic and vascular surgical anatomy. The most feared complications during the early postoperative period are those of vascular
origin, mainly hepatic artery or portal thrombosis, as they can rapidly induce an irreversible damage of the liver graft and hence require immediate medical and/or surgical intervention. Doppler ultrasonography should always be included in the evaluation of the graft during the postoperative period to evaluate the vascular anastomoses periodically and allow a prompt diagnosis of any complication. Therefore, this review includes the main vascular complications after liver transplantation and the fundamental aspects that the radiologist should consider during the routine postoperative evaluation.
Key words:Liver transplant, Ultrassonografia Doppler, Vascular diseases
Resonancia magnética de mama: estado actual y aplicación clínica
Autores: J. Camps Herrero
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La RM es una técnica de imagen que se ha ido incorporando paulatinamente a la práctica clínica diaria del radiólogo de mama. Hay consenso en que deben cumplirse una serie de requerimientos técnicos mínimos para conseguir un estudio de calidad diagnóstica y los criterios diagnósticos se basan fundamentalmente en las categorías BI-RADS del ACR (American College of Radiology). La estadificación del cáncer de mama es una de sus principales aplicaciones clínicas, aunque no está exenta de polémica. Otras aplicaciones donde se ha validado la técnica son la
evaluación de respuesta al tratamiento, el cribado en pacientes de alto riesgo, el estudio del cáncer de mama oculto, el estudio de una sospecha de recidiva y la valoración de las prótesis de mama.
Palabras Claves: Cáncer de mama; Resonancia magnética; Diagnóstico
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Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging: State of the art and clinical applications
Breast magnetic resonance imaging is a modality that is being progressively integrated into the breast radiologist’s daily clinical practice. There is consensus on the minimal technical requirements that a breast MR exam should have in order to attain diagnostic quality. Diagnostic criteria are mainly based on the American College of Radiology’s BI-RADS magnetic resonance imaging categories. Breast cancer staging is a main clinical application, but it is not universally accepted. Other applications are: response evaluation in patients treated with chemotherapy, screeening in high-risk patients, cancer of unknown origin, assessment of a possible relapse and breast implant evaluation.
Keywords: Breast Neoplasms; Diagnosis; Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vasos extrahepáticos dependientes de la arteria hepática.
Identificación y manejo
Autores: J. Arias Fernández, B. Martín Martín, N. Pinheiro da Silva, M.L. Díaz y J.I. Bilbao
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Los pacientes con tumores hepáticos malignos, tanto primarios como metastásicos no susceptibles de tratamiento quirúrgico, pueden beneficiarse de distintos tipos de tratamientos endovasculares que han demostrado ser eficaces en el control local de la enfermedad. Para realizar un correcto tratamiento, además de una técnica angiográfica cuidadosa, es necesario conocer con precisión la anatomía vascular aferente a la lesión. En ocasiones, las recidivas
son realmente áreas no tratadas que se originan por no detectar adecuadamente el pedículo aferente. Por otro lado, algunas de las complicaciones de los tratamientos endovasculares están relacionadas con el paso de material a vasos no hepáticos. El conocimiento de la anatomía vascular hepática y una identificación correcta de todos los vasos extrahepáticos permitirá realizar tratamientos más seguros y eficaces. En este artículo se presentan diferentes ejemplos representativos de vasos extrahepáticos con origen en la arteria hepática.
Palabras Claves: Anatomía; Angiografía; Arteria hepática; Embolización; Quimioembolización; Radioembolización
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Extrahepatic vessels depending on the hepatic artery. Identification and management
Patients with malignant liver tumors, whether primary tumors or metastases, that are not candidates for surgical treatment can benefit from different endovascular treatments with proven efficacy in local control of the disease. Correct treatment requires a careful angiographic technique and precise knowledge about the vascular anatomy afferent to the lesion. Occasionally, lesions considered relapse are actually areas that were untreated because the afferent pedicle was not adequately detected. On the other hand, some of the complications of endovascular treatments are related with material passing into non-hepatic vessels.
Key Words:Anatomy; Angiography; Hepatic artery;
Embolization; Chemoembolization; Radioembolization
Tiroides Ectópica,
a propósito de dos casos
Autores: Dr. Mario Díaz P, Dra. Analía Romo L,.Dra Miriam Erazo
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Se presentan dos casos de pacientes de 3 años 5 meses y otro de 3 años 3 meses que presentaron una masa en el cuello que fue catalogada como adenopatía, se realizaron exámenes de imagen donde evidencian que se trata de tejido tiroideo, diagnosticando tiroides ectópica.
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Two cases of patients presented: one of them was 3 years and 5 months old and the other 3 years and 3 months old. Both showed a mass in the neck that was listed as adenopathy. Imaging examinations were performed which showed that it was thyroid tissue, ectopic thyroid diagnosed.
Trombosis venosa profunda,
diagnósticos diferenciales.
Autores: Dres. Servente, L; Rodríguez Parodi, M ; Arruti, A; Crisci, A; Gigirey,V; López, N .
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La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) de miembros
inferiores es motivo de consulta frecuente en los
servicios de Emergencia. La clínica es muy evidente
para casos de TVP extensa, no así en los casos de
trombosis infrapatelar o parcialmente obstructiva.
Para su confirmación se requiere de un ecodoppler
para establecer el diagnóstico positivo y despistar
eventuales diagnósticos diferenciales. Los procesos
que pueden simular una TVP son muchos, la celulitis
y síndrome postflebítico son los más conocidos.
Los objetivos de este trabajo son: revisar las
indicaciones de ecodoppler de urgencia solicitados
para descartar TVP en pacientes con sospecha clínica,
evaluar los resultados de estos estudios y revisar los
principales diagnósticos diferenciales.
Entre marzo y setiembre del 2009 se evaluaron en
forma prospectiva 60 pacientes provenientes de los
servicios de Emergencia e internación del Hospital de
Clínicas con sospecha clínica de TVP y que fueron
enviados al servicio de radiología para realizar
ecodoppler venoso de miembros inferiores.
Se realizó ecodoppler del miembro inferior patológico
en modo B, doppler espectral y color, explorando el
sistema venoso profundo y superficial. Se realizó
maniobra de compresión cada 2 cm del eje venoso y
maniobra de compresión distal excepto en caso de
TVP aguda evidente.
Se completaron datos filiatorios, médico y servicio
solicitante del estudio, clínica y examen físico,
antecedentes personales y resultado de paraclínica
Los resultados del ecodoppler fueron clasificados
como: normal y patológico.
En el caso de comprobarse TVP se clasificó según
estadio evolutivo en agudo, subagudo y crónico y se
indicó la extensión de la trombosis: infra o
Se completó el item de diagnósticos diferenciales
teniendo en cuenta los más frecuentes, tromboflebitis,
IVC, quiste de Baker, hematoma, síndrome
postflebítico, erisipela, celulitis y causas de edema
generalizado como insuficiencia cardíaca.
De un total de 60 pacientes enviados por sospecha
clínica de TVP, en solamente 12 pacientes (20%) se
confirmó este diagnóstico.
De los 48 pacientes que no tuvieron trombosis, en 28
pacientes no se llegó a establecer un diagnóstico de
patología, en 8 pacientes se diagnosticó insuficiencia
venosa crónica, en 5 pacientes insuficiencia cardíaca,
en 2 pacientes erisipela y en los 5 restantes otras causas
de edema.
La realización de ecodoppler en la urgencia reduce
los costos de internación de los pacientes con sospecha
clínica de TVP ya que confirma o descarta este
diagnóstico y permite identificar otros diagnósticos
diferenciales. El bajo porcentaje de pacientes con TVP
en esta serie de pacientes plantea la necesidad de
ajustar las indicaciones del ecodoppler teniendo en
cuenta la clínica y los factores de riesgo.
Palabras Claves:
Trombosis venosa profunda, Ecodoppler venoso, Diagnósticos diferenciales de TVP
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Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of lower limbs is
frequent in emergency services. Clinical presentation
is very evident in cases of extensive DVT, but not in
cases of infrapatellar location or partially obstructive
Confirmation requires doppler examination to make
a positive diagnosis and mislead potential differential
diagnoses. Processes that may mimic DVT are multiple,
cellulite and postphlebitic syndrome are the most
The objectives of this study are: to review the
indications of emergency ecodoppler ordered to rule
out DVT in patients with clinical suspicion, evaluate
the results of these studies and review the differential
Between March and September 2009 60 patients from
Emergency and inpatient services of the Hospital with
clinically suspected DVT were prospectively evaluated.
They were sent to Radiology department for lower
limb venous Doppler ultrasound.
Doppler ultrasound was performed on pathological
lower limb with B-mode, spectral and color doppler,
exploring the deep and superficial venous system.
Compression maneuver was performed every 2 cm
on the venous axis and distal compression maneuver
except in obvious acute DVT.
Data were completed: medical history and results of
paraclinical previous studies.
The results of Doppler ultrasound were classified as
normal and pathological.
In the case of proven DVT was classified in stage: acute,
subacute and chronic and extent of thrombosis was
The most frequent Differential diagnosis found were:
thrombophlebitis, IVC, Baker cyst, hematoma,
postphlebitic syndrome, erysipelas, cellulitis and causes
of generalized edema and heart failure.
Of a total of 60 patients referred for clinical suspicion of
DVT, only 12 patients (20%) confirmed this diagnosis.
Of the 48 patients who did not have thrombosis 28 were
undiagnosed, 8 patients were diagnosed as chronic
venous insufficiency, heart failure in 5 patients, 2 patients
erysipelas and the remaining 5 other causes of edema.
Doppler ultrasound in Emergency reduces the cost of
hospitalization of patients with clinical suspicion of DVT,
confirms or rules out this diagnosis and identifies other
pathologies. The low percentage of patients with DVT in
this series of patients suggests to adjust the indications of
Key Words:
Deep vein thrombosis, Venous doppler,
Differential diagnosis of DVT
Imaging Evaluation of Adult
Spinal Injuries: Emphasis on
Multidetector CT in Cervical
Spine Trauma
Autor: Felipe Munera, MD, Luis A. Rivas, MD, Diego B. Nunez Jr, MD, MPH, Robert M. Quencer, MD
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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As computed tomography (CT) technology has evolved, multidetector CT has become an integral part of the initial assessment of many injured patients, and the spine is easily included in the total body screening performed in patients with severe blunt polytrauma. Despite all the advantages of multidetector CT, clearing the spine in which injury is suspected continues to be a daily challenge in
clinical practice. The purpose of this review is to present the evidence and the controversies surrounding the practice of imaging in patients suspected of having spine injury. The discussion is centered on the increasing reliance on multidetector CT in the work-up of these patients but also considers the important contributions of clinical trials
to select patient for appropriate imaging on the basis of risk and probability of injury. Available protocols, injury classification systems, and issues awaiting future research are addressed.
Uncommon Primary Pelvic Retroperitoneal Masses in Adults: A Pattern-based Imaging Approach
Autores: Alampady K. Shanbhogue, MD, Najla Fasih, FRCR, David B.
Macdonald, MD, Adnan M. Sheikh, MD, Christine O. Menias, MD, Srinivasa R. Prasad, MD
The increasing use of imaging necessitates familiarity with a wide variety of pathologic conditions, both common and rare, that affect the fallopian tube. These conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis for pelvic disease in the nonpregnant patient. The most common condition is pelvic inflammatory disease, which represents a spectrum ranging from salpingitis to pyosalpinx to tubo-ovarian abscess. Isolated tubal torsion is rare but is nevertheless an important diagnosis to consider in the acute setting. Hematosalpinx in a nonpregnant patient can be an indicator of tubal endometriosis; however, care should be taken to exclude tubal torsion or malignancy. Current evidence suggests that the prevalence of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is underestimated and that there is a relationship between PFTC and breast cancer. PFTC has characteristic imaging features that can aid in its detection and in differentiating it from other pelvic masses. Familiarity with fallopian tube disease and the imaging appearances of both the normal and abnormal fallopian tube is crucial for optimal diagnosis and management in emergent as well as ambulatory settings.
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There is a broad spectrum of primary pelvic retroperitoneal masses in adults that demonstrate characteristic epidemiologic and histopathologic
features and natural histories. These masses may be classified into five distinct subgroups using a pattern-based approach that takes anatomic distribution and certain imaging characteristics into account, allowing greater accuracy in their detection and characterization and helping to optimize patient management. The five groups are cystic (serous and mucinous epithelial neoplasms, pelvic lymphangioma, tailgut cyst, ancient schwannoma), vascular or hypervascular (solitary fibrous tumor, paraganglioma, pelvic arteriovenous malformation, Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome, extraintestinal GIST [gastrointestinal stromal tumor]), fat-containing (lipoma, liposarcoma, myelolipoma, presacral teratoma), calcified (calcified lymphocele, calcified rejected transplant kidney, rare sarcomas), and myxoid (schwannoma, plexiform neurofibroma, myxoma).Cross-sectional imaging modalities help differentiate the more common gynecologic neoplasms from more unusual masses. In particular, the tissue-specific multiplanar capability of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging permits better tumor localization and internal characterization, thereby serving as a road map for surgery.