Anomalías congénitas de la arteria aorta.
Evaluación mediante tomografía computada
multicorte en neonatos y niños
Autores: Diego Haberman, Enrique Gurfinkel, Alejandro Beresñak, Adriana Martínez, Rosa Emsani, Rubén Toledo
Español: |
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Para la evaluación de los defectos congénitos de la arteria
aorta, los métodos de imágenes utilizados tradicionalmente
son la ecocardiografia y la radiología simple.
La angiotomografía computada multicorte aparece como
un método de relevancia en el diagnóstico de estas entidades,
permitiendo evaluar en forma no invasiva, rápida
y precisa las distintas anormalidades, otorgando de esta
manera información sumamente útil a los cirujanos cardiovasculares
para definir la estrategia quirúrgica.
En el presente artículo revisamos las aplicaciones de la
angiotomografia computada multicorte en la evaluación
de las malformaciones congénitas de la arteria aorta más
frecuentes en el periodo neonatal y en la primera infancia.
Palabras clave: Arteria aorta. Anomalías congénitas.
Neonatos. Angiotomografia computada multicorte..
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Introduction: In the evaluation of aortic artery congenital abnormalities,
the echocardiography and the plain X ray are the traditionally
used imaging methods. Multislice angiotomography
appears as an important method in diagnosis of these different
diseases allowing evaluate these entities in a non invasive,
fast and accurate form, giving to cardiovascular surgeons
very important information to delineate the surgical strategy.
In this article, we review the applications of multislice angiotomography
in the evaluation of most frequent congenital anomalies
of aorta artery, performed in neonates and early childhood.
Key Words: Aorta artery. Congenital anomalies. Neonates.
Multislice angiotomography.
Lesiones benignas de mama que pueden simular un
carcinoma en estudios imagenológicos
Autores: Mariana Castro Barba, María Paz Cobos Bombardiere, Flavia Sarquis, Griselda Luna, Bárbara Miller
Español: |
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La mayoría de las lesiones que se encuentran al realizar
estudios mamarios son benignas. Muchas de ellas tienen
un aspecto típico y definido, ya sea en mamografía
o ecografía y no requieren de evaluaciones adicionales.
Existe un grupo de entidades benignas que, sin embargo,
puede simular un carcinoma en las imágenes. Los
radiólogos debemos conocer las características de las
mismas y tenerlas en cuenta como posibles diagnósticos
diferenciales de una imagen de alta sospecha.
Palabras clave: Mama. Mamografía. Lesión benigna.
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Introduction: Most of the lesions found during breast imaging exams are
benign. Many of them have a typical and definite appearance
on mammography and ultrasound, and require no further
evaluation. However, some benign lesions cannot be differentiated
from carcinomas, given their suspicious and less specific
radiological features. Radiologists should be aware of the
imaging characteristics of these lesions and include them in
the differential diagnosis of a malignant-appearing finding.
Key Words: Benign lesion. Breast. Mammography.
Manifestaciones tomográficas de la tuberculosis
pulmonar en el Hospital Obrero y Luis Uría de la oliva de la ciudad de la Paz
Autores: Dr. Fernando Contreras M, Dr. Carlos Pacheco M
, Dra. Gina Conchari C
Español: |
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Las manifestaciones radiológicas de la tuberculosis pulmonar dependen
de diversos factores.
La Tomografía computarizada (TC) resulta ser una técnica con una alta
sensibilidad, superior a la radiografía para la detección de casos de
tuberculosis activa como inactiva.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer los hallazgos
tomográficos mas frecuentes observados en pacientes con diagnóstico
bacteriológico de tuberculosis pulmonar.
Bolivia tiene una de las más altas tazas de incidencia de tuberculosis en
Latinoamérica, razón por demás suficiente para conocer los patrones
típicos de la enfermedad.
Palabras clave: Tuberculosis pulmonar activa, inactiva.
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Most of the lesions found during breast imaging exams are
benign. Many of them have a typical and definite appearance
on mammography and ultrasound, and require no further
evaluation. However, some benign lesions cannot be differentiated
from carcinomas, given their suspicious and less specific
radiological features. Radiologists should be aware of the
imaging characteristics of these lesions and include them in
the differential diagnosis of a malignant-appearing finding.
Key words: Pulmonary TB, active and inactive.
Índice de resistencia vascular arterial en la madre y el feto durante el embarazo en grandes alturas (3600m) vs. niveles bajos de altura (300m)
Autores: Dra. Lucrecia Postigo, Dra. Gladis Heredia, Dr. Carmelo Rodriguez, Dra. Lilian Toledo, Dra. Tatiana Torricos, Dr. Enrique Vargas, Dra. Stacy Zamudio
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Objetivo: Determinar los índices de resistencia de las arterias uterinas en las madres, umbilical y cerebral media en los bebés de grandes alturas, en comparación a pacientes que habitan alturas bajas refle-jados en los valores de hemoglobina y hematócrito y la viscosidad de la sangre.
Diseño de Estudio: Es un estudio prospectivo de la fisiología del parto en mujeres embarazadas que viven en las zonas altas vs. zonas bajas en Bolivia. Se realizaron estudios Doppler para determinar los índices de resistencia y factores hematológicos que puedan causar elevación de resistencia y menor flujo de sangre.
Resultados: Se estudiaron 85 embarazadas a 3600 m y 70 habitan-tes a 300 m. s.n.m. (sobre el nivel del mar) y se obtuvo los siguientes resultados: en las habitantes de 300 m se encontró que el promedio ± DS del Índice S/D (sístole/ diástole) de las arterias uterinas fue de 2.0 ± 0.3; para el IP (Índice de Pulsatilidad) 0.49 ± 0.10 y para el IR (Índice de Resistencia) 0.75 ± 0.26. El IR de la arteria cerebral media del feto (ACM) fue de 4.7±2.1. El IR de la arteria umbilical en la inserción a nivel abdominal fue de 2.4±0.4. El IR en la inserción placentaria fue de 2.3 ±0.3 (p <05 menos de la zona alta).En las pacientes de 3600 m se encontró que el promedio es DS del Índice S/D de las arterias uterinas fue de 2.05 ± 0.5; para el IP fue de 0.48 ± 0.11 y para el IR 0.75 ±0.30. El IR de la ACM fue de 4.8± 2.2.
El IR de la arteria umbilical en su inserción a nivel abdominal fue de 2.5±0.5. El IR en la inserción pla-centaria está incrementado en relación a las bajas alturas cuyo valor es de 2.6± 0.6 (p<0.05, más que la zona baja) La hemoglobina y el hematócrito materno y feto son elevada en la zona alta (p<.0001). Pero en las diferentes alturas ó entre las mismas no estaban asociadas con la resistencia vascular en las madres. La hemoglobina y hematócrito fetales no estuvieron asimismo asociados con la resistencia en la ACM ni con la arteria umbilical en el nivel de inserción abdominal. A su vez el hematócrito fetal estaba correlacionado positivamente con el Índice S/D en la arteria umbilical en el nivel de inserción placentaria (r2=0.16, p<001) solamente en las grandes alturas.
Conclusión: No hubo diferencia en ninguno de los índices de resis-tencia de las arterias uterinas a 3600 m vs. los 300 m. Tampoco en el IR de resistencia de las arterias umbilical y ACM excepto en el IR de la arteria umbilical en su inserción placentaria.
Los datossugieren que las resistencias elevadas no contribuyen al flujo bajo o reducción del cre-cimiento fetal de las mujeres habitantes de las grandes alturas y que el rango entre los valores hematológicos observados, el incremento de hemoglobina y hematócrito tiene solamente un efecto mínimo en la resistencia en la circulación fetal.
Palabras clave: Indices de resistencia, grandes alturas, hemo-globina, hematócrito
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To measure resistance indices in the maternal uterine arter-ies and in the fetal umbilical and middle cerebral arteries in pregnan-cies at high altitude, compared to those at low altitude. To determine whether hemoglobin, hematocrit and blood viscosity influence resis-tance indices at high versus low altitude.
Study Design: A prospective physiological study of near term pregnant women who live at high versus low altitude in Bolivia. Doppler ultra-sound was used to measure arterial resistance indices in relation to hematological parameters that could cause increased resistance and decreased blood flow.
Results: We studied 85 pregnant women at 3600 m and 70 living at 300 m. We found the following: in women living at 300 m the S/D (sys-tolic/diastolic) ratio of the uterine arteries was 2.0 ± 0.3; the PI (pulsa-tility index) was 0.49 ± 0.10 and the RI (resistance index) was 0.75 ± 0.26. The fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) S/D ratio was 4.7±2.1. The S/D ratio in the umbilical artery at the the level of abdominal insertion was 2.4±0.4, but at the level of the placental insertion was 2.3 ±0.3 (p<0.05 lower than high altitude). In patients at 3600 m the S/D ratio of the uterine arteries was 2.05 ± 0.5; for the PI 0.48 ± 0.11 and for the RI 0.75 ±0.30. The S/D ratio of the MCA was 4.8± 2.2. The S/D ratio in the umbilical artery at the level of abdominal insertion was 2.5±0.5, but at the level of the placental insertion was de 2.6± 0.6 (p<0.05, greater than the low-altitude participants).
Conclusion: here were no differences in the uterine arterial resis-tance indices between low vs. high altitude. Nor were there differences in umbilical arteries or MCA except at the insertion of the umbilical ar-tery into the placenta, where resistance was greater at high altitude. The data suggest that elevated resistance does not contribute to re-duced blood flow or to the reduction in fetal growth in women living at high altitude. Within the range of hematological values observed the increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit at high altitude had only a mini-mal effect on the resistance of the fetal circulation.
Aplicação da ressonância magnética de corpo inteiro
para o estadiamento e acompanhamento de pacientes
com linfoma de Hodgkin na faixa etária infanto-juvenil:
comparação entre diferentes sequências
Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging for staging and follow-up of pediatric patients with Hodgkin’s
lymphoma: comparison of different sequences
Autores: Daniel Nava, Heverton Cesar de Oliveira, Flavio Augusto Luisi, Andrea Regina da Silveira
Ximenes, Henrique Manoel Lederman
Portugues: |
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Comparar o desempenho das sequências T1, T2, STIR e DWIBS (difusão de corpo inteiro com supressão do
sinal de fundo) na identificação de sítios caracterizados como acometidos pelo linfoma de Hodgkin nas cadeias linfonodais,
órgãos parenquimatosos e medula óssea, e avaliar a concordância entre os examinadores.
Materiais e Métodos: Foram estudados 12 pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de linfoma de Hodgkin. Os pacientes foram encaminhados
para o exame de ressonância magnética, sendo realizadas as sequências ponderadas em T1, T2, STIR e
Resultados: O número de sítios linfonodais caracterizados como acometidos nas sequências ponderadas em
T1 e T2 apresentaram resultados semelhantes (8 sítios), mas inferiores às sequências STIR e DWIBS (11 e 12 sítios,
respectivamente). Quanto ao acometimento da medula óssea, observaram-se os mesmos valores para as sequências
T1, T2 e DWIBS (17 lesões), superiores ao valor encontrado na sequência STIR (13 lesões). Quando realizada a comparação
entre os examinadores, nota-se que há alta concordância entre as quatro sequências.
Conclusão: As sequências
STIR e DWIBS detectaram maior número de linfonodos caracterizados como acometidos. Todas as sequências
apresentaram resultados semelhantes na avaliação dos órgãos parenquimatosos e medula óssea. Em todas as sequências
analisadas houve alta concordância entre os examinadores.
Unitermos: Ressonância magnética de corpo inteiro; Difusão; Linfoma; DWIBS.
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Objective: To compare the performance of the T1, T2, STIR and DWIBS (diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging with
background body signal suppression) sequences in the staging and follow-up of pediatric patients with Hodgkin’s
lymphoma in lymph node chains, parenchymal organs and bone marrow, and to evaluate interobserver agreement.
Materials and Methods: The authors studied 12 patients with confirmed diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The patients
were referred for whole body magnetic resonance imaging with T1-weighted, T2-weighted, STIR and DWIBS sequences.
Results: The number of lymph node sites characterized as affected by the disease on T1- and T2-weighted sequences
showed similar results (8 sites for both sequences), but lower than DWIBS and STIR sequences (11 and 12 sites,
respectively). The bone marrow involvement by lymphoma showed the same values for the T1-, T2-weighted and DWIBS
sequences (17 lesions), higher than the value found on STIR (13 lesions). A high rate of interobserver agreement was
observed as the four sequences were analyzed.
Conclusion: STIR and DWIBS sequences detected the highest number
of lymph node sites characterized as affected by the disease. Similar results were demonstrated by all the sequences
in the evaluation of parenchymal organs and bone marrow. A high interobserver agreement was observed as the four
sequences were analyzed.
Key Words: Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging; Diffusion; Lymphoma; DWIBS.
Aspectos tomográficos da tuberculose pulmonar em pacientes
adultos com AIDS
Computed tomography findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in adult AIDS patientst
Autores: Lanamar Aparecida de Almeida1, Mario Flores Barba, Fernando Alves Moreira, Sidney Bombarda,
Sebastião André de Felice, Edenilson Eduardo Calore
Portugues: |
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Este trabalho tem como finalidade descrever os achados tomográficos da tuberculose pulmonar em pacientes
adultos com AIDS atendidos no serviço de radiologia de um hospital de referência em doenças infecciosas, procurar
associações desses achados e a contagem de CD4.
Materiais e Métodos: Foram estudados 45 pacientes por
meio de tomografia computadorizada de tórax durante quatro anos.
Resultados: Foram encontrados linfonodomegalia
mediastinal e/ou hilar em 31 (68,8%) dos casos, derrame pleural em 29 (64,4%), nódulos centrolobulares de distribuição
segmentar em 26 (57,7%), consolidação em 24 (53,3%), confluência de micronódulos em 17 (37,7%), nódulos
mal definidos com distribuição centrolobular em 16 (35,5%), padrão de “árvore em brotamento” em 13 (28,9%),
espessamento de parede brônquica em 12 (26,6%), cavidade de parede espessa em 10 (22,2%), nódulos miliares
em 9 (20%) e bronquiectasias cilíndricas em 6 (13,3%). Dos 45 pacientes, 35 (77,8%) apresentaram CD4 < 200
cel/mm3 e 10 (22,2%) apresentaram CD4 ≥ 200 cel/mm3.
Conclusão: Concluímos que neste estudo, diversamente
do descrito na literatura, linfonodomegalia mediastinal e/ou hilar e consolidação foram significativamente mais frequentes
em pacientes com CD4 ≥ 200 cel/mm3. No entanto, linfonodos com centro hipodenso foram mais frequentemente
observados em pacientes com severa imunodepressão, ou seja, CD4 < 200 cel/mm3.
Tuberculose; Tomografia; Tórax; HIV; AIDS; SIDA.
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The present study is aimed at describing computed tomography findings pulmonary tuberculosis in adult
AIDS patients assisted at a radiology unit of a reference infectious diseases hospital, in an attempt to establish the
association between such findings and CD4 count.
Materials and Methods: Forty-five patients were evaluated by
chest computed tomography over a four-year period.
Results: Mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement was
found in 31 (68.8%) cases, pleural effusion in 29 (64.4%), centrilobular nodules with segmental distribution in 26
(57.7%), consolidation in 24 (53.3%), confluent micronodules in 17 (37.7%), poorly defined nodules with centrilobular
distribution in 16 (35.5%), tree-in-bud pattern in 13 (28.9%), bronchial wall thickening in 12 (26.6%), thick-walled
cavity in 10 (22.2%), miliary nodules in 9 (20%), and cylindrical bronchiectasis in 6 (13.3%). Among the 45 patients,
35 (77.8%) presented CD4 count < 200 cel/mm3 and 10 (22.2%) presented CD4 count ≥ 200 cel/mm3.
Conclusion: Differently from reports in the literature, the authors conclude that mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
and consolidation were significantly most frequent in patients with CD4 count ≥ 200 cel/mm3. However, lymph nodes with
hypodense center were most often observed in severely immunosuppressed patients with CD4 count < 200 cel/mm3.
Key Words:
Tuberculosis; Tomography; Chest; HIV; AIDS; SIDA.
Resonancia magnética
cerebral funcional en la
evaluación prequirúrgica de
malformaciones vasculares
Autores: Natalia Montes, Diego Alberto Herrera, Sergio Alberto Vargas
Español: |
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Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la evaluación prequirúrgica de pacientes con
malformaciones vasculares con resonancia magnética cerebral funcional (RMf ).
evaluaron ocho pacientes con malformaciones vasculares cerebrales (siete malformaciones
arteriovenosas [MAV] y una malformación cavernosa) remitidos para mapeo prequirúrgico
de la corteza elocuente con RMf. Se usó una técnica dependiente de la concentración
de oxígeno (BOLD) para localizar estas zonas en relación con la malformación vascular
cerebral, aplicando diferentes paradigmas.
Resultados:Se encontró una MAV en el lóbulo
mesotemporal derecho, con representación de la memoria visuoespacial en el hipocampo
y parahipocampo contralesionales; una MAV temporal posterior izquierda con activación
contralateral exclusiva del área de Wernicke; una MAV parietal izquierda sin afectación
de la corteza sensoriomotora; una malformación cavernosa en la circunvolución angular
izquierda con dominancia hemisférica del lenguaje en ese lado; una MAV talámica
derecha sin daño en la corteza elocuente; una MAV periventricular izquierda con patrón
de equidominancia del lenguaje; una MAV pequeña occipital izquierda con activación
normal en la corteza visual primaria y disminución en la activación de la corteza de
asociación visual del lado izquierdo donde se encuentra la lesión, y una MAV temporooccipital
con dominancia hemisférica izquierda y desacople neurovascular.
Conclusión: La
RMf puede delinear anatómicamente la relación entre la lesión y la corteza elocuente y
brindar información que facilita la planeación quirúrgica, incluida la estimación del riesgo
de la intervención.
Palabras Clave: Malformaciones
vasculares, Imagen por resonancia magnética, Arterias cerebrales
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Objective: To describe our experience in presurgical evaluation of intracranial vascular
malformations by means of functional magnetic resonance (fMRI).
Method:To evaluate
eight patients with cerebral vascular malformations (seven arterio-venous malformation
[AVM ] and one cavernous malformation) to send to the eloquent cortex with RMf pre-surgical mapping is assessed. Used a technique that is dependent on
the level of oxygen (BOLD) to locate these areas in the cerebral vascular
malformation, by applying different paradigms.
We found one AVM
at the right temporal lobe with activation of the parahipocampal gyrus at the
contralateral side using a memory paradigm; another patient with an AVM at
the right mesotemporal lobe showed activation of visual and spatial memory
of the contralateral hippocampus and parahippocampus. One patient with
an AVM at the left parietal lobe without compromise of sensorial and motor
cortex; a cavernous malformation at the left angular gyrus with hemispheric
language dominance in that side; one right talamic AVM , one periventricular
AVM bilateral language dominance; one left occipital AVM with decreased
activation in visual association cortex; one temporoccipital AVM with left
language dominance and neurovascular uncoupling.
fMRI can
delineate anatomically the relationship between the lesion and eloquent
cortex, providing useful information for presurgical planning and allowing
risk estimation of intervention.
Key Words: Vascular malformations, Magnetic resonance imaging, Cerebral arteries
Imágenes en tuberculosis
Autores: Tatiana Suárez, Vanessa García, Tamara Estrada, Federico Acosta
Español: |
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En este artículo se discuten e ilustran las características por imagen de la afectación
abdominal por tuberculosis. Se presenta un grupo de pacientes evaluados a través de diferentes
modalidades diagnósticas con síntomas abdominales y hallazgos imaginológicos
sugestivos de infección granulomatosa. Este diagnóstico fue confirmado posteriormente
en la evolución clínica y con estudio histológico. Se incluyen casos de afectación en diferentes
órganos abdominales, como sistema linfático, peritoneo, órganos pélvicos, hígado,
bazo, riñones y uréteres.
Palabras Clave: Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis renal, Tuberculosis hepática, Tuberculosis esplénica, Tomografía computarizada
por rayos x
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In this article we illustrate and discuss imaging features resulting from Tuberculosis
abdominal affectation. We present patients evaluated with several imaging modalities who
had abdominal symptoms and findings suggestives of granoulomatous disease. Diagnosis
was confirm including hystopatology and clinica outgoing. Cases involved presented many
affected organs such as lymphatic system, peritoneum, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys,
ureters, adrenal glands and pelvic organs
Key Words:
Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis renal, Tuberculosis hepatic, Tuberculosis splenic, Tomography, x-ray computed
Doppler color en el estudio de la mama:
¿Cómo lo hacemos nosotros?
Autores: Drs. Eleonora Horvath, María Julia Cuitiño O, Miguel Ángel Pinochet T, Patricia Sanhueza S.
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La contribución del Doppler color en el estudio de la mama sigue siendo un tema en discusión.
No obstante, en la práctica clínica diaria se ha convertido en un instrumento indispensable, formando parte
integral del Ultrasonido (US) mamario.
El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar su utilidad según la evidencia disponible y a través de nuestra experiencia.
Se describen las consideraciones técnicas indispensables para realizar un buen estudio, los signos Doppler
de benignidad / malignidad en lesiones focales de la mama y las ventajas de su uso rutinario en la práctica
En nuestra experiencia es una herramienta útil para este propósito, sin embargo su impacto diagnóstico descrito
en la literatura es variable. Para evaluar su real utilidad, se requiere de la realización de estudios prospectivos
y de la estandarización la técnica.
Palabras Clave: Angiogénesis, Ecografía Doppler, Neoplasia mamaria, Ultrasonido mamario, Vascularización.
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The contribution of color Doppler sonography in the study of breast cancer remains a topic of discussion.
However, in the daily clinical practice it has become an indispensable instrument, and an integral part of
the breast ultrasound (US). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate its utility based on the available evidence
as well as on our experience. We describe the technical considerations necessary to conduct a good study,
the Doppler signs of benignity/malignancy in focal lesions of the breast and the benefits of its routine use in
day-to-day practice. In our experience, it is a useful tool for this purpose. Neverthless, its diagnostic impact as
described in the literature is variable. To evaluate its real usefulness, prospective studies along with standardization
of the evaluation technique would be required.
Key Words:
Angiogenesis, Breast Neoplasms, Breast Ultrasound, Doppler sonography, Vascularity.
Resonancia magnética de rodilla:
Estudio comparativo entre secuencia Spin Echo
volumétrica y tradicional de corte grueso
Autores: Drs. Víctor Dinamarca O, Giancarlo Schiappacasse F, Fabiola Tarsetti C, TMs. Aldo Castro F, Carlos Valderrama J.
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El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías en resonancia magnética ha favorecido el uso de secuencias
que mejoran significativamente la resolución espacial del método, obteniendo imágenes de cortes finos
que permiten análisis volumétrico. Se presenta la experiencia en Clínica Vespucio en un protocolo rutinario
de estudio de rodilla, con evaluación de 45 pacientes consecutivos a los que se les realizó secuencia
tradicional de densidad protónica con saturación grasa (DPFS) de corte grueso (3 mm) y secuencia DPFS
volumétrica de corte fino (1,2 mm). En la mayoría de los casos es posible realizar mejor caracterización
anatómica de las lesiones, principalmente meniscales y condrales, con un mínimo aumento en el tiempo
de estudio.
Palabras Clave: Corte fino, Resonancia magnética, Rodilla.
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Abstract: The development of new MRI technologies has favoured the use of sequences that significantly
improve the spatial resolution of this imaging method, thus yielding thin-section images that allow volumetric
analysis. We present our experience at Clínica Vespucio related to a routine knee MRI protocol, performed
on 45 patients who underwent conventional proton density-weighted spin-echo sequence (PDFS) 3-mm
section thickness along with proton density-weighted sequence of 1.2- mm thin-section, both with fat
suppression technique. In most cases, the thin-section PDFS allows a better anatomical characterization
of lesions, particularly meniscal and condral injuries, with a minimum increase in image acquisition time.
Key Words: Thin-section, Knee, MRI.
Cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto. Aportaciones de la tomografía
computarizada multidetector
Autores: M. Navallas, P.Orenes, M.A.Sánchez Nistal y C.Jiménez López Guarch
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Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) constituyen actualmente una enfermedad no infrecuente
en el adulto. Generalmente el paciente está diagnosticado previamente y el estudio se
solicita como seguimiento o por complicaciones de la anomalía o de su corrección
Clásicamente, estos pacientes se estudiaban con ecocardiografía y cateterismo cardíaco,
pero el abordaje ha cambiado con la tomografía computarizada multidetector(TCMD) y la
resonancia magnética, ya que permiten una excelente demostración anatómica de las
anomalías cardíacas y de su corrección quirúrgica.
Pretendemos resaltar la importancia de la TCMD como método complementario en el
estudio de las CC descubiertas en el adulto o en las corregidas quirúrgicamente en la
infancia y seguidas posteriormente. Cuando existen anomalías vasculares extracardíacas o
tras la realización de cirugía paliativa,la TCMD muestra detalles anatómicos difíciles o
imposibles de valorar con ecocardiografía. También resaltamos la frecuente asociación de
hipertensión pulmonar con CC que pueden debutar en la edad adulta.
Palabras Clave:
Cardiopatías congénitas; comunicación interauricular; comunicación interventricular; anomalía de Ebstein; tetralogía de Fallot; transposición de grandes vasos; situs inversus; tomografía computarizada multidetector
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Congenital heart disease is relatively common among adults. Patients’ conditions have
generally been diagnosed previously and imaging tests are requested for follow-up or for
complications of the anomaly or of its surgical correction.
Classically,these patients were studied with echocardiography and cardiac catheterization, but multidetector CT and magnetic resonance imaging have changed the approach
because these techniques show the anatomy of heart defects and their correction very
clearly. We emphasize the importance of multidetector CT as a complementary technique for the
study of congenital heart disease that is newly discovered in adults or for the follow-up of
congenital heart disease that was surgically corrected during childhood. When vascular
anomalies are present outside the heart or after palliative surgery, multidetector CT shows
anatomical details that are difficult or impossible to see with echocardiography. We also
emphasize the frequent association between pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart
disease that can debut in adults.
Key Words:
Heart defects congenital; Heart septal defects atrial; Heart septal defects ventricular; Ebstein anomaly; Tetralogy of Fallot; Transposition of great vessels; Spiral cone-beam; Computed tomography multidetector
Utilidad de la ecografía en el estudio de la enfermedad sinovial
Autor: A. Bargiela
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La enfermedad sinovial es frecuente en la práctica clínica y puede tener diferentes
etiologías. La introducción de la ecografía de alta resolución se ha traducido en una mayor
utilización de esta técnica para explorar esta enfermedad. La utilidad de la ecografía
consiste en los siguientes aspectos: A) detectar no sólo la enfermedad sinovial, sino
también sus consecuencias en forma de daño tisular (erosiones);b) obtener líquido
articular guiando la artrocentesis, especialmente en articulaciones poco accesibles
(caderas), cuando clínicamente sea infructuoso o en algunos casos de sospecha de
infección articular; c) evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento en la sinovitis,y d) distinguir
lesiones quísticas benignas de otros tumores.
Para realizar una aproximación global a esta enfermedad utilizamos un criterio semiológico
que nos permite clasificar estas alteraciones en 4 grupos principales: derrame articular,
lesiones quísticas sinoviales, cuerpos libres intraarticulares y engrosamiento sinovial.
Palabras Clave:
Membrana sinovial; Enfermedad sinovial; Ecografía; Ultrasonidos; Articulación sinovial; Sistema musculoesquelético
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Synovial disease is common in clinical practice and can have different causes.The
development of high resolution ultrasonography(US) has led to greater use of US in the study
of synovial disease. In this context, US is useful because (1) it can detect not only synovial
disease, but also its consequences as tissue damage (erosions); (2) it can guide
arthrocentesis when clinical attempts to obtain joint fluid have been unsuccessful,
especially in joints that are difficult to access (hips), or sometimes when joint infections
are clinically suspected;(3) it enables the efficacy of treatment for synovitis to be
evaluated; and(4) it makes it possible to distinguish benign cystic lesions from other tumors.
The overall evaluation of synovial disease is based on semiologic criteria that enables these
alterations to be classified into four main groups:(a) joint effusion,(b) cystic synovial
lesions,(c)intra-articular free bodies, and (d) synovial thickening.
Key Words:
Synovial membrane; Synovial disease; Sonography; Ultrasound; Synovial joint; Musculoskeletal system
Effectiveness of a staged US and CT protocol for the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis: reducing radiation exposure in the age of ALARA
Autores: Rajesh Krishnamoorthi, MD, Naresh Ramarajan, MD, Nancy E. Wang, MD, Beverley Newman, BSc, MBBCh, Erika Rubesova, MD, Claudia M. Mueller, MD and Richard A. Barth, MD
Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
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Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of a staged ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging protocol for the accurate diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in children and the opportunity for reducing the number of CT examinations and associated radiation exposure.
Method:This retrospective study was compliant with HIPAA, and a waiver of informed consent was approved by the institutional review board. This study is a review of all imaging studies obtained in children suspected of having appendicitis between 2003 and 2008 at a suburban pediatric emergency department. A multidisciplinary staged US and CT imaging protocol for the diagnosis of appendicitis was implemented in 2003. In the staged protocol, US was performed first in patients suspected of having appendicitis; follow-up CT was recommended when US findings were equivocal. Of 1228 pediatric patients who presented to the emergency department for suspected appendicitis, 631 (287 boys, 344 girls; age range, 2 months to 18 years; median age, 10 years) were compliant with the imaging pathway. The sensitivity, specificity, negative appendectomy rate (number of appendectomies with normal pathologic findings divided by the number of surgeries performed for suspected appendicitis), missed appendicitis rate, and number of CT examinations avoided by using the staged protocol were analyzed.
The sensitivity and specificity of the staged protocol were 98.6% and 90.6%, respectively. The negative appendectomy rate was 8.1% (19 of 235 patients), and the missed appendicitis rate was less than 0.5% (one of 631 patients). CT was avoided in 333 of the 631 patients (53%) in whom the protocol was followed and in whom the US findings were definitive.
A staged US and CT imaging protocol in which US is performed first in children suspected of having acute appendicitis is highly accurate and offers the opportunity to substantially reduce radiation.
Fallopian tube disease in the nonpregnant patient
Autores: Maryam Rezvani, MD and Akram M. Shaaban, MD
The increasing use of imaging necessitates familiarity with a wide variety of pathologic conditions, both common and rare, that affect the fallopian tube. These conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis for pelvic disease in the nonpregnant patient. The most common condition is pelvic inflammatory disease, which represents a spectrum ranging from salpingitis to pyosalpinx to tubo-ovarian abscess. Isolated tubal torsion is rare but is nevertheless an important diagnosis to consider in the acute setting. Hematosalpinx in a nonpregnant patient can be an indicator of tubal endometriosis; however, care should be taken to exclude tubal torsion or malignancy. Current evidence suggests that the prevalence of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is underestimated and that there is a relationship between PFTC and breast cancer. PFTC has characteristic imaging features that can aid in its detection and in differentiating it from other pelvic masses. Familiarity with fallopian tube disease and the imaging appearances of both the normal and abnormal fallopian tube is crucial for optimal diagnosis and management in emergent as well as ambulatory settings.
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The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer proposed changes to the 7th edition of the Tumor, Node, and Metastasis (TNM) staging manual of non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to improve the prognostic relevance of its descriptors. These changes include the subdivision of T1 and T2 disease according to size cut points; reassignment of the T and M categories of same-lobe, ipsilateral, and contralateral malignant pulmonary nodules; reassignment of pleural disease to metastatic disease; and introduction of intra- and extrathoracic metastatic disease. Because of movement between T and M descriptors and resultant stage migration, new stage groupings that contain TNM subsets different from those of the previous edition were created. The new staging classification was created on the basis of statistical analysis of a large international database of cases of NSCLC. The new classification has many advantages; however, limitations remain. Problems with routine radiologic staging of NSCLC have not been addressed, the varied survival rates for patients with the different histologic subtypes is not reflected, the new classification is not compatible with the previous system, and application of treatment algorithms on the basis of evidence from the previous edition is less clear.