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   Editor: Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen
Coeditor: Dr. Luis Ros Mendoza   


Virtual course on trauma diagnostic imaging

The beginning and the development of the first virtual course in 2010 has been a complete success since the course focused on trauma imaging and, not only because of its broad content and the high number of attendants that the organizers have registered, but also because of the high quality of the presentations.

Students have witnessed this and, even this makes our College proud, the organizers, members of the CIR Electronic Education Department, must be even prouder.

To them, and to all the attendants, students and teachers, we congratulate them on making this education tool available.

To those who have still not registered, you should know that the course continues throughout July and that the contents of the previous course are still available in the www.radiologiavirtual.org portal.

Editors and Directors of CIR

25th International College of Radiology Congress

October 29, 30 and 31, 2010.
Sheraton Hotel Conventions Center, Santiago de Chile.

More information,
click here.

Invitation to Scientific Work

The Interamerican College of Radiology (CIR) and the Chilean Society of Radiology (Sochradi) summon all those who would like to take part in the Announcement of Scientific Work for the CIR Congress in 2010 that will take place from 29 to 31 October, 2010 in Sheraton Hotel, Santiago, Chile.

Schedule of selection process

  • July 30: Deadline to send the summaries
  • September 17: Notification of the result of the selection process to the main authors of the works.
  • October 12: Deadline for the delivery of the complete text of the works that have been selected for the oral presentation. The works that do not fulfill this requirement shall not be presented in the Congress.
  • October 12: Deadline to upload banners to the web site (after this date, the link will not be available).
The rules for the sending of the summaries, the guidelines that the scoring judge will use for their choice and the criteria with which the works will be examined are in the congress web site:


Scholarships of Florida International University and the University of Miami

The new Medicine School of Florida International University (FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine) and the University of Miami (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) offer 5 courtesy registrations for young radiologists from the country members of CIR to attend the following course:

“Advances in almost non-invasive treatments”
from 28 June to 2 July, 2010

Organized by: The new Medicine School of Florida International University (FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine) and the University of Miami (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine).

Site: Ritz Carlton Hotel,
South Beach, Miami.

Regards, Dr Manuel Viamonte Jr.
Former president of CIR, associated Dean of International Affaris and Radiology professor in Florida International University
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

Registrations: cir.admin@servimed.com.mx

CIR visiting professor’s program


They are provided by the Organizing Society.
They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place.
Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office

Breast: the New book of the “Advanced” series of CIR

After the excellent reception of the “Advanced diagnostic imaging” we are glad to announce the release of the volume number 5:


Dr. Miguel Stoopen and Dr. Ricardo García Mónaco

Guest Editors

Dr Román Rostagno (Arg)
Dr Mariana Castro Barba (Arg)

©2010 – Ediciones Journal
ISBN13: 978 – 987 – 1259 – 40 – 3
List Price USD 60.


We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.

You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.



Our readers will be pleased to know that in this 20th anniversary, the Radiological Society of North America has redesigned
its logo as well as the bulletin.
NOTi CIR, which, each month, has the privilege of including a LINK for questions for CIR members, congratulates RSNA News on this anniversary!


¿What is GO RAD?

GO RAD  is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology. The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.

As the world of scholarship and education shrinks by virtue of the electronic tools available, it is appropriate for the international leadership in radiology  to look to current and future global needs. 

Most major radiology journals publish online and offer educational content of tremendous value to radiologists and other related healthcare providers, but open and easy access to just published content is only available to subscribers. 

Through agreements with these cooperating major radiology journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of otherwise restricted access content, providing an electronic link back to the original on-line article, at the time of first publication.

We hope that you take full advantage of this program to improve the health and well being of all.

Editor-in-Chief, GO RAD

List of awarded people by CIR in the WEB.

People awarded by CIR

The Interamerican of Radiology has given several awards and acknowledgements throughout its history to people who have contributed to its development since its creation. The names of the awarded are not well known and that is why a group of colleagues interested in history has worked to collect data and to complete those files that were not kept in past times.

The current list has been uploaded to the CIR’s web site, where it is available for everyone who would like to consult it.


Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen
Dr. Francisco Arredondo
Web Site Editor
Dr. Diego Nuñez Jr.
Awards Coordinator

Make us arrive your query, comment or suggestion by the following form:

We expect your active participation because all messages are welcome.

For entering de form, please make click here

Thanks for your participations!!



They are provided by the Organizing Society. They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place. Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office cir.admin@servimed.com.mx
