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   Editor: Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen
Coeditor: Dr. Luis Ros Mendoza   


CIR in international meetings

2010 will be just as previous years, full of broad academic activity, plus the presence of CIR in two major international meetings: the first one was the International Congress of Radiology which took place last April in Shanghai. The following will be during the Annual Meeting of RSNA in Chicago.

RSNA Meets Latin America is the title of the presentation where a cast of CIR radiologists in charge of Dr Ricardo García Mónaco will introduce the audience the relevant aspects of relations, the prevailing pathology, designed imaging studies and work in progress done by radiologists of the region.

We are all invited!

Revista virtual del CIR

Good News!
Virtual Radiology-CIR Magazine release!
June, 2010

Dear friends:

Within its projects, the Development Plan 2010-2012, in section 2.4 Groups of academic programs, includes the strengthening of Radiology Magazines. As a result, the CIR’s “dream” of publishing a Radiology Virtual Magazine became true. We would like to hare this historic opportunity with you so that in the future it turns out into another CIR Education tool as successful as the rest (including RadiologíaVirtual).

The layout of the CIR Virtual Radiology Magazine will be similar to the other media of CIR such as: CIR-radiología.org, Noti-Cir, radiologívirtual.org and, now, the Virutal Magazine. In its first stage, it will include the 5 official magazines from the countries belonging to the primary group plus tow articles in each Magazine written in its original language and in English. This year we will publish 3 issues and, then, one issue every 3 months on order to publish 4 every year. The articles will be available through a link, which will have access to the complete content of the corresponding magazine.

From this very moment we are considering the best way to link the rest of the Radiology Magazines from the continent and the Iberic peninsula.

The radiology magazines of other countries are the most authorized and respected means of expression of scientific and academic production of its radiologists with educational aims. We shall keep as our cornerstone philosophical principle to exclusively spread the official CIR magazines, our reason of existence.

Finally, we invite all of you to take part of this important project.

To enter de virtual magazine web site: https://www.webcir.org/revistavirtual

As always, kind regards,

Rodrigo Restrepo
President of the Interamerican College of Radiology.

Virtual Course of trauma imaging in June and July

This course will be starting when you receive this issue of NOTiCIR. The course is, today, a topic of everyday practice for all radiologists.

Furthermore, imaging has gained a key role in clinical decision making when treating patients suffering trauma.

You will find general and specific information on radiological management and patient treatment with trauma, both kids and adults. No doubt, this information will help you improve your practice.

If you have not registered yet, do it now!

Jorge Picorel, Francisco Sendra and Oswaldo Ramos, Coordinadores

Complete Agenda

Breast: Fifth book of the “Advanced” series of CIR

Breast: Fifth book of the “Advanced” series of CIR

The editors of the “Advances” series are pleased to inform that the fifth book of the series has been released. This contains updated information about this topic in Spanish.

Guest Editors

Dr. Román Rostagno (Arg)
Dra. Mariana Castro Barba (Arg)

Dr Miguel Stoopen and Dr Ricardo García Mónaco

25th International College of Radiology Congress

October 29, 30 and 31, 2010.
Sheraton Hotel Conventions Center, Santiago de Chile.

More information,
click here.

Spanish Society of Ultrasound (SEUS) scholarships for CIR interns

The Spanish Society of Ultrasound offers two scholarships to residents living in the CIR region to attend the
10th Course for Interns in Guijon, Spain.

The scholarship includes: registration, accommodation and meals. The SEUS will refund 1000 euro for transport expenses.

Attendants can also access to rotation in one of the selected centers, with a minimum duration of 15 days and a maximum duration of 30 days during November and December, 2010. They may choose among the following: Hospital Puerta de Hierro in Madrid, Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla in San Sebastián or Hospital Basurto in Bilbao.

Those who are interested should comply with all the requirements stated in the regulations and shall personally send their completed application directly to the SEUS.

CIR will be informed about the names of the 2 scholarship holders within the deadline (Septembr 9th, 2010). They will be notified by the Scholarships Commission.

To learn more about application requirements,

Scholarships of Florida International University and the University of Miami

The new Medicine School of Florida International University (FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine) and the University of Miami (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) offer 5 courtesy registrations for young radiologists from the country members of CIR to attend the following course:

“Advances in almost non-invasive treatments”
from 28 June to 2 July, 2010

Organized by: The new Medicine School of Florida International University (FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine) and the University of Miami (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine).

Site: Ritz Carlton Hotel,
South Beach, Miami.

Regards, Dr Manuel Viamonte Jr.
Former president of CIR, associated Dean of International Affaris and Radiology professor in Florida International University
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

Registrations: cir.admin@servimed.com.mx


Essential Radiology


José Luis del Cura Rodríguez
Salvador Pedraza Gutierrez
Ángel Gayete Cara

Panamericana Medical Editorial
2 Volumes




We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.

You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.



Our readers will be pleased to know that in this 20th anniversary, the Radiological Society of North America has redesigned
its logo as well as the bulletin.
NOTi CIR, which, each month, has the privilege of including a LINK for questions for CIR members, congratulates RSNA News on this anniversary!


¿What is GO RAD?

GO RAD  is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology. The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.

As the world of scholarship and education shrinks by virtue of the electronic tools available, it is appropriate for the international leadership in radiology  to look to current and future global needs. 

Most major radiology journals publish online and offer educational content of tremendous value to radiologists and other related healthcare providers, but open and easy access to just published content is only available to subscribers. 

Through agreements with these cooperating major radiology journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of otherwise restricted access content, providing an electronic link back to the original on-line article, at the time of first publication.

We hope that you take full advantage of this program to improve the health and well being of all.

Editor-in-Chief, GO RAD

The history corner


He was a Spanish physician and reformist (he was born in Villanueva de Sigena, Huesca, 1511- Champel, Geneva, 1553).

After studying in Zaragoza he was a secretary for Carlos I’s confessor, and he joined him to the Diet of Ausburg in 1530; he stayed in Germany and became acquainted with the reformist groups.

The publication of his work De Trinitatis erroribus (1531) and Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo (1532), where he exposed his ideas opposing the mystery of the Trinity, caused a strong reaction.

Afterwards, Servet moved to Paris, where he studied medicine and, then, worked in Lyon and Vienne.

He kept in touch with Clavin and, in 1546, he sent his book Christianisimi restitutio; but the Geneva reformer denounced him to the Inquisition and Servet was forced to flee the country; on his way to Italy, he was caught in Geneva and, after a long process, he was burned at the stake.

As a physician, Servet discovered the pulmonary circulation and its role in the oxygenation and purification of blood. According to him, blood “is transmitted from the pulmonary artery to the pulmonary vein through the lungs. In this course, blood turns red and gets rid of vapors and gases by means of exhalation.”

In the theological field, his doctrine denied the mystery of the Trinity since, according to Servet, each one of the three Persons is just a different way of expression of the same God.

From this standpoint, he represents the paradigm of freedom of thought and expression, preferring to die at the stake rather than repress his way of thinking.

For Aragon, his country, Servet, discoverer of pulmonary circulation, is one of the main pillars of Science and Culture together with writer and philosopher Baltasar Garcián (author of “The Criticón”, among other famous writings), the painter Francisco de Goya, and doctor Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Luis Ros Mendoza
Associated Editor

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They are provided by the Organizing Society. They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place. Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office cir.admin@servimed.com.mx
