Letter to the Presidents 25th Interamerican congress of Radiology
Dear friends of the Interamerican College of Radiology:
As you may know, the 25th Congress of ICR shall be held in Santiago de Chile from October 29 to 31this year.
One of the main objectives of the congress is to generate a scientific environment, a space for friendship and encounter for ibero American radiologists.
We recommend you the to visit Congress web site http://congresocir2010.org/index.php, where you Hill find updated information on the Congress, including the scientific agenda and the lecturers invited.
The organization staff has worked in order that this is a gathering of excellence. Some of the lecturers are distinguished radiologists, most of which are ICR members. The high-leveled academic program is designed in simultaneous modules dealing with the different sub specialties. We will also have the opportunity to see the investigations carried out in our countries. These shall be presented orally as well as with electronic posters. We would like to highlight the organization of the plenary session "Towards an Ibero American Radiology of excellence" in which experts will approach the main challenges of the radiology practice in our region. We are sure that it will be utterly interesting for Ibero American radiology.
We thank you for your participation and we are looking forward to seeing you, as well as many other radiologists of your country.
Rodrigo Restrepo
Miguel Ángel Pinochet
Interamerican Congress poster |
29, 30 and 31 of October 2010.
Convetion center Sheraton Hotel, Santiago de Chile.
More information
Electronic Education Department |
We are pleased to invite you to the VIRTUAL COURSE ON TRAUMA DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, which will be held in www.radiologiavirtual.org in June.
This course is particularly interesting since traumas are a big part of emergency medicine, where radiology expertise plays a fundamental part in clinical decision-making.
This, and the cross curricular issues of its content, makes this course appealing beyond the radiology field; that is why we hope it is also interesting for colleagues of other medical specialties such as traumatologists, surgeons, therapists and other professionals involved in medical emergencies.
The syllabus includes general aspects of radiology handling concerning trauma, moving on to anatomic regions, as well as specific issues related to trauma in pediatrics.
Jorge Picorel, Francisco Sendra y Oswaldo Ramos, Coordinators.
Critical review of ICR Book of Neuroradiology |
Editors: M. Stoopen. R. García Mónaco.
Guest editor: Enrique Palacio Ediciones Journal, 2010. ISBN 978-987-1259-35-9. 260 pages.
No doubt the quick development of imaging technologies of the last 30 years has allowed the anatomic and functional understanding of numerous neurological diseases. This gave rise to the possibility of successfully modifying the natural course of many pathological processes.
In this wonderful issue, the editor introduces an update of diagnostic and interventional techniques used nowadays in a wide range of neurological pathologies and he highlights what the contribution of functional imaging techniques has meant. This book brings together a select group of authors, leaders of prestigious academic institutions and many of who are worldwide known for their contributions to neuroradiology.
The different chapters deal with updated reviews of a great variety of topics, such as neurodegenerative, infectious and tumor diseases, and epilepsy, among others. The author puts special emphasis on the advances on diagnosis techniques. There are other chapters that focus on functional techniques and their present applications. The chapter dealing with Multiple Sclerosis shows a short but very complete review of the conventional and advanced study of imaging in the diagnosis and follows up of this pathology. There is also a very interesting chapter that includes brain and facial vascular malformations where you can find a new classification based on embryologic and genetic concepts of several vascular syndromes. The chapter dedicated to the study of acute cerebrovascular accidents reviews the present protocols for neuroimaging. There is also a chapter dealing with neuro interventional, which shows a wide variety of endovascular procedures available in the neuroradiology field. Finally, one of the last chapters is dedicated to the PET/CT of SNC, which is an emerging way of imaging in our environment and which has important applications in our specialty.
*This new neuroradiological version is easy-reading and entertaining, and it is an important contribution for specialists in the filed as well as for radiologists in general, interns and clinical doctors related to neurology.
No doubt this new book of the collection “Advances in Imaging Diagnosis” of ICR is, once more, a high-leveled publication for the Latin-American medical community.
Dr. Patricia Orellana P.
Chief Doctor of Neuroradiology
Imaging Service
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile |
Medical imaging specialists call for global referral guidelines |
Key representatives of the world's leading medical imaging societies have recommended that a common set of global referral guidelines for appropriate use of medical imaging be produced, in the first such global meeting of experts convened under WHO auspices in nearly two decades.
Experts from international, regional and national professional societies as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission, met in the WHOhosted consultation in Geneva, 1-3 March, 2010. The consultation, "Referral Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Radiation Imaging", was held in the context of the WHO Global Initiative on Radiation Safety in Health Care Settings (Global Initiative), launched in December 2008.
Their call comes in the wake of trends that have seen diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology procedures being used more and more to accurately diagnose a wide range of illnesses and injuries and provide life-saving treatment.
At the same time, however, appropriate use of such technologies is becoming an important health policy concern, particularly since medical radiation exposure constitutes the main source of radiation exposures in many countries and inappropriate use can lead to unnecessary exposures.
The 36 experts, representing 23 agencies and professional societies from across WHO's six regions, agreed upon a roadmap to develop an international set of evidence-based referral guidelines and facilitate their implementation. Plans also call for monitoring the use and evaluation of the impact of the use of such guidance in different clinical settings.
The consultation recommended development of a global set of referral guidelines under the umbrella of WHO, and in collaboration with other relevant international bodies. This would include review, adaptation and expansion, as necessary, of evidence-based guidelines that exist nationally and regionally.
To see the whole article, click here..
More information
We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.
You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.
¿What is GO RAD?
GO RAD is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology. The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.
As the world of scholarship and education shrinks by virtue of the electronic tools available, it is appropriate for the international leadership in radiology to look to current and future global needs.
Most major radiology journals publish online and offer educational content of tremendous value to radiologists and other related healthcare providers, but open and easy access to just published content is only available to subscribers.
Through agreements with these cooperating major radiology journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of otherwise restricted access content, providing an electronic link back to the original on-line article, at the time of first publication.
We hope that you take full advantage of this program to improve the health and well being of all.
Editor-in-Chief, GO RAD
We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.
You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.
The history corner |
Paracelsus, born Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim, was a swiss phyisician, philosopher and chemist (Einsiedeln, 1493-Salzburg, 1541).
He was the son of a rural doctor and after he studied in Germany, Italy and France, he was named professor of the University of Basel in 1526. He was forced to abandon this position because his theories and his attitudes repudiated the classic physicians (Hipocrates, Galen, Avicenn).
From 1529 onwards he carried a nomadic existence trough various European cities, including Zaragoza, where he spread his reforming scientific ideas, specially his medical, philosophic and theological ideas.
He tried to explain every phenomenon from experience. For him, experience was the direct intuition of the visible world. Besides, he asserted that vital processes have a chemical nature and that medicine constitutes the cornerstone of all knowledge; the true physician is a philosopher, an astronomer and a theologian at the same time.
He believed that man is like a microcosm which integrates all the processes, rates and forces of nature and, therefore, the medical practice should find support in four pillars: philosophy, astronomy, virtue and alchemy.
Despite his contradictions and, occasionally his dark language, he was given credit for having contributed to the renovation of medicine, especially in Germany, and of having established the bases of therapeutics based on chemical principles.
Some of his most outstanding works are: Paragranum (1530), Paramirum (1530), Philosophia Magna (1532-1533), Labyrinthus medicorum errantium (1537).
Luis Ros Mendoza
Associated Editor
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They are provided by the Organizing Society. They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place. Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office cir.admin@servimed.com.mx