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   Editor: Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen
Coeditor: Dr. Luis Ros Mendoza   


International Congress of Radiology

It was held in Shanghai, Republic of China, the 25th International Congress of Radiology. It took place from April 8th through 12th.

Organized by the International Society of Radiology (ISR), this congress is held every two years in a different country together with the local society.

CIR Directors attended this Congress representing our continental society. On behalf of the radiologists of Latin America, they presented in an official session of the Congress the topics that relate to the recent corporative activity in the region. These are, mainly, electronic education, publications and knowledge certification.

President's letter

Dear colleagues,

Medical imaging specialists from international, regional and national professional societies as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission, met in Geneva, 1-3 March, 2010 during the WHO consultation on “Referral Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Radiation Imaging”.

It was agreed to collaborate for producing a global set of evidence-based referral guidelines and to facilitate their implementation. Plans also call for monitoring their use and evaluating their impact in different clinical settings. This collaboration will include review, adaptation and expansion, as necessary, of existing guidelines to make them suitable for those countries where such referral tools still don't exist.

The ultimate purpose is to promote good medical practice through an appropriate use of medical imaging. Reduction of unnecessary radiation exposure by justification of radiological medical procedures is a major goal for the Global Initiative and this international effort will contribute to that goal.

We invite you to be part of this international effort , we will keep you informed about the next steps.

You can find more information at http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/about/med_exposure/en/index2.html and we are also attaching the additional information as a pdf file.

Kindest regards,

Dr Rodrigo Restrepo

Interamerican Congress poster

29, 30 and 31 of October 2010.
Convetion center Sheraton Hotel, Santiago de Chile.

More information will be available soon.

Neuro radiology: fourth book from the "Advances" Series

Advance Series

After the excellent reception of the advances series, we have the pleasure to announce the launch of a new book:


Advances in Imaging Diagnosis - CIR

Editors: M. Stoopen and R. García Mónaco
Neuro radiology
Invited Editors: Enrique Palacios

©2010 - Journal Edition
ISBN13: 978-987-1259-35-9
260 pages - with images and colour illustrations

Cartoné binding – Format 20 x 28 cm.

You can also buy it making click in  PURCHASE

For more information, click here


¿What is GO RAD?

GO RAD  is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology. The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.

As the world of scholarship and education shrinks by virtue of the electronic tools available, it is appropriate for the international leadership in radiology  to look to current and future global needs. 

Most major radiology journals publish online and offer educational content of tremendous value to radiologists and other related healthcare providers, but open and easy access to just published content is only available to subscribers. 

Through agreements with these cooperating major radiology journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of otherwise restricted access content, providing an electronic link back to the original on-line article, at the time of first publication.

We hope that you take full advantage of this program to improve the health and well being of all.

Editor-in-Chief, GO RAD



We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.

You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.



The history corner


This name was the one scholastics used to refer to the Persian philosopher Ibn Sina (Afshana, Bukhara, 980 – Hamadan, 1037).

He was famous for his knowledge of medicine as well as for his education in Philosophy, Math and Astronomy. He was also a physician and a counselor for several Persian sovereigns.

He was a very famous doctor in the East; his Canon of Medicine, translated into Latin in the 12th century, was considered the cornerstone text in all West schools. He wrote more than a hundred works about different issues, but he mainly focused on the study of Aristotelian philosophy. This helped him define the relations between the being of an object and its essence, and the relation between the possible and the necessary. In the universe, Avicenna says, there is an absolutely necessary being in which essence and existence coexist: God; he exists after the possible and receives the need of its being from the “absolutely necessary” (for example: the human soul), and, finally, the possible which is subject to perishing. The universe is never ending because God, an absolute need, could have never wanted his existence first and then not wanted it.

In this way, Avicenna’s metaphysics misses the characteristic feature of Christian metaphysics, which claims that Creation is an act of divine will. Avicenna’s doctrine would be fully discussed in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: the doctrine of unity of active intellect. The active “operation” by which you meet the essence of the known object, cannot be done by our intellect, but by a sole active intellect, the divine one that, basically, thinks within us and for us.

Avicenna’s main philosophic works is The Book of Healing.

It is worth to mention the 1316-verse summary of Avicenna’s medical knowledge made in the East: the “Aryuza”, which by 1280 was translated by the French physician Armengaud de Montpellier. Montpellier added some comments known as “Cantica”.

Avicenna’s medical knowledge is captured in a Spanish popular saying that translates: Suppers killed more than Avicenna cured. This saying intends to show how harmful is to eat excessively at the and of the day and to compare the negative effects of this fact with the Persian physician and philosopher’s good practice.

Luis Ros Mendoza
Associated Editor

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They are provided by the Organizing Society. They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place. Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office cir.admin@servimed.com.mx
