We begin 2010 with volume seven
As we begin the seventh year of NOTiCIR, our electronic newsletter, we may congratulate ourselves for its continuity. It has become a regular and trustworthy tool for transmitting news and information within our corporation. This tool is not ephemeral, since all the past issues published since 2004 are available in the web site of the Inter American College of Radiology https://www.webcir.org
While the main contents remain the news from the corporation and its members, this year we are also introducing a cultural section called “The history corner”. We have designed it in order to bring to memory some relevant events and facts from some great doctors. We will begin this series with some select teachers from the ancient times, to move on later to the pioneers and beginners of radiology from the CIR countries. For this task we will be needing all the cooperation and support of all of you who are interested in history. Please receive as from today our invitation to this space.
Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen; Dr. Luis Ros Mendoza |
Report from the President |
Dear colleagues, members of the CIR:
One of the permanent goals of the Board of Directors of the Inter American College of Radiology that I am proud to be president of has been to permanently inform our members of the activities, achievements and projects of our institution. In this opportunity I would like to present to you a summary of some of the activities, decisions and most important tasks carried out by the CIR. The aim of this is to let you know about our latest news as well as encouraging you to continue participating actively as you have so far.
To this purpose, we have placed in the web site of the College a Summary of the activities carried out by the Board of Directors and the President of the CIR during the week of the RSNA meeting in Chicago (Saturday, 28th November to Wednesday, 2nd December, 2009) and in the CIR General Ordinary Meeting that took place on Tuesday, 1st December 2009
More Information
Yours faithfully,
Dr Rodrigo Restrepo
President |
Changes in the Department of Electronic Education |
Dear members of the CIR community
I would like to communicate the changes that will take place as from 2010 in the Department of Electronic Education and its portal www.radiologiavirtual.org
Doctors Javier Rodríguez Recio and Alejandro Beresñak have left their places as coordinators of the Department, moved by personal reasons and obligations, as part of what they have called “the natural renewal process”, after 5 years of great accomplishments. They were awarded the prize: Diploma for Academic Merit, the greatest honor the CIR awards in the academic area fixed by its statutes.
As their substitutes, Doctor Francisco Sendra and Doctor Jorge Picorel have been appointed, who have accepted the challenge of continuing the great task carried out so far. They will be completing the group with Dr. Oswaldo Ramos, who has been collaborating for some time now.
The Board of Directors and the President of the CIR, in their obligations of looking after the development of education in America, Spain and Portugal and acknowledging the great importance that the Virtual Education Department has in this goal, would like to thank both the outgoing and the incoming doctors and wish them all success in their new personal responsibilities.
Friendly hugs,
Rodrigo Restrepo González
President of the CIR
Departament of Electronic Education |
Departament of Electronic Education 2010 Members.
Dr Oswaldo Ramos |
Dr Jorge Picorel |
Dr Francisco Sendra Portero |
Honors to Members of the CIR |
CIR Professor, frequent collaborator in all educational tasks, article writer and Hardvard University Professor, Dr. Rafaél Rojas Jasso has received this honorable award. Through the NOTiCIR we hereby extend our congratulations and the acknowledgement of the Ibero American radiological community
Third book from the Advances Series of the CIR |
Following the great reception met by the Advances Series, we are pleased to announce the release of a new issue:
Advances in Imaging Diagnosis - CIR
Editors: M. Stoopen and R. García Mónaco
Skeletal muscle
Guest Editors: Rodrigo Restrepo Gonzáles
Guest Editors: Carlos R. Giménez
©2010 – Journal Editions
ISBN13: 978-987-1259-33-5
240 pages – with color images and illustrations.
Cartoné binding – Format 20 x 28 cm.
You can also buy it making click in PURCHASE |
Critical review of the Skeletal Muscle book |
“Skeletal muscle radiology has a very significant place in radiological practice, that has been increased progressively in time thanks to the continuous development in imaging techniques applied to the increasing volume of patients with pathologies in their locomotor system.
The Inter American College of Radiology (CIR) delivers a new version of their excellent books, dedicated this time to skeletal muscle radiology. Its format is very practical and comfortable and it is excellently illustrated. The authors are prominent and their useful articles include a wide variety of topics. Authors are international level experts, who work as professors acknowledged for their scientific contributions to skeletal muscle radiology.
The first section of the book includes entire chapters devoted to one joint (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, foot, spine) and its pathologies, evaluated with a multi-focus approach. The second section includes chapters dedicated to specific pathologies (comprehensive neuropathies, sport injuries, bone tumors, soft tissues tumors), which are all very well illustrated. The final chapter shows the variety of procedures that are available in interventionist radiology for the skeletal muscle system. Different chapters review in a directed way the most important advances in some areas, or else the issues that hold more practical interest.
The book is aimed to and will prove to be very useful to general radiologists and specialists in this area, as well as for residents, technologists and specialists from other areas in medicine who are interested in the different topics that are dealt with, plus it is indirectly of great use for our patients. “
Dr. Álvaro Burdiles
Radiology Professor
Skeletal muscle Radiology Section – Radiology Department
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
XXV Inter American Radiology Congress |
Place: Santiago de Chile
Date: from October 27th through 29th, 2010
More information will be
available in the future. |
We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.
You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.
The history corner |
Famous Greek doctor (Cos, c. 460 a. C. - Tesalia c. 370 a. C.), called “the father of medicine”. Son of Heraclites, from the Asclepiads family, received his first lessons from his father and learned philosophy from Democritus and from Gorgia Siculo.
As the other wise men of his time, he was a traveler. According to his writings, we know that he visited Tasos, Tesalia,Tracia, Egypt and Libya.
He is considered the most famous doctor in ancient Greece. His importance lies in the fact that, with him, medicine is separated from a religious conception and its previous superstitious practices. He was the founder of a medical ethics and moral (expressed, partially, in his famous “Oath”), related to a medical class, independent from the priestly caste, though perhaps somehow related to its tradition.
His conception of medicine is a synthesis of different philosophical, biological and medical schools of the time. This is how he manages to build an actual man system, far from the utilitarianism empiricism of the Egipcian. According to him, illness has its cause in the impurity or disproportion of the four fundamental humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, corresponding to the four natural elements: air, earth, water and fire. Harmony of these elements was supposedly ruled by the vis naturae (force of nature) and a sick body would also have a natural tendency to heal itself, eliminating or moving the impurity of the humors; the doctor needed then only to observe carefully the course of the disease in order to be able to help nature in the precise moment.
His great fame is founded, mainly, in being the one who proposed to remove medicine from the religious practices from its time, and on being the inventor of experimental medicine.
His doctrine is formulated in the famous “Aphorisms”, that were considered up until the XVIII century as the classic and funding text of medicine. His work, that of his school and of his disciples, written in Ionic, were all gathered by the library of Alexandria in the Corpus hippocraticum. Amongst other of his works, Prognosis, Of Diet and Of Epidemics, are worth mentioning.
Luis Ros Mendoza
Associated Editor
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Thanks for your participations!! |
They are provided by the Organizing Society. They are destined to members of the CIR that belong to countries different that the one where the event takes place. Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office