CIR celebrates its 21st Congress
The CIR has celebrated its 21st Interamerican Congress of Radiology in Santiago de Chile together with the Chilean Congress of Radiology under the management of Dr. Gloria Soto G. and Presidents Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo and Miguel Ángel Pinochet.
The big number of attendants could enjoy a scientific program of great quality in a friendly environment in which many Latin American radiologists have contributed to scientific presentations dealing with present issues of the specialty.
Latin American radiologists who attended the meeting have also the opportunity to renew friendship bonds and to establish new work projects which shall contribute to radiology and imaging progress.
Editores y Directivos del CIR | |
Academic Merit Diploma |
In compliance with the Agreement of the CIR’s General Assembly held in Chicago on 1st December, 2009, Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo, President of CIR, delivered the Academic Merit Diploma to Doctors J. R. Recio and A. Beresñak in the opening ceremony.
This acknowledgment was given due to their outstanding work in favor of radiologists’ education since they implemented the Radiologiavirtual.org portal in the Electronic Education Department of CIR. This portal also created the first congresses and courses that benefited millions of radiologists and residents in our College.
Benefactor Diploma |
During the opening ceremony of the 21st Interamerican Congress of Radiology, Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo, President of CIR, delivered the Benefactor Diploma to:
General Electric International INC
for its unlimited support to education through the GE-CIR-Karpovas Fund. The award was given in compliance with the Agreement of the CIR’s General Assembly held in Chicago on 1st December, 2009. |
Gold Medal of CIR |
During the closing ceremony of the 21st Interamerican Congress of Radiology in Santiago de Chile, Dr. Claudio Cortes was given the Gold Medal.
Claudio Cortes
By virtue of his performance as teacher and educator which is acknowledged by the whole community of CIR. |
21st President of CIR |
Oswaldo Ramos Nuñez
In Santiago de Chile Dr. Oswaldo Ramos Nuñez took on the management of Interamerican College of Radiology as the 21st president of our corporation during the Electoral General Assembly held on 31st October, 2010.
Dr. Ramos Nuñez, a well known radiologist from Venezuela, has carried out several functions in radiology in his country and throughout Latin America.
CIR’s new Board of Directors 2010-2011 |
Pursuant to CIR’s by-laws, the Electoral General Assembly was held during the Interamerican Congress of Radiology. The aim of the Assembly was to examine the candidates proposed by the College members and to carry out the elections of those who will be part of the Board of Directors for 2010-2011. The results are showed below:
President: | Dr. Oswaldo Ramos (Venezuela) |
Elected President: | Dra Gloria Soto G (Chile) |
General Secretary: | Dr Pedro Unshelm (Venezuela) |
Treasurer: | Dr. Fermín Saez G. (España) |
Member of the board: | Dr. Carlos Tarzián (Argentina) |
CIR Session in Chicago, Tuesday November 30th |
"Latin America" presents at RSNA 2010: A journey through Latin American Radiology: Past, Present and Future.
On Tuesday November 30th from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. a very interesting session will take place during the RSNA (Room E353C). Several important issues about Latin American Radiology will be introduced. The session will be chaired by Dr. Hedvig Hricak, RSNA president, and coordinated by Dr. Ricardo García Mónaco. Many distinguished radiologists of our corporation will also take part of this event.
Below there is a detailed description of the session program:
- Introduction - Dr. Ricardo D. Garcia Mónaco (Argentina)
- Latin America-RSNA Collaborations: Back to the Future - Dr. Miguel E. Stoopen (México)
- Endemic Diseases in Latin America: Role of Imaging - Dr. Francisco A. Arredondo (Guatemala)
- Radiology in Latin America: Contributions to Imaging Science - Dr. Alfredo E. Buzzi (Argentina)
- Innovations in Imaging Originating in Latin America: Works in Progress – Dr. Ricardo D. Garcia Mónaco (Argentina)
- TI-RADS: An US Classification of Thyroid Nodules Related to Cancer Risk – Dra. Eleonora Horvath (Chile)
- Virtual MDCT Pneumoesophagoscopy – Dra. Marina Ulla (Argentina)
- Virtual MDCT Hysteroscopy – Dra. Patricia M. Carrascosa , (Argentina)
- Embolization of Prostatic Adenoma – Dr. Francisco C. Carnevale (Brasil)
- Angiomovil – Dr. Néstor Kisilevzky (Brasil)
- Functional RM to Replace Wada Test in Epilepsy – Dr. Herwin Speckter (República Dominicana)
It is worth mentioning the importance that RSNA has given to this session of about Latin America.
If you wish to learn more about this, click here.
We invite the whole Latin American community to attend the aforementioned session in order to join and support Latin American radiology in this significant event.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to welcome the 3rd Meeting of Services with Teaching-Residency in Radiology of Virtual Radiology. This event is specially thought for residents: radiologists who are attending training programs and who have key role in this encounter. It is an opportunity to show educational contents of more than 60 services throughout Ibero-America.
We encourage you to take this chance to get acquainted with the way people work in different services and we hope that it will result in an exchange of life experiences.
Francisco Sendra, Oswaldo Ramos y Jorge Picorel
Coordinadores de Radiología Virtual.
Pediatrics Ultrasound
Editors |
Dr Miguel Stoopen |
| Dr Ricardo García Mónaco |
Guest Editor | Dra Gloria Soto G |
Editorial Journals
Dr Miguel Stoopen
“Honor Member”
of the French Society of Radiology
The award was given during the last French Seminar of Radiology in Paris,
together with doctors Maximilian Reiser from Munich and Gary Glazer from Stanford. |
They are provided by the Organizing Society.
They are addressed to members of the CIR that belong to all but the host country.
Applications should be made to the CIR Administrative Office
www.cir-radiologia.org |
We invite all the NOT i CIR readers to see directly from this space the monthly informative newsletter: RSNA News which the Radiological Society of North America has kindly offered us.
You will be able to access the most recent issue of the newsletter, as well as the index for previous issues both in the website (html) and PDF file.
Our readers will be pleased to know that in this 20th anniversary, the Radiological Society of North America has redesigned
its logo as well as the bulletin.
NOTi CIR, which, each month, has the privilege of including a LINK for questions for CIR members, congratulates RSNA News on this anniversary!
¿What is GO RAD?
GO RAD is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology. The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.
As the world of scholarship and education shrinks by virtue of the electronic tools available, it is appropriate for the international leadership in radiology to look to current and future global needs.
Most major radiology journals publish online and offer educational content of tremendous value to radiologists and other related healthcare providers, but open and easy access to just published content is only available to subscribers.
Through agreements with these cooperating major radiology journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of otherwise restricted access content, providing an electronic link back to the original on-line article, at the time of first publication.
We hope that you take full advantage of this program to improve the health and well being of all.
Editor-in-Chief, GO RAD |
Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a Spanish histologist. He was born in Petilla de Aragón in 1852 and died in Madrid in 1934.
Since a very early age he was inclined to sketching and painting; these two hobbies would be very useful for his later work. Because he wasn’t very keen on studying, his father made him work as an apprenticed to a barber and to a cobbler.
In 1873 he took his Licentiate in Medicine, he entered the Military Health Corp as an army doctor and, in 1874, he travelled to Cuba. After finishing a doctorate at Madrid (1877) he was appointed Director of the Anatomic Museum in the University of Zaragoza. In 1883 he was appointed the chair of Anatomy in the University of Valencia. From 1887 to 1892 he was appointed Professor of Histology at Barcelona and later that same year he was appointed to the same chair at Madrid.
As opposed to the prevailing theories of reticularism, he established that neurons are independent cells which communicate with each other by contact. His discoveries, which were possible thanks to staining techniques also discovered by him, confirm this theory known as the neuron doctrine.
The German Anatomic Society in Berlin (1889) made his work famous worldwide. Summoned by the London Society he gave the Croonian Lecture in 1894 and he was appointed honorary doctor by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. He visited the United States as a guest of the Clark University to give a series of lectures.
He won several prizes, as the Moscow Prize, given by the International Congress of Medicine in 1900, the gold medal of Helhoba, awarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin (1904) and the Nobel Prize of Medicine which he shared with Golgi, in 1906.
A tireless worker, he published more than two hundred articles in local and international journals. Among his work, we can find Manual de Histología normal y Técnica micrográfica (Manual of normal Histology and micrographic technique) (1889), Manual de Anatomía Patológica general (Manual of General Pathologic Anatomy) (1890-1892), Textura del sistema nervioso del hombre y de los vertebrados (Textbook on the nervous system of man and the vertebrates) (1904).
He is considered the creator of the Spanish School of Histology, which received well known students such as Tello, Del Río-Ortega or Lorente de No. Not only was he a man of science, but he was also a man of exquisite words, and an observer of life, as shown in his work Recuerdos de mi vida (Recollections of my life) (1917) and Charlas de café (Coffee Chatters) (1921).
Don Santiago is one of the most important medical figures, who represents modern times, as well as a role model for most researchers. Aragón, where he was born, considers him one of its most distinguished figures.
Dr. Luis Ros Mendoza
Associated Editor
Please, send your requests, comments or suggestions using the following form:
We look forward to your active participation, since all opinions or suggestions are welcomed.
To view the form, please click here
Thank!! |
They are granted by the society in charge of the organization. They are addressed to CIR members who belong to other countries and who do not live in the country hosting the event. Requests should be sent to the CIR administration office.
www.cir-radiologia.org |